state of affairs


Does anyone else realize that humanity has been "spinning its tires" in terms of development..its 2010 and now the goverments are more like mafia families, we have crashonomics, the cia and the mossad and blackwater just fucking shit up, we have all sorts of defense funding but..can't even defend our borders? but we need to occupy a nice region of primee oil country..we haven't "really" been back to the moon, and we just fucked up what use to be a nice ocean..and what about trying to solve the energy crisis, why not just make mad windmills and give electricity god damn, this whole fucking world is a joke and i'm way to high to even give a fuck whats on the news, and yes, i am someone who will watch jon stewart over the news, i can get the headlines from my mother or something whenever she traps me in a conversation..but someone chime in on this for me whats the state of affairs? whats really good, not the bullshit thats on fox news and shit


Well-Known Member
no easy answer to that. just business as usual i guess...since the dawn of time you get groups or individuals hell bent on total control. 99% of what you watch on the news or tv in general is bullshit and lies. the media has succeeded in fooling the masses and the banksters have em by the balls. when i watch tv, the commercials tell me more then the actual shows. the colleges that get advertised are mainly for healtcare and police industries. so that tells me we're gonna have a lot of sick people, and SOMEBODY is gonna need a lot of protection. o well, just my lil 2 cents. i could go on and on but your thinking seems to be the same as mine so you know....