Stealth Cabinets


Well-Known Member
Im not sure mate, the big cabs are 1.6m in height.
If we aim for the ladies to be 100cm (1M) by harvest you will have a great ammount of bud... This also means you can Veg to about 40-50cm (16"-20") 4X 1M ladies should give you some where in the region of 12-16 oZ of dry bud :) sounds good to me man! I'll post pics/LINK's to the nuits I reccomend you use :) I also recommend topping each of your ladies once or twice! - STELTHY


Active Member
Ok mate thanks.

Fans and 90 degree bends just arrived, filters to follow this week. The fans just fit inside the top cabs:), ive got stand for them also.

Just in the process of lining the cabs, camera battery has died so i cant get any pics but ill charge it up now and show you when we are done.

I have found that the doors on one of the bottom small cabs are a bit loose, there is nothign to tighten up though maybe its just the way they are, theres a bit of movement in all the small doors but ill address that later.

Im hoping with any luck to be sprouting my first seeds in 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Good good :) The fans fit in the top cab's with their stands on too? Yeah charge up the cam. man, be good to see how your getting on :) What do yo mean by 'the bottom doors are a bit loose' are the hinges loose, or do you mean there is a visible gap between the door/s and the cab once the doors are closed? You can add magnets this can sometimes help and also insulating draft exc. tape.. Have you got a Heated Propergator for your seedlings? I bought mine from B&Q for under £15 they are great and the seeds hatch out lol :) in no time (very worth having) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Im still to get a propergator mate but ill get one as soon as the cabs are done.

When i say loose i mean you close them and they close flush than after a while one of the draws drops a little, its just a cosmetic thing. To be honest all the dorrs seem a tad out so the cabs will def need levelling for a better fit.

There is some pics here of what we achieved today, over all im very happy, we got a big air bubble on the back piece, tried making a small hole in it and pushing it out to no avail so we will just have to put up with it. I didnt do the tops as im gonna cut the hole in it first.

The guy with the buckets says they are 16" max at there lids so ill be able to fit them in and ive asked him to send me a paypal invoice. Im gonna have a good look tomorrow and decide on what pump to order. Money being tight i could do with just buying one but i dont mind spending a little bit more on that if it will do all 8 buckets.

I didnt think about the fan with the stand lol, ill have a look tomorrow and let you know.

Im busy tomorrow so my sister is comming back up Thursday to do the other cabs and help me get them level. The big ones weigh a ton. I will then get the cabs stained and when the buckets arrive ill cut the bottom shelf out as much as i need to and line it and do the top holes also awell and line the ceiling of the grow cab. Its finally comming together:):):)



Well-Known Member
Try to mount that fan through the board into a stud in the wall or it's likely to shake an buzz the crap outta that room.

It's a really good idea though.


Active Member
Ive got to start thinking about locks now. I want something discreet and easy to fit. Any suggestions bud? Misses wants proper locks on it else i would have just used the ones you did.


Well-Known Member
Im still to get a propergator mate but ill get one as soon as the cabs are done.

When i say loose i mean you close them and they close flush than after a while one of the draws drops a little, its just a cosmetic thing. To be honest all the dorrs seem a tad out so the cabs will def need levelling for a better fit.

There is some pics here of what we achieved today, over all im very happy, we got a big air bubble on the back piece, tried making a small hole in it and pushing it out to no avail so we will just have to put up with it. I didnt do the tops as im gonna cut the hole in it first.

The guy with the buckets says they are 16" max at there lids so ill be able to fit them in and ive asked him to send me a paypal invoice. Im gonna have a good look tomorrow and decide on what pump to order. Money being tight i could do with just buying one but i dont mind spending a little bit more on that if it will do all 8 buckets.

I didnt think about the fan with the stand lol, ill have a look tomorrow and let you know.

Im busy tomorrow so my sister is comming back up Thursday to do the other cabs and help me get them level. The big ones weigh a ton. I will then get the cabs stained and when the buckets arrive ill cut the bottom shelf out as much as i need to and line it and do the top holes also awell and line the ceiling of the grow cab. Its finally comming together:):):)

Hi dude in this pic if you turn the fan around so one hole is facing down and the other up, How much room does it leave you? I have a few ideas how we can install these I'll see how they fit in that way around and I'll draw up some surgestions tommoz.

All in all though the cab/s are coming along great :) I think we should wait before cutting in the intakes, and see just how big the LED light setups are going to be I have some great STEALTH ideas, I'll post all the nuitrients you'll need to get now.

Bet your well pleased with how its all beginning to look and those new fans are alot easier to deal with SO so much quieter to :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

£15 for (both)










Then you'll need a handful of pippets a test-tube and a PH Tester whether it be digital or standard dropper bottle, and also an EC wand comes in handy see below:


You'll also need a misting bottle :

£2-15 (depending on size make & quality)

Also note if you go on Canna's website : You can enter your res size etc and work out a custom grow guide expecially for your plants :) Its great I've used it a few times for different sized res's and the guides can easilly be printed off to be kept in your cab/s for as and when you need them :)

And that pretty much covers it some of the nuits are quite pricey ie: Bud Candy, Cha Ching and Canna Boost but they do give outstanding results :)

I use the 1L cartons of each nuitrient (because I only have 2 plants on the go usually) baring in mind you will have 8 ladies on the go I would recommend you buying the 5L versions of each nuitrient... these WILL cost more, but WILL last the length of time you need them for ie/ (Min of 3 Months with 5L of each nuit)

Hope this helps mate - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Try to mount that fan through the board into a stud in the wall or it's likely to shake an buzz the crap outta that room.

It's a really good idea though.
Hi Karr we will mount the fan but the location and orientation have yet to be decided, Dont worry though there will be little to zero Buzzing :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ive got to start thinking about locks now. I want something discreet and easy to fit. Any suggestions bud? Misses wants proper locks on it else i would have just used the ones you did.
I think 1st off we'll get everything propperly covered :) Then apply a series of magnets to the cupboard doors,floor and ceiling. 4 Inside bolts 2 on the top and bottom of the doors, 2 per cab and the we can look into some propper locks YALE are great but carry a frightening price tag.. A visit to your local lock shop is 'key' lol sorry for the bad pun lol, Just talk to the shop assistant and say its for a cupboard containing chemicals in your bathroom or summink? !! and you have lots of kids and need it well locked so little fingers cant get in...I am sure you'll get something pretty good :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You could also do with getting a couple of electrical fire extinguishers:

and a couple/few smoke alarms:

These are just common sense really and piece of mind in case the worst happens :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member

Hi dude in this pic if you turn the fan around so one hole is facing down and the other up, How much room does it leave you? I have a few ideas how we can install these I'll see how they fit in that way around and I'll draw up some surgestions tommoz.

All in all though the cab/s are coming along great :) I think we should wait before cutting in the intakes, and see just how big the LED light setups are going to be I have some great STEALTH ideas, I'll post all the nuitrients you'll need to get now.

Bet your well pleased with how its all beginning to look and those new fans are alot easier to deal with SO so much quieter to :) - STELTHY :leaf:

It leaves me about 2" above it mate if i put it in that way.


Active Member
I dont think your listing of the nutes worked properly mate ive just got prices but no products.

Just ordered buckets(£140). Im gonna order pump in a bit, is it worth buying any extra air line just in case? Its only cheap.

I get payed next week so ill get the nutes then and hopefully lights and filters should be here next week:)

Im goign down B & Q Sunday so il pick up a propogator then.


Active Member
I emailed the guy who sells those pumps and he says one of those would be plenty for 8 x 27ltr buckets. He said i would get 8.5ltrs per minute per pot which he said is plenty.

Does that sound ok to you mate? Let me know and ill get it ordered.


Active Member
With the nutes mate can you let me know what ill need just to get them ready to flower then i can order the rest at the time. Just be more affordable for me if i get them in 2 stages plus the misses wont go mad lmao.

She still aint happy about this but i rekon she will come round lol. Its gonna save us alot of money in the long run from me not having to buy.


Well-Known Member
I dont think your listing of the nutes worked properly mate ive just got prices but no products.

Just ordered buckets(£140). Im gonna order pump in a bit, is it worth buying any extra air line just in case? Its only cheap.

I get payed next week so ill get the nutes then and hopefully lights and filters should be here next week:)

Im goign down B & Q Sunday so il pick up a propogator then.
Hi dude, are you finding this site is being weird again?? Yesterday I couldn't click on any of the titles on the main page, today I can but all my text on the screen is in BOLD The pics Ive uploaded on to your thread I can see perfectly Yet you can't see them, I wish who evers doing the programming for this site would leave it alone it worked perfectly before they started fucking about with the lay out etc etc..

Ive slightly adjusted the layout of the message with prices I hope you can see the pics now?

Glad the buckets are on their way :) I found the best air-line to use is the dark blue one that you get from most good quality aquatics stores its flexible and doesn't break down or degrade you'll need a fair bit of this :)

Glad to hear your collecting everything we need be great to have it all in there and set up :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I emailed the guy who sells those pumps and he says one of those would be plenty for 8 x 27ltr buckets. He said i would get 8.5ltrs per minute per pot which he said is plenty.

Does that sound ok to you mate? Let me know and ill get it ordered.
If thats what he said then I would expect he's being truthful (if he wants good REP :) ) The only real bonuses of using 2 pumps is that if one fails there's one to get you by so the ladies dont drown (water+no O2 bubbles) and also the added supply of O2 is always good... But one+8-way manifold will be fine providing it doesn't fail :) Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf: