Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

Even the color black gives credence to white/light. If black is literally the absence of color/light, the very definition of black (darkness) says there MUST be a light as well
This is what stumps Me the most... Will light ever contain darkness???
@HeatlessBBQ yes...

I was thinking about how some of you guys say you've seen someone become "possessed" while tripping. I've been wondering, what if it is "us" who is doing the possessing? Say there is a group of animals, we'll call them "humans" our "we-ness" "being-ness" was able to "possess" them, or influence these "humans" but in order to possess a human, the "being-ness" had to lose its sense of "all" so if "we" are nothing more than a shell in the physical form of a "human being" and inside that shell there is a level of consciousness that "pushes around the most" in the cranium (has its will be heard) there must also exist "being-ness" consciousness which takes either a different physical form, which may have attributes that "human-ness" lacks, OR maybe there is consciousness which doesn't have a form but presents itself to our "human consciousness" in a way which we misperceive as "angels" or "demons"
The darkness contains no light, its the absence of light. So maybe if there is a darkness there must be a lightness that is equally void of all darkness, as well as levels in between
Very interesting thoughts.

i like this you are definitely right I Am giving them power and control over me by fearing them. I AM saved by THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and they have No power over me and I shouldn't be afraid of them you are right!

It's just that thought lucifer was the most beautiful angel BUT he wanted to be Greater than GOD. And to say that he "shows" us the "truth" is not true. For he said Nothing would happen if you ate of this fruit. But Something Did happen. That's all GOD asked. Don't eat of this fruit. You can have EVERYTHING else you want except this. The Knowledge of Good and Evil. I'd rather just Know Life. Haha after my trip HAHA I used to Always chase the spiritual world and now i kind of got my taste and don't want anymore until HE Tells me.

But seriously thanks for what you said
"Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" What does this mean and why is it so important that this is the first thing that Yahweh tells us?

Good and evil are just perspectives in your mind but they have the power to torment your soul; the question is do you want to remain in the garden or be cast out of paradise and live in darkness?

There is no such thing as good and evil, they exist in the hearts and minds of people and have great influence over the human soul but they exist only in the darkness, "devils trick" Hamlet.

Pain and suffering are fleeting and death is nothing to be afraid of, "resist not evil" JC

Let go of good and evil, the battle between good and evil has been waging for thousands of years but it will eventually destroy humanity, it's ok pain is fleeting and death is nothing to be afraid of, it is inevitable.
@mikek420 Tapping In... It doesn't matter if You are a cat, dog, human, or plant.
If You are alive...You can tap in or You are already tapped in.
I will say though that even though animals may have Breath/Spirit/Wind does Not mean they have Souls as human Beings do. Our Souls last for an Eternity the Spirit goes back to THE LORD.
I will say though that even though animals may have Breath/Spirit/Wind does Not mean they have Souls as human Beings do. Our Souls last for an Eternity the Spirit goes back to THE LORD.
I respect and wonder with Your post :)
I am not the one who can say whether or not have the same soul as We humans do.

It it's alive. It has a soul to Me.
I respect and wonder with Your post :)
I am not the one who can say whether or not have the same soul as We humans do.

It it's alive. It has a soul to Me.
If you read in Ancient Greek and Hebrew both use the Same Word interchangeably for Spirit/Breath/Wind Ruwach in Hebrew and Pneuma in Greek.

Not one would think Oh they are just Simple languages. Well they use One Word interchangeably just like we do today with Love. While in Hebrew and Greek both they have 7 Words Each for Love!!!! Kind of interesting don't you think!?!

So that's why I say they have Spirit but Not Soul. It says in Genesis that the beasts of the earth have Breath/Spirit/Wind which is Some of the reason to treat animals with respect and Not abuse them. But they do Not have souls.
If you read in Ancient Greek and Hebrew both use the Same Word interchangeably for Spirit/Breath/Wind Ruwach in Hebrew and Pneuma in Greek.

Not one would think Oh they are just Simple languages. Well they use One Word interchangeably just like we do today with Love. While in Hebrew and Greek both they have 7 Words Each for Love!!!! Kind of interesting don't you think!?!

So that's why I say they have Spirit but Not Soul. It says in Genesis that the beasts of the earth have Breath/Spirit/Wind which is Some of the reason to treat animals with respect and Not abuse them. But they do Not have souls.
ψυχή - breathe of life, soul, spirit, the psyche, an individual, and a persona.

Maybe You are right that plants do not resonate with ψυχή but still.... how are We supposed to know? I would rather wonder than believe.
ψυχή - breathe of life, soul, spirit, the psyche, an individual, and a persona.

Maybe You are right that plants do not resonate with ψυχή but still.... how are We supposed to know? I would rather wonder than believe.
Haha well why not believe as well!

What language is that? English pronunciation?
It is Greek @cannakis .

Belief of anything except belief is constricting and confining the mind.

"I am a shaman, magician. The sun is purple. 3D dimensions. I am for mental extension "
Hahaha! Love it! A little DIVINE PROVIDENCE!!!