Stealth Desk growin 007 style

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i got some more to post later tonight i think, my clone is alive and i saw some roots comn out of it and its only been about 36 hours or so.


Well-Known Member
yo kron i came home today to a 100 degree room :o fuck this summer weatehr here...was almost 90 out!!!! fuck dat shit.

this may fuck up the clones rootin :/
Hi Kaptin Kron, I have been doing some research on blackstar led lights and you bought the same 240W light i was looking at.My question is how loud are the inbuilt fans on the 240W model?Loud enough so when you *close the closet door* so quiet you cant hear a peep?or loud enough to here a humming or movement of air? or a low humming?


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
you wont hear shit man shits quiet, i wouldnt worry bout your clones bro just keep your water cold so you dont get rot and you will be fine, ive rooted clones no dome in 110* weather inside so no big deal man. Just be on it.

I know i promised updates but im a lazy bastard... so well.. deal with it ill post em up later lol. Fuckin tired today.... and runnin out of herbs again... fuckin shit. And all the clinics round here carry crap or are now tryin to charge 30 a g for the top shelf WTF when did this happen man seriously the last time i was really frequenting clinics they were off of teh 25 30 a g shit and lowered prices to no more than a 20$ cap on grams and that was the expensive places, now places back up to 30 a g and quality is WAY down fuck me man i would still have bud if i hadnt gotten fucked once this month with bullshit from them..

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
sure go up there with ice water it will stay cold like i said your gonna have some fun the next few days man, you can keep it cold but your gonna have to babysit man.


Well-Known Member
i cant cuz of my work schedule. before work lights are out in big room so i cant check on the veg room. pain in the ass.

they just gotta deal wit it

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
=( guess they only get cold water once a day then brah lol my clones dealin with it too hahhaha, lil fucker has no air to roots lol water changes every day, thanks myles ;)


Well-Known Member
hahhahaha i dont even replace the water daily. at night it gets down to 50-65 usually sso it cools itself off.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
then what are you worried about man lol i thought u had like 80-90 constant temps man, stop your bitchin your clones will be fine.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ho hum ok man try this, take that bucket and stick it in a damn ice chest filled with ice that oughta keep it cool LOL

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
ah gots an update from a few days ago and transplant of two into smart pots, also got some pics from last night after i accidentally topped my favorite bubba cola -_- i had to take a dub container cut the top off, take a foam cup cut the bottom off, cut small hole into foam cup slide stem thru, place into gram container full of 5.5ish water. The foam cup is to keep light from my "roots" lol hopefully it roots, theres no cloning solution in there....

all in chronological order, the ones in cups are three days before transplant, then theres a last couple pics of three days or so after transplant when the super cropping starts happening.

Some are gettin transplanted later today. I still have a few pics more to upload from last night when i had my topping accident.. i fuckin hate it when i do that... its what happens when you dont have any fans... fuckin grumz had to get sick on me lol. Or he coulda been at temple since it was his special day yesterday lol o_O
What brand of soil do you use?