stem strength


Active Member
Sup sourdtech. I have to agree with jaw and new world. When I was a kid and started experimenting with cannabis I saw that I was able to grow just fine with your old regular tap water never measured any ph or ppm or ec just gave em water and food and let them do there thang. When I realy noticed that PH was SO important was when I started fuckin with the PH. BIG DIFFERENCE all around. I know this is your first grow so you realy won't know the difference but why do u try growing one with adjusted PH water and one with ur regular drinking water and get back to us let us know if we were rite.

Check our my thread. Watch my babies grow look at my monsters look at my babies see how green my cannopy is that is adjusted PH for ya. I keep mine at 6.1 but habe noticed some plants like it higher and some like it lower. You have to learn your plant in order to produce maximum yields an overall quality my friend. Buy ur self a digital PH definately worth it!

Also why are u feeding every other day seedlings should not be drying up that quick. I think ur overwatering IMO.

And stop badtripping about the week flimsy seedling that's normal and will fluctuate with different strains. My current sour diesel seedling were just like that and look at them now. I have mine in5 and 7 gallon pots. Transplant them and put them as deep as you can always leaving a few inches from the bottom or your plant us good soil for good draining and salt buildup dolimite lime is good for that.

Hope this helps. Holla if u need me.
Checked out your grow.. your plants look badass. ADVISE TAKEN. Ebay'n it up as we speak.
Thanks a bunch +rep^