State of the Union

Are you taking your meds? You seem crazier than usual lately.

Linguistics are regional- you wouldn't believe the difference between Skin City of SoFla and The Stoic Methodist of NoCo.

I would imagine its the same between US and Canada.

There are plenty who understand me because they take a moment to get it.
He's my personal troll- even trolls have trolls.
You attacked someone who was adding value to the discussion (the third such person you’ve attacked this week) and I responded to your post with a “Wow” emoji. If you consider that trolling, you may be too sensitive for the internet.

Bye the way, this post of yours is a good example of a troll post.
Linguistics are regional- you wouldn't believe the difference between Skin City of SoFla and The Stoic Methodist of NoCo.

I would imagine its the same between US and Canada.

There are plenty who understand me because they take a moment to get it.

It isn't about race at all. Even if he had said he would appoint a woman in advance I would have a hyuge problem with it. But it's really about qualifications. Appointing a person who has only been a judge for three years and had never seen a case through to a verdict it would be unforgivable.


After I read your comment I looked up her record, because I don't know much about her tbh. She graduated from Harvard, with honors. She was an editor for Harvard Law Review. Not sure what that is, but it sounds impressive. She actually served under justice Breyer and two other Justices. Several Republicans and Democrats have said she's qualified. I read that some of the nominations in the past haven't even finished law school. I've read that there are many nominees who haven't seen a case. Considering that in the past we've nominated a KKK member, insurrection sympathizer, alleged rapist and Amy it just seems like it's gotta be because she's black. I'm sure the fact that she has a vagina doesn't help the cause.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're actually are worried she's not qualified. Here's a couple of links and there's a lot of great information about her out there. I think she'll do great so don't worry.

Here's an interesting Newsweek article about her:

This is her resume in case you want to do some research on her record:
Remember, none of the retired generals is going to tell us the whole picture, they will stay focused on what the Russians are doing, NOT on what we are doing to help, except in the vaguest terms. The fact of the matter is the strategic situation the Russians are in is very dangerous, they don't have continuous secure lines of communication and have highly vulnerable supply columns going on for miles. Well armed partisan and highly mobile light forces in half tons could wreak havoc with the Russian logistics, causing fighting at the front to stop and artillery shells to run out. It won't take long to create these "rat patrols" guided by NATO intelligence and protected by drones and stingers from tactical air support. They are operating in friendly territory with the cooperation of the locals and if the Russians tried to counter them using similar tactics the well armed locals will take care of guys in half tons with ambushes. A dozen half tons roaming around full of motors, heavy machine guns, stingers and javelins going after supply columns and supply dumps will cause major problems for the Russians, halt there attacks on the cities and slow their advance.

Summer is coming and by then there will be a Helluva a lot of heavily armed partisans and militias in every town, I'm sure the former eastern block countries have plenty of soviet guns and ammo laying around from when they adopted NATO arms, these will go to the partisans in Ukraine. Right now CIA officers are dancing and freaking out trying to get as much into Ukraine as they can ASAP!

They won't tell you on this site either ;-)
After I read your comment I looked up her record, because I don't know much about her tbh. She graduated from Harvard, with honors. She was an editor for Harvard Law Review. Not sure what that is, but it sounds impressive. She actually served under justice Breyer and two other Justices. Several Republicans and Democrats have said she's qualified. I read that some of the nominations in the past haven't even finished law school. I've read that there are many nominees who haven't seen a case. Considering that in the past we've nominated a KKK member, insurrection sympathizer, alleged rapist and Amy it just seems like it's gotta be because she's black. I'm sure the fact that she has a vagina doesn't help the cause.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're actually are worried she's not qualified. Here's a couple of links and there's a lot of great information about her out there. I think she'll do great so don't worry.

Here's an interesting Newsweek article about her:

This is her resume in case you want to do some research on her record:
Oh shit. My mistake. I may have accidentally described the last SCOTUS appointee, Amy Coney Barrett.
After I read your comment I looked up her record, because I don't know much about her tbh. She graduated from Harvard, with honors. She was an editor for Harvard Law Review. Not sure what that is, but it sounds impressive. She actually served under justice Breyer and two other Justices. Several Republicans and Democrats have said she's qualified. I read that some of the nominations in the past haven't even finished law school. I've read that there are many nominees who haven't seen a case. Considering that in the past we've nominated a KKK member, insurrection sympathizer, alleged rapist and Amy it just seems like it's gotta be because she's black. I'm sure the fact that she has a vagina doesn't help the cause.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're actually are worried she's not qualified. Here's a couple of links and there's a lot of great information about her out there. I think she'll do great so don't worry.

Here's an interesting Newsweek article about her:

This is her resume in case you want to do some research on her record:

Amy = Speaks in Tongues:lol:

A spirit thousands of years old from another planet guides her.