Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

Be a way cooler way to go, fighting off an army of intelligent robots to the death.

Rather than just blindly continuing on the same path, not heeding warnings and science, and then slowly polluting ourselves into extinction.
Extinction is extinction. I don't see much difference.

'Collapse', by Dr Jared Diamond. The 'sequel' to Guns, Germs & Steel, it discusses human civilizations that have come and gone before the modern era. There were a lot of them and they offer lessons for us if we care to listen.

One of the best examples is that of Easter Island; several competing factions stripped the island of its resources in competition with each other and ultimately everyone died, leaving behind a denuded landscape with only stone statues facing inward.

The only difference between the Easter Islanders and us is that we have the technology to do it to the entire Earth.
humans need water to survive and water is a good way to stop radiation,, so the thought is to line the outer walls of the craft w/ water... sounds awfull heavy to me..

. can anyone tell me why we havnt gone back to the moon in almost 40 years now?? i know we still use the same propulsion system but computers have advanced,, a computer on board the apollo was bigger than a refridgerator.. now we have smart phones that can do more than the huge ass computer on apollo missions and less weight means we need less fuel.. i can not for the life of me figure out why we or another country hasnt gone to the moon?? it just doesnt make sence if we made it to the moon what 6 times between 69-72 then never again,, like we know all there is to know about the moon so no reason to go back?? they now say the moon is covered w hellium3 a very rare element here on earth it can be used for fuel.;. why dont we put a mine on the moon and use it as an outpost for further space travel?? pluss the moons gravity is minimul compared to earth again meaning we would need alot less fuel..once again we would need to go back to do any of these things,,now we set our target for mars,,,the moon is much closer and would be great for taking off from as a mars mission...WHY,WHY,WHY??? NOT TO MENTION HOW MANY THINK WE HOAXED THE MOON LANDING?? GO JUST TO PROVE THEM WRONG!!! better cameras today to,,w/google earth u can look at any place on earth,, why isnt there a satalite going around the moon taking pictures that we all can see,,google moon??

sorry bout the change in subject but its a subject that nobody can seem to answer,,,again WHY
Because our defense industry doesn't profit from peaceful exploration. Once we won the Cold War era brownie points by being first on the moon, there was no more reason to go. I think the logic sucks too, FWIW.

Yes we need to go back to the Moon and build everything you say, using the moon as a stepping stone to the colonization of the solar system. And we need to do it ASAP.
humans need water to survive and water is a good way to stop radiation,, so the thought is to line the outer walls of the craft w/ water... sounds awfull heavy to me..

. can anyone tell me why we havnt gone back to the moon in almost 40 years now?? i know we still use the same propulsion system but computers have advanced,, a computer on board the apollo was bigger than a refridgerator.. now we have smart phones that can do more than the huge ass computer on apollo missions and less weight means we need less fuel.. i can not for the life of me figure out why we or another country hasnt gone to the moon?? it just doesnt make sence if we made it to the moon what 6 times between 69-72 then never again,, like we know all there is to know about the moon so no reason to go back?? they now say the moon is covered w hellium3 a very rare element here on earth it can be used for fuel.;. why dont we put a mine on the moon and use it as an outpost for further space travel?? pluss the moons gravity is minimul compared to earth again meaning we would need alot less fuel..once again we would need to go back to do any of these things,,now we set our target for mars,,,the moon is much closer and would be great for taking off from as a mars mission...WHY,WHY,WHY??? NOT TO MENTION HOW MANY THINK WE HOAXED THE MOON LANDING?? GO JUST TO PROVE THEM WRONG!!! better cameras today to,,w/google earth u can look at any place on earth,, why isnt there a satalite going around the moon taking pictures that we all can see,,google moon??

sorry bout the change in subject but its a subject that nobody can seem to answer,,,again WHY

the photos are clearly fake is one reason, no film would ever survive the Van Allen belt. No one from NASA has dared explain this fallacy.
There is a place here on the West Coast, said to the be the "real" site of the moon landing.

Moon landings and physics are not compatible at the moment. Stupid humans.
First it's 1000 years, then he re-ran the equation now it's 100 years.

I'd like to hear another scientists opinion @heckler73?

If Hawkings equation was off when he figured it to be 100 from 1000, perhaps his equation is still off?
Heckler is a climate science denier. In an earlier discussion with him, he completely botched very a simple heat transfer equation. He then posted his botched math as fact to make a false claim about climate science. He might have taken a first year undergraduate course in physics but I don't think he made a passing grade.

My guess is, if he's a scientist, it's more like political science, which is not science at all.
the photos are clearly fake is one reason, no film would ever survive the Van Allen belt. No one from NASA has dared explain this fallacy.
There is a place here on the West Coast, said to the be the "real" site of the moon landing.

Moon landings and physics are not compatible at the moment. Stupid humans.
Wowser. "Van Allen Belt", destroyer of all film. Moon landings and physics not compatible. LOL
Extinction is extinction. I don't see much difference.

'Collapse', by Dr Jared Diamond. The 'sequel' to Guns, Germs & Steel, it discusses human civilizations that have come and gone before the modern era. There were a lot of them and they offer lessons for us if we care to listen.

One of the best examples is that of Easter Island; several competing factions stripped the island of its resources in competition with each other and ultimately everyone died, leaving behind a denuded landscape with only stone statues facing inward.

The only difference between the Easter Islanders and us is that we have the technology to do it to the entire Earth.

I learned that the fall of Easter Island was first due to European settlers bringing rats to the island, which began to upset that natural cycle of the island. I always am in disbelief that people used to canoe endlessly, with little food and water, thousands of miles to uncharted territories. Can you imagine that? Alright get in this shitty wooden canoe and lets row 1000+ miles until we hit something lol. Oh and we have hardly any food or water, no map, no general direction.
Wowser. "Van Allen Belt", destroyer of all film. Moon landings and physics not compatible. LOL
Right. That's why the live TV pictures were fake too, yet we can watch daily proceedings on the ISS.

The know nothings must be shouted down, their every ignorant statement clubbed over the head with science and facts until all of them are discredited.

Democracy does not make their ignorance as good or valid as our facts.
I learned that the fall of Easter Island was first due to European settlers bringing rats to the island, which began to upset that natural cycle of the island. I always am in disbelief that people used to canoe endlessly, with little food and water, thousands of miles to uncharted territories. Can you imagine that? Alright get in this shitty wooden canoe and lets row 1000+ miles until we hit something lol. Oh and we have hardly any food or water, no map, no general direction.
This was an early theory, discredited by later study.

The Pacific Islanders were and remain an amazing people, able to build maps showing reflective wave patterns from land beyond the horizon. They sailed most of the way, only rowing past the breakers.
Yes we need to go back to the Moon and build everything you say, using the moon as a stepping stone to the colonization of the solar system. And we need to do it ASAP.

Yes we do, but there are obstacles.

When we started the space program, we had a huge tax base with much higher tax rates for the super rich, and overwhelming support from the entire country to explore space.

We're going in the wrong direction these days on so many levels, especially with how utterly stupid these cement heads are who deny science and refute our previous space travel. Moon landings are well documented. Only fake news and the simplest minds can argue that.

As far as deep space travel, we only understand the laws of physics as they apply to earth and the local solar system. There's a lot to be learned about the other solar systems and the other 99.999...% of the universe, about which we can only guess at this time.

Just for contrast, consider that 120 years ago, houses didn't even have electricity or plumbing, and had to pump drinking water from a well, and flying was nothing but a dream.
Yes we do, but there are obstacles.

When we started the space program, we had a huge tax base with much higher tax rates for the super rich, and overwhelming support from the entire country to explore space.

We're going in the wrong direction these days on so many levels, especially with how utterly stupid these cement heads are who deny science and refute our previous space travel. Moon landings are well documented. Only fake news and the simplest minds can argue that.

As far as deep space travel, we only understand the laws of physics as they apply to earth and the local solar system. There's a lot to be learned about the other solar systems and the other 99.999...% of the universe, about which we can only guess at this time.

Just for contrast, consider that 120 years ago, houses didn't even have electricity or plumbing, and had to pump drinking water from a well, and flying was nothing but a dream.
All of our obstacles are surmountable, we just need the will to do it.

I agree with your assessment of our current sociopolitical problems. We've turned inward and it's a fatal mistake in the long run.
This was an early theory, discredited by later study.

The Pacific Islanders were and remain an amazing people, able to build maps showing reflective wave patterns from land beyond the horizon. They sailed most of the way, only rowing past the breakers.

Even with a rudimentary map, they had no idea where they were going though. They couldn't possibly map the ocean in enough detail to pin point the small islands of the Pacific. Nice to know they had sails, I wonder how they kept hydrated so well? Has been a bit since my South American history class
Even with a rudimentary map, they had no idea where they were going though. They couldn't possibly map the ocean in enough detail to pin point the small islands of the Pacific. Nice to know they had sails, I wonder how they kept hydrated so well? Has been a bit since my South American history class
But they DID map the small islands in the Pacific!

Not sure how they got water, but there's plenty of data out there about them.

The Easter Islanders screwed themselves when they chopped their last trees down, leaving them stranded without the resources needed to build boats.
Extinction is extinction. I don't see much difference.

'Collapse', by Dr Jared Diamond. The 'sequel' to Guns, Germs & Steel, it discusses human civilizations that have come and gone before the modern era. There were a lot of them and they offer lessons for us if we care to listen.

One of the best examples is that of Easter Island; several competing factions stripped the island of its resources in competition with each other and ultimately everyone died, leaving behind a denuded landscape with only stone statues facing inward.

The only difference between the Easter Islanders and us is that we have the technology to do it to the entire Earth.

Dude, go find Easter island on the map.(west of south America) you can find it by taking an exact 30% angle from the great pyramid in Egypt.
Now look at the ocean around it, It used to be part of a larger landmass that is now under the sea. And that is also their traditional story.
I learned that the fall of Easter Island was first due to European settlers bringing rats to the island, which began to upset that natural cycle of the island. I always am in disbelief that people used to canoe endlessly, with little food and water, thousands of miles to uncharted territories. Can you imagine that? Alright get in this shitty wooden canoe and lets row 1000+ miles until we hit something lol. Oh and we have hardly any food or water, no map, no general direction.

Wikipedia: The Austronesian Polynesians, who first settled the island, are likely to have arrived from the Marquesas Islands from the west. These settlers brought bananas, taro, sugarcane, and paper mulberry, as well as chickens and Polynesian rats. The island at one time supported a relatively advanced and complex civilization.

Otherwise, correct that the population was pretty much healthy and stable until Europeans arrived with their odd combination of greed, racism and Christianity.

The masters of sailing open water in Polynesia were taught from early age the arts of navigating and sailing. Some today are still versed in the old ways but who can say how much knowledge survives. People are amazing in their ability to learn from others and extend that knowledge through their own observations as well as through trial and error. I doubt that the sailing masters of the first people on Easter Island accomplished the landing by accident.

Exploration is a strong instinct in people. No wonder we yearn to explore space.
Dude, go find Easter island on the map.(west of south America) you can find it by taking an exact 30% angle from the great pyramid in Egypt.
Now look at the ocean around it, It used to be part of a larger landmass that is now under the sea. And that is also their traditional story.
Easter Island was settled by the first people some time after 300 CE. There was no sinking of a continent between now and then. The people who lived there pre-contact with Europe, sailed to Easter Island. Plenty of evidence supports this.

The myths that people make up are amazing and unbelievable when confronted with facts. Did you know that the wife of a carpenter gave virgin birth to a god about 2017 years ago?

Maybe you were being facetious, and I just ran with the bait. In which case, LOL on me.
lol, the first people...

I'm not buying that story
His story squares with the evidence found by scientists investigating the island and the historical record, whereas yours does not.

More science, less make believe.
It does not fit with what I know of the world.
You really think this current stream (say last 5000) years of humanity, was it?

There is no story per se. Just a nuts person yanking your chain, or maybe not.
It does not fit with what I know of the world.
You really think this current stream (say last 5000) years of humanity was it?
What do you know of the world? Some background information would be helpful.

The physical evidence puts Homo sapiens sapiens originating in south western Africa around 200,000 years ago. Agriculture and with it what we call civilization started around 12,000 years ago. I don't know what you mean by "current stream (say last 5000) years of humanity" and so I can't say what I think about that.

Pyramids aren't all that mystical by the way. They are really amazing creations of people. Very hard working people.