Stealth Cabinets


Well-Known Member
With the nutes mate can you let me know what ill need just to get them ready to flower then i can order the rest at the time. Just be more affordable for me if i get them in 2 stages plus the misses wont go mad lmao.

She still aint happy about this but i rekon she will come round lol. Its gonna save us alot of money in the long run from me not having to buy.
Yeah sure thing man :) Yeah my Mrs went ape at me when I bought my nuits she could'nt understand why they were the prices they were lol :) Its just cos of what they do Ie/ Boost = Heavy growth and bigger buds, Cha-Ching = insane resin production and huge THC gain and Bud Candy = Lush flavour.... The rest of them are fairly reasonable :) ..

Ill make a list of the stuff you need to get to flower... But I strongly reccomend getting the 5L bottles/tubs of each just because you have 8 plants 5L will last you even though the cost is high, after your 1st couple of harvest's maybe even your 1st you'll be back in pocket and and both you and your wife will be able to sleep again at night..well your wife anyway :) Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
If thats what he said then I would expect he's being truthful (if he wants good REP :) ) The only real bonuses of using 2 pumps is that if one fails there's one to get you by so the ladies dont drown (water+no O2 bubbles) and also the added supply of O2 is always good... But one+8-way manifold will be fine providing it doesn't fail :) Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:

Well he could of said i needed the more expensive one so i think he is being honest.

The sites playing up a bit for me aswell, its doing my head in.

Regarding the pumps, im fairly confident this is a realy good pump and shouldnt fail but what ill do is maybe get 2 cheaper budget pumps form somewhere else as an imediate back up if this fails. Would be a cheaper option and still provide me with a back up if anything goes wrong while i purchase another one. What do you think?


Well-Known Member

Canna Start 5L

Canna Hydro Vega 5L

Canna Rhyzotonic 5L

Superthrive 1L

Canna Cannazym 5L

Hammer Head PK 9/18 1L (get a couple/few)

PH Down (liquid - 1L)



Active Member
Ok mate ill get them ordered the start of next week when i get paid.

How long do you think ill have to veg for? Im wondering if i will have time to dry the buds in the veg cab before starting again? I thinkn this would be perfect as i could still use the fan and filter to get rid of the smell while they are drying. Im hoping to have room to stroe the nuites too.

I think i may top these plants, ive been doing some reading up and it doesnt look to hard. Im wondering though because its my first grow whether to just top them and grow them normally this time to get used to it all then start a scrog? Im not to sure how hard/advanced scrogging is.


Well-Known Member
Ok mate ill get them ordered the start of next week when i get paid.

How long do you think ill have to veg for? Im wondering if i will have time to dry the buds in the veg cab before starting again? I thinkn this would be perfect as i could still use the fan and filter to get rid of the smell while they are drying. Im hoping to have room to stroe the nuites too.

I think i may top these plants, ive been doing some reading up and it doesnt look to hard. Im wondering though because its my first grow whether to just top them and grow them normally this time to get used to it all then start a scrog? Im not to sure how hard/advanced scrogging is.
I think if you Veg for 3 -5 weeks, You should be able to dry in the veg cab after but only time will tell but if not we could get a very small cab to dry in (one that wouldn't look out of place in your room) :) We should have plenty of room in the top/bottom of the cab to store the nuits :)

Yeah I top mine to its a great idea and almost doubles bud production :) Scrogging s not really all that hard but for your 1st grow I would just top them and LST them - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Im hoping there will be enough time to get them dry, could we not start the new seeds off while it was drying?

Also what airstones do i need? Ive seen some about 7 quid each but on ebay you can get a 10 pack of ceramic ones 4" by 2" for 25 quid. Would these be suitable or to big?


Well-Known Member
You can start the seeds off in an propagator...I wouldnt recommend planting your seeds in the veg cab whilst your drying your buds in the veg cab.. The water from the DWC pots will cause humidity levels to rise and thats the exact opposite of what you want in a room where your drying your buds! It would also be a good idea to get a small cloakroom sized de-humidifier fo the veg room you plan to dry your buds in :) they are pretty cheap/inexpensive to buy.

I use bubble discs I will post pics/LINK's to what I find most effective, I glue gun'd mine down to the centre of the buckets for a central release of bubbles. - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Right thats the pump and 8 way mainifold ordered(i got 2 manifolds just incase)

Filters have just arrived so ill shop about later for the airdiscs and airline.

I have a dehumidifier but i think it may be to big, ill get some pics up of it later. It will fit in the veg cab but not sure if its to powerfull.

Ive decided to get all my Canna nutes together because if i spend more than 300 i get a 10% discount, i can get them cheaper off Ebay but i trust the company im using so il get from there. I can pay cash also so the breadknife wont know how much it all cost:)


Well-Known Member
Right thats the pump and 8 way mainifold ordered(i got 2 manifolds just incase)

Filters have just arrived so ill shop about later for the airdiscs and airline.

I have a dehumidifier but i think it may be to big, ill get some pics up of it later. It will fit in the veg cab but not sure if its to powerfull.

Ive decided to get all my Canna nutes together because if i spend more than 300 i get a 10% discount, i can get them cheaper off Ebay but i trust the company im using so il get from there. I can pay cash also so the breadknife wont know how much it all cost:)

Yeah its always better to be on the safe side :) You'll only need a fairly small de-humidifier I'll post a pic of my one shortly..I got it for 49.99 from B&Q, 10% can save you a fair bit :) Yeah its always better to pay cash :) The wife will give you less hassle and also there is NO sign of words like 'HYDROPONIC', 'NUITRIENTS' ETC on your bill or bank statement :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
They do a 5" one also mate at £2.50. Let me know what size to get and ill order them.

Can you post a pic of the airline i should get.


Active Member
Right mate second cab is now lined so alls on track, not sure what happened with the 2 large doors we did, they were perfect when we hung them but now theres a ton of air bubbles, im not to fussed though as it will still do the job aswell. Ill get some pics up tomorrow.

Got all the doors on them looking the same now as in gap size etc so alls good.

Ive been reading up and i think im gonna get some weather stripping when i go to b and q later today as it seems perfect for getting the cabs airtight. Il just line the inside of each door so when closed its flush and covers the gaps totally:) What do you rekon?

Ive been a bit concerned about cutting these floors out for the buckets and the whole thing collapsing but then i thought i could have had it with spacers all the way through and just had the very bottom of the bottom cab and the very top of the top cab so i think im worrying over nothing. Im gonna fit them in as tight as i can with just a small amount of manouver room around them. This way i should be left with 4" either side width wise and 3" eitherside depth wise which i rekon will still be plenty strong enough.

With a unit this size i cant seethe verymiddle of the base being much suport anyway.


Active Member
I think 1st off we'll get everything propperly covered :) Then apply a series of magnets to the cupboard doors,floor and ceiling. 4 Inside bolts 2 on the top and bottom of the doors, 2 per cab and the we can look into some propper locks YALE are great but carry a frightening price tag.. A visit to your local lock shop is 'key' lol sorry for the bad pun lol, Just talk to the shop assistant and say its for a cupboard containing chemicals in your bathroom or summink? !! and you have lots of kids and need it well locked so little fingers cant get in...I am sure you'll get something pretty good :) - STELTHY :leaf:

How do you mean mate,why do we need magnets on the flor and ceiling and also i dont understand what you mean by 4 inside bolts? If i can it locked this way im not bothered about other locks.


Well-Known Member
Right mate second cab is now lined so alls on track, not sure what happened with the 2 large doors we did, they were perfect when we hung them but now theres a ton of air bubbles, im not to fussed though as it will still do the job aswell. Ill get some pics up tomorrow.

Got all the doors on them looking the same now as in gap size etc so alls good.

Ive been reading up and i think im gonna get some weather stripping when i go to b and q later today as it seems perfect for getting the cabs airtight. Il just line the inside of each door so when closed its flush and covers the gaps totally:) What do you rekon?

Ive been a bit concerned about cutting these floors out for the buckets and the whole thing collapsing but then i thought i could have had it with spacers all the way through and just had the very bottom of the bottom cab and the very top of the top cab so i think im worrying over nothing. Im gonna fit them in as tight as i can with just a small amount of manouver room around them. This way i should be left with 4" either side width wise and 3" eitherside depth wise which i rekon will still be plenty strong enough.

With a unit this size i cant seethe verymiddle of the base being much suport anyway.
That sounds like a good idea to me, the more air tight you can make it the better :) Wait until the pots arrive if we cut an exact hole for them to sit in we can put in shelf supports and bolt the middle and bottom shelves (grow-shelves) together this will guarentee a firm cab with no weak spots :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
How do you mean mate,why do we need magnets on the flor and ceiling and also i dont understand what you mean by 4 inside bolts? If i can it locked this way im not bothered about other locks.[/QUOTE actually dont worry about the bolts... For some reason I thought the cab had 4 doors lol ...Scrap that idea :) - Sorry :) the Magnets however are nessesary as they will hold the doors in firmly and evenly when locked and help keep smells in etc :) I will draw up a quick sketch to help explain this better :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the tiny pic its the only one I could find... This is the best air hose to use :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
I cant see the pic mate sorry, i think the site is playing up again.

Im hoping buckets will be here tomorrow then i can start the cutting Tuesday.

I rekon this weather strip will be ideal, it can cover up to a 8mm gap so will be plenty big enough. Its self adhesive also which makes life easier.

Have you got any designs for how we are going to have the fan mate?