

Well-Known Member
I have just bought a 600w hps... with no where to grow... i had it all planned out and set up in the bottom half of a wardrobe. untill i hooked it up and saw that it was melting the fan in there i had to cool it. I guess i wonna know.. since i dont have the money for big extraction fans + i cant use this for stealth.
Can anybody think or somehwere else i can do a stealth grow without using extraction? and just some fans inside?


Well-Known Member
I have just bought a 600w hps... with no where to grow... i had it all planned out and set up in the bottom half of a wardrobe. untill i hooked it up and saw that it was melting the fan in there i had to cool it. I guess i wonna know.. since i dont have the money for big extraction fans + i cant use this for stealth.
Can anybody think or somehwere else i can do a stealth grow without using extraction? and just some fans inside?
I feel your pain. But with a 600 watt HPS you have no choice but to either use a cool tube or run a serious exhaust system

Even still using the bottom half of a wardrobe is just not enough space for a light that strong.

If money is an issue do what I am currently doing. Try to buy one item each week or pay period

I started out with a small stealth cabinet. Cost 25 dollars at a thrift store. Later I found a Wardrobe closet at a thrift store for 15 dollars.

I am slowly getting the parts up for this larger wardrobe closet.

I don't think there is no magic cure for your problem with the 600 HPS. Just save your money and build a better system over time

Believe me it is worth it


Well-Known Member
thanks alot +rep.
so can somebody say the exact things i need for good ventilation, so i know exactly what to buy?
any help will be exellent


Well-Known Member
ok will i still need ventilation if i use a whole room with just one 600w hps in there?


Well-Known Member
ok will i still need ventilation if i use a whole room with just one 600w hps in there?

i have never used an HPS before. but what you should do is just dont put the plants in there yet, maybe if you have house plants somewhere, set up the room and put the house plants in there and see how they do. then go in there with a thermometer and stuff, do a little test. but i think ventalation is always a good idea.

my setup is as wellfare as its gets almost. i have 6 cfls in a small closet. they run pretty cool. but since its a closet the plants need fresh air in there. so what i do is, [9pm-3pm] is dalight for my girls. so usually after ive been up for a while, say around 11am, ill go and put a fan in there, just a regular standing moving fan, 11-3 = 4 hours of fan. usually i start by opening the door and putting the fan on high, blowing all the old air out, then the 4 hours that the fan is in there on low, i just crack the closet door a bit and you can feel fresh air slowly being sucked throught the crack.
this 4 hours a day seems to treat my plants just fine.


Well-Known Member
dont know if that helps you but, at least i gave me 2 cents, people on here seem to be too arrogant to waste their time helping. i mean helping, what an awful thing eh? answering a fuckin question must be so hard now a days.


Well-Known Member
tell me about it, and yea.. ill try on a different house plant and see how it goes, for now ill just use cfls.
thnx alot +rep

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well man first of ....were did you get your light from ??.....do you have a local hydro store near by ?? can you get us pics up of the area you plane to grow in ??

i got lots of ideas hahaha i love thinking of ways to grow ....every time i walk into someones house i think of it set up as a grow house :lol: or where ever a store, warehouse, closet, bathroom its crazy how i just picture it in my head gotta love it :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go get some pics right now for you + i got my light from ebay :( no hydro stores near me.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
im not gonna let this thread die out till i get some answers!
well i would say come up with a new plan and talk to us about it cuz your 1st is not good. in any grow box, closet, or any small area with a light of that size and not being a cool tube, you are going to have major heat problems. if you want to start now i recommend going with cfl's and come up with a new flower room design. good luck.


Well-Known Member
relax, you just posted this thread and you're bitching about how nobody's responded. believe it or not, people on RIU are not necessarily waiting around for impatient people's fuck-up posts. are you gonna cry when you germinate your seeds and they haven't budded within the same day?

okay, now on to your problem. you've got a 600W HPS bulb for a 9 cubic foot space...are you high? don't answer that question. do yourself a favor and sell the bulb, make at least $50, and purchase yourself a bunch of 2700K CFLs at a hardware store. solves your heat issue, you save a bunch of money (by switching to Geico:lol:) and it's overall much more practical for the space you're working with.

do a search on what people have produced with CFLs and you'll probably be impressed, I know I was. your grow space kinda gives you no choice but to at least consider it. there's no doubt that HPS will blow away CFL any day but the fact of the matter is that they work decently and they do produce nugs. best of luck with your decisions.


Well-Known Member
well i would say come up with a new plan and talk to us about it cuz your 1st is not good. in any grow box, closet, or any small area with a light of that size and not being a cool tube, you are going to have major heat problems. if you want to start now i recommend going with cfl's and come up with a new flower room design. good luck.

okok but this is what im saying.. im moving house in 3 weeks or so... if there is a spare room or closet that is big... all i need is some fans in there or do i still need some big air ducts and stuff?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea that can be turned into a grow room.............BUT haha sorry with that light you will be having heat problems for sure ....if you could take out those top drawers out and make the room taller......then i believe that would work for you but with that little of space i would go with cfls or florecents.....

you might be able for that little of space to work if you have some big computer fans or canfans or blowers....you would have to put one on both sides of your light one takeing air in and one blowing hot air out just like a cooltube ....there are DIY cooltubes threads ......

I would take your time with your build work with just the light first.....after you clean that area and hang your mylar build your door if your going to keep it close if your going to leave it open thats better, install your grow room inake and outake air ....then work on that light ....like you said you dont have that much money so try making it work with what you have throw your thermostat(temp/humidit)temp should be below 85 ..75 is perfect in there to see how hot it gets ......make a journal every time you do somthing write it down and take a temp reading..........i know it sounds like lots of work cause it is but it will save you from having problems when you get plants in.......have fun

hahaha took me long then i thought but you get the idea



Well-Known Member
thnx alot hulk +rep for sure
thanks everyone else too... although cfls aare like the best idea for me... im determind to use hps/mh...
the only reason ii got a 600w is because it was only £20


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
okok but this is what im saying.. im moving house in 3 weeks or so... if there is a spare room or closet that is big... all i need is some fans in there or do i still need some big air ducts and stuff?
i will have the perrfect portable grow box that no one will ever now is their. we are just about finished with it. a coupe more days and i will put it up for all. this is the perfect setup for allyoustealth growers. and the thing is you can have this in the back of your truck and noone will now. :bigjoint:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
okok but this is what im saying.. im moving house in 3 weeks or so... if there is a spare room or closet that is big... all i need is some fans in there or do i still need some big air ducts and stuff?

just wait to move then start growing man ....its going to take a while to get your room in good condition and it sounds like by the time you have it dialed in you will be moving then you have to take it all down and if you have any plants then you have to move them to so i would just wait .....i know its three weeks but, its only three weeks read read read read look up threads get all the info you can so when you move your set to just start building ya know already tons of ideas in your head ....just go blaze some bowls bongsmilie......stay on RIU for 3 hours haha you will be here longer and man you will be amazed of all the info you can find..........i am new to all this just started growing acouple months ago didnt know shit before then now man i dont know it all thats for sure but i am learning more every day. so go take a rip and start reading bongsmilie :lol:


Well-Known Member
and i still have more questions. :)
a single bedroom is big enough for a 600w?
how many plants?
if i was to do what hulk said, how much taller would the room have to be andd how high should i have the light?