Stealth Dresser Grow - 1st Grow Attempt


Active Member
I still dont think you need any nutes.
Im using Light mix soil and ive got bout 15 nodes and i havent added any. Runoff PPM is 800ppm.
Im going to introduce some nutes to it next week.


Well-Known Member
Hehe no worries, I did read all the advice you offered I just haven't had a moment to respond to it. I've been super busy with work, so that's why even the picture updates slowed down for a while there.

I have a basic idea of how tall these plants can get if they are going to double in size, and the reason I have introduced nutes at all (low dosage) is because by the rate they are growing, I only have about another 2 weeks before veg time is up. The tallest plant at this point is about 8inches tall, when they reach about 16-20 inches, they will be risking hitting the ceiling which is about 42" from the bottom (not including 3-gal pot).

This is a first grow, and from hermie bag-seeds.. I'm not expecting a super huge high-quality yield (Honestly, I don't want to end up with more than 2-3oz or I'll be in trouble). This was more of a test run to see if I could produce in the environment I've built. If I find any issues such as odor being out of control, this test run will be stopped in it's tracks, and plants will be uprooted if I can't get it under control.

Once it's all tweaked out, and I've gotten some experience and know what to do next time, I'll be doing a grow for quality.

I know that I've already learned tons from this session even though there hasn't been a ton of input from different people, I already have in mind a few changes to the stealth box, a few changes in regards to germinating, interest in hydroponics for humidity issues, etc.

It's been and will continue to be a project just for fun, and provided that all goes well, more fun afterward. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Btw, gumball.. On the 9th page what I pointed out and you called Petioles, never grew, or showed any additional activity other than them popping up at every node.. However, on the first bloomer (Champette) they have started producing pistils. If this happens on all of them, all 3 are females because they all have the same things at each node.

I tried to get a clearer picture of this, but at this point these plants are so bushy it's hard to get a decent one.


Well-Known Member
They're not yet, but I'm not at week 4 until tomorrow. I'm was considering flipping to 12/12 this coming Monday. I still need to go buy a couple more 2700k lights first.


Well-Known Member
You can flower under 6500k. You want more 2700k but it will work fine with 6500k until you get the new lights. You don't want to overgrow your box just because of that. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and took your advice, I have switched the timer on and starting tomorrow at 9AM, the lights will go off for the first time. :-)


Well-Known Member
Another picture update, so far everything seems to be going well after switching to 18/6. In regards to the bagseed I received, I knew it was from a hermie plant and that was about it... I had a friend tell me that hermie seeds are almost guaranteed to be female, is there any truth to this? It might've saved me some time planting 3 crossing fingers for two females and getting three females.

The first plant (whom I'm actually considering cloning just because it grew so nicely) is still doing GREAT! Pistils coming up everywhere, very proud to be female.


The other two are still growing along, definitely no signs of being unhappy. :-)



Well-Known Member
Also, wanted to add kind of an "overview" image to display how tall they are in reference to the box. I'm going to have to figure out something else for that carbon filter. My lights are hitting it, and aren't going to go up much higher, which will obviously be a problem. I'm considering moving the filter to the side, and making my light frame less wide to accommodate. At this point, just trying to get through this grow because a lot will change before the next grow (even considering a new box).

Note: All 2700k lights have been installed for flowering.



Well-Known Member
Take the lights off the light frame and afix them to the ceiling. Then move the plants up and down to the lights. Use a secure base for raising plants, but I do it all the time. Just KISS, keep is simple silly :)

They look great. If the 2 which are planted together do end up male and female check, double check, triple check and mark, then quadruaple check that your cutting the right one :wall: They are thick in there together, I would hate for you to cut the wrong one :twisted: doing good though, real good. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Haha, no worries there.. I definitely have spent enough time looking at these plants that I know which one is which just by looking. :-P

That's a good idea about raising the plants instead, I honestly hadn't even thought of that. I even like the idea of buying light fixtures and mounting them on the ceiling and a few down the sides and back.
I've got a bunch of ideas for lighting/ventilation some of which may be forced to introduce before the next grow, but there will definitely be a big overhaul next time around.
I've learned a lot from this, and I'm sure there's more to come!

You've been a big help too gumball, I've gotta give you more rep.
Edit: It won't let me give you more rep =( You deserve more though. Lol


Well-Known Member
Days Germinated: 4 days (Jan 19th - Jan 23rd)
Days Veg'd: 32 days (Jan 23rd - Feb 24th)
Days Flowering: 7 days (Feb 24th - Present)

I tried to introduce nutes again at half strength to see how they'd react. Although not quite as extreme as last time (I acknowledge I was wayyy too early last time), they still don't seem to like nutes. I see yellowing, brown spots, white spots, etc. I have flushed both pots with a gallon of water to not take any chances, but I'm considering not introducing nutes again this grow. I have no idea why they don't like them.

I have taken several pictures to do my best at showing what I see after nutes. Also, some pictures of the glorious first bloomer that I've counted 14 bud sites on :weed:

Oh, I also removed the floor inside the dresser. It was already caving in under the weight of the plants, and I decided I could use the extra 4" of vertical space.. I may end up removing the upper shelf if necessary as well.



Well-Known Member
Looks good overall. The leaf tips do look a touch burnt, cant make out the other spots on the leaves. What nutes are you feeding them?


Well-Known Member
The only nutes I have given them at this point is half-strength of Fox Farm Big Bloom. I haven't dared to use any other nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
Well your in soil so you shouldnt have a problem with trace elements unless you have really been flushing the hell out of the soil. Just go with water for a bit. Your lights arent close enough to burn are they, I assume you lower them down?


Well-Known Member
Right, I'm in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and I do adjust the lights as needed, but these plants are kind of suicidal and like to reach and touch the light while I'm at work. So a couple of the burns on the top are where the plant will perk up and literally stretch 2-3" while I'm gone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats the only reason I decided to get HID, moving lights all the time :lol: CFL's rock otherwise :D