stealth cfl questions


Well-Known Member
Hey all -

I currently have two closets with a 400 watt HPS/MH system each and about 13 female plants total.

My younger brother is interested in growing one plant, and I am planning on giving him a small AK48 clone. He lives with our dad still, but it ought to be very easy for him to get away with up to 2 plants. I am going to help set up a CFL grow for him in a few weeks when the AK48 cutting is ready.

I know little about CFL grows other than what kind of lights to get. I have a CFL clone closet with about 10 plants. Mine is not stealthy.

I am thinking of using this display case I found, the picture is attached. Its perfect because its about what he can get away with easily. I am planning on spray painting the outside black, and lining the interior with mylar. I am aiming to place three CFLs in there for one plant.

When should I tell him to flower his plants? I am thinking of telling him to do it at 6 inches to keep it short. Will this work? Also, I am looking into ordering him so lowriders, whats the deal on them? How many of them do you think he could fit in that container? How deep do the pots need to be?

All the plants I've grown so far I flowered at 12 inches. Id really like to get this to work for him, he's an opiate addict on methadone maintence and I am hoping that having good quality bud might help him wean off that damn methadone.

Yup, the state of Alabama will prosecute you for weed plants, but will gladly sell 19 year olds methadone. All you have to do is fail a drug test and they assume that having any opiate in your system means your an addict. I swear there is so much stupidity in this world...

The other picture is of my best girl, shes a california orange bud. It taste like oranges!



Well-Known Member
thats a hard one for me cuz if my brother had those other type of problems i dont think i could get him on this! yea grow a short but would that really work for him?


Well-Known Member
thats a hard one for me cuz if my brother had those other type of problems i dont think i could get him on this! yea grow a short but would that really work for him?

So you think if I flowerd an AK48 at like 6 inches it would stay close to two feet?

Yeah he has probs, but if you met him you wouldn't know. He's a normal person, going to college. While I think methadone maintainence is stupid, its a lot better than slicing open fetanyl patches. His best friend is dead b/c of that junk.

Its easy to judge him, but he had it rough. He discovered our older brothers dead body many years ago (he died of a freak brain thing). He was an addict within a year of that. So while I get mad at the whole methadone maintence thing, I wasn't there that day, I don't have those memories.

It should be noted that he got hooked on opiates that were legally manufactured and prescribed by a doctor to someone.


Well-Known Member
From the pics that cross contraption thing has a light in it? First off where is he going to have his grow system at in a dresser? He needs Rockwool cubes and Hydrodon pellets and some netpots and an air pump with a air stone to oxygise the water and some nutes. ~Vince


Well-Known Member
From the pics that cross contraption thing has a light in it? First off where is he going to have his grow system at in a dresser? He needs Rockwool cubes and Hydrodon pellets and some netpots and an air pump with a air stone to oxygise the water and some nutes. ~Vince
I just found it did have a cheap LED light at the top, and a plug! I can rip the light out, and easily wire in some CFLs.

I got some nutes I am going to give him, thats fine. I think if plants end up getting too tall, we can just rip the top out.


Well-Known Member
I don't think weed will help an opiate addict to tell you the truth. After working in a pharmacy for a year I learned a lot and methadone shouldn't be to hard to be weened off of. There's a reason why they use it to ween people off of stuff like oxycodone and hydrocodone, simply it a less effective analgesic but will gradually get them off. But do what you must.