Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

It is this kind of thinking that kept people with schitzophrenia, dimensia and other mental disorders chained to hospital beds up until the 1960s. Religious fools that thought people were possessed instead of treating the disorders with loving care. religion is dangerous and ignorant and you are too far gone to hear any reason.
Religion is the cause for war and ignorant medical practices ... the anti science and human progression.
We are all lucky there were people like Ken Kesey that shed light on our mental institutions. LSD helped him relate to the patients instead of thinking they are demonic. There is no Devil and no God as you could comprehend. Only ignorance and truth. Always seek the Truth.
It is this kind of thinking that kept people with schitzophrenia, dimensia and other mental disorders chained to hospital beds up until the 1960s. Religious fools that thought people were possessed instead of treating the disorders with loving care. religion is dangerous and ignorant and you are too far gone to hear any reason.
Religion is the cause for war and ignorant medical practices ... the anti science and human progression.
We are all lucky there were people like Ken Kesey that shed light on our mental institutions. LSD helped him relate to the patients instead of thinking they are demonic. There is no Devil and no God as you could comprehend. Only ignorance and truth. Always seek the Truth.
Oh but there is. They don't keep people "locked up" today? Because if you don't think so then you should walk into a local psych ward and ask to walk the high security ward. And just because you throw pills or chemicals at something doesn't mean it's fixed or cured. You're exactly right Loving Care is Exactly what these people need above All else! And that's what the True Religion of JESUS CHRIST Teaches. True Servants of THE TRUTH AND LOCE WHO IS JESUS CHRIST have been Murdered by other "Christians" since JESUS CHRIST Ascended! The Catholic Church slaughtered More TRUE Christians than Most Any other society in the world!

The devil and GOD are very real. The darkness and the Light. Lies and Truth. Death and Life. Which one do you want to be apart of!? And don't believe that lucifer is the true light because that is a Lie he comes to Only Steal Kill and Destroy! JESUS CHRIST Cane to bring LIFE LOVE AND TRUTH!
Are you certain you are right lmpman? If shit did'nt line up perfectly i would'nt believe it myself. It does get deep on that level. Im not religious. But it's a good debate for sure that's been going on forever, and it's hard to bring people into the light who are too far gone with science. See who the "fathers" are of everything you know of. Many are jewish if you get back to the origin. So is it a mind game for them to know that god is real and spread misconception to gentile's (non jewish) to keep them weaker? imo pretty much. Are aliens real? What is infinite? Just yester i was contemplating infinite space. Space goes on forever, think about how small the space is that we are on vs. space. It's like it makes a full circle in science and comes back to a single god. Which jews believe in, monotheism if im correct. im freestyling here.

And why the fuck would we even jump to those thoughts good and evil while tripping anyway? It is interesting.
Are you certain you are right lmpman? If shit did'nt line up perfectly i would'nt believe it myself. It does get deep on that level. Im not religious. But it's a good debate for sure that's been going on forever, and it's hard to bring people into the light who are too far gone with science. See who the "fathers" are of everything you know of. Many are jewish if you get back to the origin. So is it a mind game for them to know that god is real and spread misconception to gentile's (non jewish) to keep them weaker? imo pretty much. Are aliens real? What is infinite? Just yester i was contemplating infinite space. Space goes on forever, think about how small the space is that we are on vs. space. It's like it makes a full circle in science and comes back to a single god. Which jews believe in, monotheism if im correct. im freestyling here.

And why the fuck would we even jump to those thoughts good and evil while tripping anyway? It is interesting.
Exactly. But I don't think it's just mind games. The Jews killed JESUS CHRIST.

Okay so thank GOD! Had a Good prayer after getting home, And then took some Good Gravs of straight Flower! Thank GOD my Mind is back! The resin was making me go darker adding to the bad trip! So when we got to my house I didn't think I had any bud. Thank JESUS CHRIST there was some in the pollen box! Really hit the spot. Most importantly was the prayer. But man so is cannabis! It is definitely the craziest most Blessed plant Created!
This is why our blessed Veterans giving their lives and limbs for our freedom, Need cannabis so they can walk this horrible earth especially after seeing their buddies shredded. It takes a Strong man to handle such, or an evil one, but that's why Only the Best of the Best are in Black operations like Force and Delta which supposedly "don't exist". These are Good Strong minded Men.

Anyone watch Lone Survivor? Great depiction of what Elite Soldiers are capable of. THE MIND/SPIRIT Conquers the flesh/dirt/earth!
@cannakis ... I have and most of My generation does not and will not ever believe in Jesus....
Hardcore liberals that dont wanna be put into a box.

know what Im sayin'???
The only approach that has worked for Me is to let people figure it out Themselves and not say anything.
I didn't read the thread to drunk, but I will say I don't believe there are bad trips, just ones we don't expect or like doesn't make them bad, I haven't had one in a longtime but I think we learn the most from our "bad trips" however since we don't like them we try to just brush of what was trying to be shown by the gods of the earth, ignorance is bliss or maybe it's the other way around..
Why do you say this? We are just Dirt and without HIS BREATH/WIND/SPIRIT we are Nothing.

From dust I came and to dust I shall return.
Without us he is nothing, Jesus / God / whatever is a very convenient and reliable source for comfort. If people don't know how something happens its the act of god, if something terrible happens its conveniently not the act of god and the act of the devil that apparently the all powerful and loving god can't even stop from fucking with humans? But that would be too convenient, but apparently the devil only works on earth, so maybe astronauts are entirely safe from evil? If you do not accept jesus christ you will suffer for all of eternity, sounds like a very moody 12 year old that wants friends but is just weird and is kind of a cunt so nobody wants to so he has to try to force and trick people into following him. Notice how believers and non believers and believers in completely different things all live in the same places, they all experiences the same struggles and they all experience the same success. If believe in Jesus or any other diety helps someone then all the more power to them, but to believe and act like other people need to believe in your deity for what ever reason is entirely deluded, I could start Believing in Jesus Christ today and all that would happen is i'd have something to thank for the good in my life, fortunately i'm thankful in myself, family, friends, strangers who interact with me and the utter randomness of the universe that allows me to experience such happiness so I have no need to look for something more.

More on topic to the thread: I've seen some people so far down the rabbit hole they can not be pulled out. A few weeks ago actually on my birthday I had a few friends over very last minute just to hang out, one of them dropped 400ug of LSD and smoked some weed with us, he was utterly munted so I left him in my room while we watched movies in my living room (keep in mind I was also pretty messed up had been up for 40 hours on a very long lsd and mdma bender and had also dropped more acid and smoked weed at the time). I go in occasionally to check on him and at one point when I walk in he starts saying he knows the meaning of life so of course I question him about it and all he can say is "i know the meaning of life" so i'm kind of like ok i'm gonna go back out come join us if you want or stay in here so I leave. Come back in about another 20 minutes to see if he wants anything to eat and my room is trashed he's just sitting on my bed saying "it doesn't matter, I know the meaning of life." Long story short he proceeded to trash my whole house drawing on the walls trying to smash shit just kept saying "it doesn't matter, I know the meaning of life." We tried literally everything we could to snap him out of it but nothing was working so eventually we had to drag the cunt back to his mother (very long car ride holding him down) and to make matters worse he was still acting the same even when confronted with his mother, and to make matters even worse he grabbed her by the chin and pushed her into a wall when she was trying to settle him down so my friend and I just pick him up fully in the air and literally threw him into his room and just locked the door. He has no recollection of what happened but fortunately he managed to pass out in his bed pretty quickly and doesn't have any lingering effects although he's staying away form drugs for a long time because he realize he didn't respect it and foolishly though he was in more control of acid than it was of him.

Personally when i'm having very bad and negative experiences on lsd or any psychedelic I find confronting it the easiest method for me, I will sit there and let all the negative feelings and emotions flow into me until it hits a peak and just dissipates. Although I definitely wouldn't recommend this for everyone, I've felt pain so unbearable its made me scream and cry from letting these feelings overwhelm me. Its a very confronting and distressing experience but makes for a more self-healing experience I find
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How did this thread turn into a religious debate -.-. I think if I was religious I'd be just as crazy as my brother. I use to be straight atheist but salvia and mushrooms made me spiritual and think there could be something much more to death then just darkness, specifically reincarnation. I believe dying will be like waking up into a new life with no recollection of the previous one. Things don't happen because God has his own plans, they happen as a result of my desicions, and what is just supposed to naturally occur. I do believe in a higher being, I'm just not sure what it is, i don't think any of us is sure what it is.
How did this thread turn into a religious debate -.-. I think if I was religious I'd be just as crazy as my brother. I use to be straight atheist but salvia and mushrooms made me spiritual and think there could be something much more to death then just darkness, specifically reincarnation. I believe dying will be like waking up into a new life with no recollection of the previous one. Things don't happen because God has his own plans, they happen as a result of my desicions, and what is just supposed to naturally occur. I do believe in a higher being, I'm just not sure what it is, i don't think any of us is sure what it is.
I feel this statement.
I've only had one or two negative trips, the first one was when I found myself talking to seven pillars of blue flame (nothing in this world existed at all. I was comfortable. My tripping buddy thought in was having a bad trip and kept shaking me, the shaking caused my trip to spiral down, because the blue flames were really important for some reason and the 3-4 separate times I was shaken and brought back here to this world, it made me sad more than anything I was not scared.

I tripped on lsd and took some crystal speed or something from a Mexican buddy of mine. When I snorted the crystals all my lsd visuals turned, I guess what other people might consider dark and scary. I saw what people would consider deamon and dragon faces and corpses and sharp hands/claws with knives, all sorts of things. It went on for at least 3 hours. I called a friend and told him I was tripping and needed some help come quick I'll give you weed. When he came I told him what was going on, and just said the visuals were dark (not scary) I never felt fear or was scared of them, I just saw that it was something my mind was manifesting on top of the lsd visuals, I even tried to interact with the hands and full on deamon bodies, which was very amusing to my friend.
If you look at something and label it (Satan, demon, devil, fear, anger, rage, horror) then of course it will be associated like that. I SAW the face of "Satan" but to ME there is no such person/being as Satan, its all a facet of your mind, which I refused to let it propel me down a dark path. I instead greeted the negative imagery with open arms and told it that it had no control over me whatsoever, but that it was INTERESTING to me, so please continue showing me yourself.
One final negative trip I had, I tripped on 4aco dmt, and right when it hit me, it just kept building. And building. And building. "I" was no longer in control, so "I" told it to come take me, take me over completely but first, let this body that used to be "mike" get into a comfortable position. The 4aco dmt did just that. It understood that what was going on was a little more (OK a shit ton more) than I expected, and it felt like it GAVE me permission to lay down. It literally calmed down for about 2-3 minutes, I lay down and heard a voice say
"We hope you are ready because we will not take it easy"
And I said
There's nothing I can do, so come at me and help me learn
go into every trip like you are going into war. expect total emotional and physical breakdown . be full prepared to meet God and Shake hands with the devil. that is how you avoid "bad trips".
that is how I go into all doses. like a navy seal on a mission . water-check , food-check - ID and cash-check, weed-check. ok. blast off.

it's like going to a party and saying your just gonna have one beer and go home - next thing you know you wake up in Mexico .
Better off saying you are going all out and that you have a safe way to get home.
one of my worst mushroom trips was a 7g lemon tek, at one point I was convinced that all life was, was a government experiment. From the moment I was born I was inspected and evaluated every minute of my life and I had gone out of line by ingesting these mushrooms and the authorities were on there way to detain me. I was outside smoking a cigarette when I started to hear sirens and helicopters, my whole body felt like it just went flush and I tried to go inside but my vision went black and hit the floor :lol:
one of my worst mushroom trips was a 7g lemon tek, at one point I was convinced that all life was, was a government experiment. From the moment I was born I was inspected and evaluated every minute of my life and I had gone out of line by ingesting these mushrooms and the authorities were on there way to detain me. I was outside smoking a cigarette when I started to hear sirens and helicopters, my whole body felt like it just went flush and I tried to go inside but my vision went black and hit the floor :lol:
Don't You just LOVE those trips where You think the government is after You???
It is like an over analyzation coming to life.
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