Stealth Desk growin 007 style

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
arggggggg no good food here defrosted and it all takes too long to defrost, and if i had money id buy beer or more weed lol not food HAHA << lazy asshat today someone feed me

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i forgot to take pics again FUCKSICLEs.... i WILL get some pics tonight if i can get online at about 10pm my time ill get em posted tonight stupid plants just went to sleep. I can post some pics of box reconstruction if grumz ever gets his ass down here with my fans, i got my box halfway apart for 2 days movin plants manually to sealed dark box lol

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
rofl sandy sammich lol HHAHAHA, fuck i wish my parents would let me take the house back east, no ones renting it right now... too bad i fuckin refuse to live in another state thats against MMJ in the least bit lol FUCK YOU NEVADA, and they have MMJ out there and they still tried to fuck me FUCKERS!!


Well-Known Member
juss sayin west coast is where all the fuckin nuts are at :p still waiting for cali to break off n sink into the ocean ;)


Well-Known Member
ehh as odd as it is, i luv growing where am at .. Izz NICE !! thats about all thats good tho :)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ah gots an update from a few days ago and transplant of two into smart pots, also got some pics from last night after i accidentally topped my favorite bubba cola -_- i had to take a dub container cut the top off, take a foam cup cut the bottom off, cut small hole into foam cup slide stem thru, place into gram container full of 5.5ish water. The foam cup is to keep light from my "roots" lol hopefully it roots, theres no cloning solution in there....

all in chronological order, the ones in cups are three days before transplant, then theres a last couple pics of three days or so after transplant when the super cropping starts happening.

Some are gettin transplanted later today. I still have a few pics more to upload from last night when i had my topping accident.. i fuckin hate it when i do that... its what happens when you dont have any fans... fuckin grumz had to get sick on me lol. Or he coulda been at temple since it was his special day yesterday lol o_O

