Starting from 0 Part 2


The Best Spectrum for Growing Indoors

The spectrum you select tells your plants what to do when by guiding them through the seasons.
If you’re growing indoors, you have to completely recreate the sun for your plants through variable spectrum LED grow lights.
Here’s what a typical growth cycle should look like:


If you’re starting from seeds, you want to give your seedlings 24-hour light, but at low intensity.
Stick to about 15% red and 30% blue and white.
When your seedlings get their first set of true leaves, you can double the intensity until they have more than two sets,
at which point they’ve graduated to the vegetative stage.


If you’re starting with clones, your first goal is to encourage rooting.
This takes some effort on your plants’ part, so keep the light intensity low.
If you stick to about 25% red and 45% blue and white, your plants is more likely to focus energy on deepening roots rather than expanding upward.

Vegetative Stage

In the vegetative stage, your top priorities for your plants should be root growth and developing nice, tight internodes.
For this, a healthy dose of blue light is your best bet.
A higher concentration of blue keeps plants a little shorter.
You don’t want your plants to shoot up too fast, develop longer internodes,
and create a situation in the flowering stage where taller leaves form a canopy blocking light from the buds
that grow lower on the plant. Keep your blue and white light levels blasting at 100% and maintain red at less than 60%.

Pre-Flower Stage

The pre-flower stage is when you should start prioritizing bud growth.
Remember how plants take the red-light signal from the sun to start flowering?
That’s the natural reaction you want to tap into now.
An increase in red will inspire your plants to sprout buds.
However, you do still want to be careful of bathing your plants in too much red.
You should avoid flowering stretch at this stage, and the red light does tend to make plants reach skyward.
At pre-flower, your wisest move is to kick the intensity of red light up just a little, to about 80%.
Your blue light concentration can remain right where it was.

Flowering Stage

This is the red spectrum’s time to shine, so to speak.
Up until now, you’ve been shielding your plants from a blast of red light to prevent stretching,
but now your plant needs all the photons it can get.
Turn your red light spectrum—that’s red and deep red—up to 100%.
This maneuver helps you get those higher-than-ever yields.
The rest of the channels in your variable spectrum can stay at 100% as well.
It’s all hands on deck in the flowering stage.
Too much blue light will divert energy to the leaves and away from the buds.
This will give fluffy buds with a lot of leaves. Very high power in red with a low level of blue is the key to maximizing yield and dense flowers.

Finishing Stage

This is where you manage your potency and chemical profile.
As you recall, blue and white light are the heroes when it comes to producing trichomes.
Prioritize blue and UVB at 100%, and turn red down to about 50%.
This is how you get those sticky buds everyone is looking for.
If you’re new to variable spectrum LED lights, this may seem like a lot to manage.
Fortunately, you can actually program and automate the entire growth cycle with technology like
the SolarSystem® Controller.
Of course, this is all strictly indoor lighting. If you’re growing in a greenhouse, the considerations are a little different.

The Best LED Spectrum for Growing in a Greenhouse

If you grow in a greenhouse, you don’t need to bathe your plants in full spectrum light quite so often.
The sun does a lot of the heavy lifting, so you only have to provide supplemental light.
The benefit of greenhouse growing is that you spend less money powering your lights
since they don’t have to be on at full intensity nearly as often as they would indoors.
What makes greenhouse growing a little more complicated, however,
is that you have to do some calculations to figure out the balance between how much of what kind of light your plants are getting from the sun and how much artificial light you need to add in.
It’s impossible to provide any hard and fast rules for you in a single article
because your needs depend on many variable factors.
Where is your greenhouse located?
What season is it?
How long are the days in your region?
One thing that will help is to refer back to the guide above for indoor lighting.
The variable growth cycle spectrum laid out there tells you what your plants need at each stage of growth.
Then you can work out how much supplemental lighting you need to provide to boost your yields
and get the product you want.

A few other factors to consider:

Seedlings do best with 24 hours of light.
In the vegetative stage, your plants need about 18 hours of lights on, 6 hours of lights off.
For flowering, you should switch to a 12 on, 12 off schedule.
In every phase, your plants need 6 hours of direct, full spectrum light each day.
If your plants aren’t getting all the light they need, they’ll let you know by growing an excessive number of leaves.
More leaves help them pick up more light.
If you see more leaves, it’s time to increase the supplemental lighting.
One last tip for greenhouse lighting:
Make sure you choose supplemental LED lights that are designed specifically for greenhouse use.
You want fixtures with a slim profile to minimize shadowing.
If your LED lights are blocking your plants from the sun, there’s not much point in having a greenhouse operation,
to begin with.
We recommend checking out California Lightworks’ GH Pro 340.
The benefits of working with variable spectrum LED lights are huge.
You can boost yields, create an even higher quality product, and drive profits through the roof.
If you haven’t worked with these types of lights before, there can be a bit of a learning curve.
If you feel lost, don’t worry.
We’re always happy to help you take a look at your indoor or greenhouse setup
and help determine what’s best for your crop.
Contact us anytime or explore your LED lighting options here.
The wrong spectrum or timing can easily stunt growth or damage an entire crop.
From hanging heights to spectrum control, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your SolarSystem LED lights.

...continuo en otro post...


LED Light Hanging Height Strategies

Hanging heights can dramatically affect the amount of light that is actually absorbed by the plants.
Understanding this is essential to getting the best results from our SolarSystem LEDs.

Basic Heights

First, these lights are very powerful and have a narrow beam angle that is designed to deliver maximum intensity for bloom. Unlike many lower power LEDs that can be placed very close to the plants,
the SolarSystem LEDs are designed to be hung from 24” to 36” above the canopy
to get the most even light spread without getting light burn.
Higher power fixtures like the SolarSystem 1100 should always have a minimum distance of 36” from light to canopy.
Lower power fixtures like the SolarSystem 275 can be hung as close as 18” from the canopy.

Minimum Hanging Heights Above Plant Canopy


Reflective Walls

Secondly, if you have reflective walls and you will not lose light off the sides of the canopy, it possible to go even higher.
The light will bounce off the walls and eventually be absorbed by the plants.
This can offer deeper penetration into the canopy and better overall yield.

High Ceiling Commercial Grows

Finally, in a commercial grow with many overlapping lights and reflective walls, it is possible to go even higher.
When a plant gets light from multiple sources, growth is multiplied and is much more even than lights closer to the plants. Very little light is lost off the sides and the plants get a more natural saturation of light from all sides.

Basic Spectrum Setting Strategies

The following suggestions should be used as a baseline guide for growing your crop.
Due to variations in genetics, the ideal spectrum will differ from one phenotype to the next.
These phases are discussed in more detail below.

Sunrise / Sunset

A sunrise / sunset setting can be easily added to any light program.
We strongly suggest using this feature with a 10-minute time period
which is easily selected on the setup menu of the controller.
Gradual transitions are much gentler on plants
and reduce stress and stunted growth resulting from sudden environmental changes.

Propagation – Seedlings & Clones – Basic Suggested Setting – R39 W49 B99

Use a lower light level over all with high Blue-to-Red ratio for young plants.
You can adjust the overall light level up or down depending on how your plants react,
but we suggest keeping the above spectrum ratios.
As soon as plants have at least two sets of true leaves
you can gradually begin to increase the light level towards the full veg level below.
Reducing Red reduces stretching but some amount of Red is essential for root development and balanced growth.
The light timer setting should be 18 hours on and 6 hours off – some growers prefer 24 hours on and this works as well.

Vegetative Phase – R49 W999 B99

Full power to Blue and White with reduced Red. Red will cause unwanted stretching.
Blue will result in less spacing between the nodes and shorter, bushier plants.
You can actually change the height and shape of your plants in veg by adjusting the level of Red-to-Blue ratio.
The light timer should be 18 hours on, 6 hours off.
The time in veg depends on the size of the plants you want to put into flower.

Pre-Flower – Transition to Bloom – R99 W99 B50

Gradually increase Red while decreasing Blue as a transition to Bloom.
The plants need time to harden off and gradually replace the heavy Blue light with heavy Red light.
Going too fast in the transition from Veg to Bloom can shock the plants.
The light should gently transition from 18 hours on and 6 hours off to 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
Preflower should begin a week prior to shifting to Flower.
This can be in steps or all at once as a transition period between Veg and Bloom.
For a more advanced programmed transition from Veg to Bloom see below.

Flower – R99 W99 B39

After the Pre-Flower phase, shift to high Red and White and lower Blue levels.
High levels of Red in bloom increase yield.
High levels of Blue in bloom will divert plant energy to the leaves and actually reduce yield and produce fluffier buds.
This is why indoor flowers are so much tighter and bigger than outdoor crops.
Lights should be 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
Flower time can take from 8 to 12 weeks depending on the strain.
You may need to experiment with each strain to determine the best time to harvest.

Final Finishing – R39 W99 B99

Approximately two weeks before Harvest, gradually reduce Red and increase Blue.
This will improve potency.
For some more advanced finishing strategies please see below.

Advanced Settings

Here are some strategies we have received from growers over the years.
These require a bit more programming but should not take longer than 20 minutes for even the most complex programs.

Gradual Transition from Veg to Bloom

A gradual change from Veg to Bloom will put less stress on the plants and better mimics nature.
Rather than switching from Veg to Pre-Flower and then to flower in single steps,
this can be done over a 5 to 7-day period.
Here, the Red level slowly goes up and Blue level slowly goes down over 5 to 7 days to reach the Bloom spectrum.
At the same time, the length of the day gradually shifts from 18 / 6 to 12 / 12 over several days as it does in nature.
A sudden shift from heavy Blue to heavy Red as well as a sudden shift from 18 / 6 to 12 / 12 will shock plants
and stunt growth for several days until the plants adjust.
This is huge if you can do this more naturally.
You can do this by programming more steps on the controller and adding more days in the calendar.

Gradual Transition from Bloom to Final Finishing and Harvest

In the same way that a gradual shift from Veg to Bloom improves plant health and yield,
a gradual shift from Bloom to Final Finishing can also boost quality – especially smells, resin development
and chemical profiles.
Here there is a gradual shift from high Red to high Blue during the last one or two weeks of bloom.
Some growers also like to gradually shorten the length of the day during the last week all the way
to total darkness at the last day before harvest.
This process diverts all the plant’s metabolism to resin development and most of the yield has already been obtained.

Finish with All Blue

Another popular strategy is to finish with all Blue during the last 1-3 days.
Blue light seems to drive the chemical profile of the plant while Red is more associated with weight.
Heavy Red will generate the maximum yield while a shift to Blue at the end of Bloom will improve quality –
the best of both worlds.

Use Supplemental UVB for the Last Two Weeks

The more trichomes your plants produce, the higher their potency.
Your crop produces trichomes primarily as a natural filter of UVB light.

...sigo en otro post...

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What is UVB Light?

UVB light—or ultraviolet B—is a category of UV light characterized by a wavelength of 290-320 nm.
UVB makes up less than 0.15% of natural sunlight.

Is UVB Good for Plants?

UVB light has been proven to increase the production of antioxidants and flavonoids in certain plants.
Many indoor growers use UVB lights in tandem with LED grow lights
to cultivate a more flavorful product during the late flowering stage of growth.
UVB can damage the plant’s reproductive cycle, and trichome production is a very effective protective mechanism.
Your plants have a natural receptor which tells the plants how much UVB is in the sunlines.
When the plant senses high levels of UVB, it pushes the plant to produce more trichomes.
Thus, introducing higher levels of UVB during the later stages of Bloom can increase potency by as much as 25%.
California LightWorks sells a supplemental UVB light for exactly this purpose.

SolarSystem® UVB

$99.00 $139.00
The SolarSystem UVB features the latest generation high output UVB T5 fluorescent bulb.
This system is perfect for a single light in a tent or several hundred lights in a large commercial operation.

Download the SolarSystem UVB User Guide for usage recommendations and installation instructions.

Buy SolarSystem UVB replacement bulbs here.


Supplemental UVB- 24 watt T5 Fluorescent.
Improves resin development and potency in cannabis.
Used during the last few weeks of flowering.
Piggyback design offers up to 10 unit installations from a single outlet.
Covers 4' x 4' at 3' above the canopy.
UVB bulb is included.
Measures 23" x 4" x 2"

At California LightWorks, we combine extensive knowledge of successful growth with insights from customers
to provide the most comprehensive lighting solutions possible.
Our SolarSpectrum LED lights are designed to help you get the most out of the LED spectrum.
If there’s anything more we can do to help you with your lighting setup, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We’re always happy to hear from our growers.
The GH Pro 340 Supplemental Greenhouse LED grow lighting provides that same versatility.
You can manage the light spectrum to control your crop’s development and accelerate the grow cycle.

What is a Grow Cycle?

A grow cycle is the entire life cycle of plant defined by a series of individual stages.
Generally speaking, the stages of a grow cycle include:

Light Spectrum and Grow Cycle

Growers can help guide their plants through the grow cycle by adjusting the light spectrum
to encourage their crop’s development.
By doing this, the grower essentially mimics the sun’s changing position in the sky as it moves through the seasons.
As the light source indicates to plants that winter is on the way, they develop, mature, and flower accordingly.
While there are many factors to consider in programming the perfect light recipes for each stage of growth,
the general idea is that a higher concentration of blue light is ideal for those phases
when plants are developing (Germination, Seedling, and Vegetative).
Then, more red light boosts yields during the Flowering stage.
Even better, the GH Pro 340 offers this functionality wirelessly.
A departure from the SolarSystem controller,
California Lightworks’ greenhouse LED lights include wireless two-channel digital spectrum control.
Local and cloud-based data communication connects your lighting system with a Bluetooth mobile app.
You can adjust the spectrum from anywhere, and there is no need to install a contactor panel.

State-of-the-Art Photosensors

In addition to providing full-spectrum light from the highest quality LEDs on the market,
the GH Pro 340 is designed to anticipate and resolve common greenhouse lighting challenges.
The GH Pro 340 is available with optional photosensors to read the level of natural light in your greenhouse.
As more sunlight becomes available, the light dims automatically.
You never have to worry about balancing light yourself. Even better,
you can rest assured that your plants receive consistent light levels no matter how the weather changes.
California Lightworks has even tailored the construction of the GH Pro to optimize functionality.
The light features a thin profile to prevent shadowing and ensure an even spread across the canopy.
The light measures 34” x 3.2” x 3.2” and weighs 8 pounds.

(Nota mia …estoy muy curioso por ver mas info sobre los tipo de photosensors opcionales que usan…
…pero no veo nada de info sobre los photosensores… …no los veo ni como opcionales aparte…
…sera que no los venden aparte… …y vendran integrados en la lampara…
…pero no veo que digan marca modelo o tipo de sensor usado… lo que me hace plantearme…
...que tipos de photosensors se usan normalmente con los controladores meshtek??
…si alguien sabe algo mas sobre el tema.. toda ayuda es bien recibida…)

Easy, Low-Cost Installation

Whether you’re setting up your greenhouse lighting for the first time or considering the switch to LED supplemental lighting, the GH Pro 340 makes installation easy and cost-effective.
There is no external driver or ballast.
California Lightworks’ GH Pro is chainable, allowing you to connect up to ten units from a single power drop.
The light fixture also features precut waterproof cables and automatic voltage recognition for 90-277 v.
The wireless controls require no additional wiring for data cables.

California Lightworks Supplemental Greenhouse LED Lighting

If you’re familiar with California Lightworks, you know we’re sticklers when it comes to LED light quality.
The GH Pro 340 contains top-tier LEDs from Osram, the industry leader in advanced LED technology.
All our luminaires are made in California and are backed by a five-year warranty and U.S.-based customer support.

Higher Return on Investment

Expense is a major consideration for greenhouse growers.
At California Lightworks, we understand this, and we do all we can to be sure your GH Pro pays for itself.
For one thing, this LED greenhouse light uses as little as 50% of the energy consumed by HPS lamps.
That’s a huge savings for anyone making the switch, especially for a large scale operation.
Plus, with a rated life of 50,000 hours, the GH Pro 340 lasts from 15 to 20 years.
That’s more than a decade of significantly reduced energy costs from one fixture.
This luminaire is also UL listed and is on the DLC Qualified Products List for horticulture.
If there are energy rebates in your area (and there probably are), the GH Pro helps you meet the requirements.
As good as all this sounds, we recognize that any professional grower needs to see the numbers.
If you’re considering using the GH Pro for your greenhouse operation, California Lightworks offers a free ROI analysis.
That way, you can make the switch confidently.

How to order Gh Pro Supplemental Greenhouse LED Lighting?

The most important thing to know about California Lightworks is that we are always here for our customers.
We’re happy to answer any questions, from product specifications to advice for increasing yields with LED lights.

...sigo en otro post...


How to Increase the Yield of Indoor Grows?

California LightworksApril 14, 201914.7k

No matter how strong your plant production is, there’s always room to grow.
And it’s always worth it to try new techniques for maximizing your yields.
After all, the larger your production, the higher your profits.
The higher your profits, the more potential there is to expand your operation, increase yields yet again, rake in more money, lather, rinse, repeat.
Whether you feel like you’re stuck in a rut or you just want to make sure your current yields are really the best you can do, we’re going to share some great tips for growing more quality buds than ever before.
Let’s start with the most effective adjustment you can make.

Increase Yields with Variable Spectrum LED Lighting

When it comes to boosting your yields, lighting is everything.
We all learned this in grade school.
Plants need light to grow. But there’s more to it than that. Your plants take direction from the light they receive.
Light spectrum and light intensity both have the power to tell plants how tall to grow, how many buds to produce,
when to focus on rooting, when to grow leaves, and when to produce trichomes.
If you’re not using variable spectrum lighting, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to maximize yields.
Advanced LEDs like California LightWorks’ SolarSystem®
enable you to use a higher concentration of blue and white light during the vegetative stage so plants grow out instead of up, ensuring the best light access for all buds once flowering begins.
Then, as you approach the flowering stage, you can crank up the red to increase bud production
and ultimately add more UVB in the finishing stage to maximize potency.
A lot of advice for producing higher yields will advise you to amp up your light intensity.
This is absolutely true. But even more effective is increasing intensity in the right spectrum at the right time.
For that, you need programmable variable spectrum LED lighting.

Use Bigger Containers For Your Plants

Much like goldfish, your plants will grow to fill the container it’s in.
One simple way to scale up production is to, well, scale up production. For higher yields,
you want your plants to grow wide rather than tall.
You want a bushier plant so more buds have access to direct light, rather than a long,
lanky plant with several buds hidden under a canopy.
By transferring your plants to larger containers, you can encourage more outward expansion.

Proper Topping For Plants

Topping is a type of pruning done during the vegetative cycle.
When you top your plants, you cut off new growth just above the node site.
It may seem counterintuitive when your goal is higher yields.
In reality, topping instructs to plant to focus less on growing the main stalk and more on nurturing the offshoots.
Your plant then redirects growth hormones to the smaller branches, and you wind up with a bushier shape overall and,
oddly enough, two new branches to replace the one you cut off.

Use Low Stress Training (LST)

Your plants can be trained to grow the way you want using physical supports.
If you’re dealing with interlocking branches and other messy, complicated growth patterns,
some gentle plant training could be a game-changer.
Low stress training typically involves the use of string to separate the main stalk from the side branches, encouraging bushy, outward growth and promoting an even distribution of light over the entire plant.
One particularly popular system for low stress training is the Screen of Green, more commonly known as ScrOG.
This method is especially effective because it guides each branch through a grid of string.

Optimize Plant Nutrition

If you get the sense your plants aren’t producing to their full potential, the trouble might be in their nutrients.
Always make sure your plants’ nutrients are compatible with their growth medium and their current stage in the growth cycle. During vegetation, you want high nitrogen and potassium and medium phosphorus.
In the flowering stage, go for high potassium, medium or high phosphorus, and low nitrogen.
But even as you stick to this guide, keep a close eye on how your plants respond to the nutrients you give them.
Adequate nutrition is essential for getting maximum yields, but at the same time,
it’s all-too-easy to overdo it and give your precious crop nutrient burn.
If you start to notice yellow tips on your plants, it’s time to back off on your nutrient levels.

Try a High-Yield Strain

There is an extent to which your yields are out of your hands.
You can always take steps to maximize production, but “maximize” means different things for different strains.
If you’ve tried everything and still feel like you’ve hit a plateau, it’s possible that it’s not you; it’s genetics.
It never hurts to explore new options, so consider testing a different, high-yield strain and see how it suits you.
There is definitely a science to getting higher yields.
But that’s sort of the fun of it.
The more techniques you test, the more you learn about your plants.
That education in and of itself will lead you to higher yields in the long run.
So don’t be afraid to try something new.
If it isn’t working, your plants will let you know.
Above all else, remember that the most effective thing you can do to increase indoor production is choose high-quality, high-intensity LED lights . . . preferably with variable spectrum control.
The closer you can get to mimicking the sun, the better your harvest will be, both in terms of quantity and quality.
We have a great collection of variable spectrum lights that can help you get where you want to be.
And if there’s anything we can do to help, we’re easy to reach and would be happy to talk to you.
Drop us a line!
If you have any additional questions about the GH Pro 340, contact us any time.
We’ll be here.

...y hasta aqui llegue ...creo que vale para sacar ideas para tu diy tambien...

...queria comentar cosas de los ultimos videos que he subido.... pero sin feedback me aburro... y entro de nuevo en mi modo mudito...

...hombreee Wilsonnn tu por aqui?... entonces estoy peor de lo que pensaba... :wall::lol:
...bienvenido al club de naufragos solitarios en riu...
...vamos a la cueva y me cuentas... esta mal esta hierbita... momento infusion...

m function actived...

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...lectura recomendada...

Photosensors: Technology and Major Trends

...a ver si veo mas cosillas sobre los photosensors usados actualmente...

...en osram recuerdo ver cosas de photosensors... en philips me parece que tambien ...en wago tambien me parecio ver algo... aunque esten pensados para iluminacion humana... tambien me parecio ver que habian unos especiales para plantas...

Designing a Daylight Harvesting System

...aqui vi que legrand tambien tiene photosensors... seguro habra un monton y hasta seran viejos actualmente... pero como estoy desactualizado... para mi son nuevos ...juasss

... Psuagro me habia olvidado del tema... era que no daba con este video....

...este post lo pense subir a mi hilo.... pero no podia dejar en este hilo un post mio borrado como postre...

...y a Psuagro le debia este video... no solo toca la desinfeccion con uv... tambien tocan ozono y demas... gusto mucho y te lo recomiendo de ver... que el uvc es peligroso... yo lo usaria con proteccion total del cuerpo y cara (mono de laboratorio) pues la luz rebotada tambien cuenta... por lo menos dan gafa y guantes... veo que se use mucho las gafas en iluminacion de cultivo led... pero creo que son necesarias en iluminacion led... no solo nos dañan los uv los azules FR e IR tambien pueden hacernos daño... no somos plantas...

...las gafas anteriores no se si cubren los uvb y sirven para sus otras lamparas uvb

...con los uvb tomaria las mismas medidas de seguridad que con los uvc o uva... si tuviera que estar en la zona radiada... cosa que intentaria evitar...

...yo sigo creyendo que en temas de produccion de thc lo primero es la genetica de la planta... y la manita del cultivador... por supuesto si estas ayudado por controladores de iluminacion podras probar mas cosas con temas de iluminacion especial... me inspiro en los profesionales o industriales... y saco ideas para hacerlo diy de muchos de ellos.... ...hay hardware interesante para el diy en controladores de iluminacion...

...cuidaos que queda mucho covid y lo que no es covid...


...el post se lo debia al bro Psuagro... solucionado... sorry for my erased post on your thread... tu no tienes nada que ver culpa toda mia... no lo pensaba dejar asi y hoy lo solucione...

...los videos de uv los pense en subir en el hilo que uso sds ...pero no quise meter mas leña al fuego...

...los de california llevan usando uv un monton ... me gusta ver su punto de vista en el tema...

...tambien usan controlador de iluminacion para un control preciso... basado en meshtek controlers de por medio...

...y ya sabeis que me encantan los controladores de cultivo... los controladores y/o drivers al ser bluetooth o wifi no necesitan interruptores, pulsadores, contactores, reles o dimmers fisicos... por supuesto todo lo anterior tambien los podemos tener sin cables via wifi o bluetooth ... puedes poner el interruptor, pulsador o dimmer donde quieras ...puedes moverlo a otro sitio si te conviene de otra manera (sin cables ...autonomos)... controlados en tu smartphone tablet pc etc

...esta claro que la seguridad en controles de iluminacion tambien es considerada y asi estamos mas protegidos tambien por ahi... suele ser con chips de cifrado y protocolos de seguridad en comunicaciones...

...que los controladores modernos puedan fallar ...tambien lo veo posible... pero como si se va la luz...falla el driver etc...

....intento buscar componentes de alta calidad a precio aceptable... ...miro en diseño industrial y en los diseños profesionales para sacar ideas para diy...como siempre... y sin comprar nada... intento ver diferentes puntos de vista para tener una mejor perspectiva general... ando actuaizando mi old pov del 2012 por lo que veo actualmente...

...y en iluminacion led veo muchas novedades... repito para mi old pov del 12... mucho que asimilar ... pero voy al paso mi viejo pc... en cierta manera me protege de sobre-informacion .... muchos datos ... mejor asimilarlos a ratos...

...momento infusion... Wilson me dice pon musiquita...

... va por los remined mios de aqui... que son una lista larga y penosa para mi actualmete... id en paz donde esteis... best wishes for the bros here....

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Lol fuck mendocino all about 707 Humboldt county baby haha

....@Sade ...para criticar usa tu propio hilo.... siempre... noo jodas otros hilos con tu opinion negativa

...aqui no eres bien recibido posteando negativamente... Wilson otro que no se entera.... mejor ignorarlos ....solo saben ensuciar hilos....
...Gracias Wilson... no cai que el enlace anterior traia varios videos ...

...pues subo la musiquita aqui y pasamos del hp...

por mis reminded de por aqui que es una lista larga y penosa para mi... id en paz donde quiera que esteis...

..y seguramente muchos me ven rumbo al muelle tambien...

....wilson vamos a seguir viendo videos de actualizacion..... e ignoramos el personaje negativo... vamos pal choso...

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...unos videos sobre cosillas de iluminacion dali...

...pedazo dia de calor y con calima.... de bochorno.. gustan cosas de dali... y muchas las tiene tambien la app de meshtek...las zonas los grupos los sensores...

...sigo en otro post que veo mas cosillas sobre el tema...

...Si Wilson se que son temas no populares... y aburren a muchos... pero debia tocar el tema de los protocolos... dmx 1-10 v dali etc... que hay unos cuantos protocolos....

...y si Wilson como no tengo ningun apoyo por parte de wago...
los nombrare lo minimo posible y no me hare eco de info sobre sus cosas...
...(que decepcion con los de wago...en fin ellos se lo pierden)...

.... continuo con mas cosillas...

...lista con videos sobre dali pro de osram...

..este lo vere n casa mas tarde...

...a ver si doy con otros videos que vi...

....este es basado en zigbee... encanta la idea.... pequeño y modular ...aunque zigbee no es de los economicos... quizas uno tuneado con un esp32 mesh family autonomo (con bateria y panel solar de 6v externo asi podemos cargar la/s baterias de el/los controladores y sensores con la propia luz de la lampara)...

...una cosa que estoy viendo mucho ultimamente (invertronics ...chiled...) que se usan conectores protegidos contra agua...pero se sigue usando tornillos para agarrar los cables..... yo eso lo sigo viendo como una conexion externa.... fui electricista por lo que por normas me acostumbre al uso de cajas de conexiones externas por seguridad en las conexiones (las junction boxes).....
.... para conexiones externas prefiero usar cajas estancas con el mismo tipo de proteccion que usan estos conectores de tornillo.... y dentro de la caja los 221 o 222 que necesite.... y asi evito las viejas conexiones por tornillos....


juas no doy con imagenes de las trasparentes ... con este lento pc es un coñazo....bueno como ejemplo medio vale...
...acepto barco como animal de compañia... y seguimos es por no usar el destornillador... pues la caja generalmente tiene tornillos... por la conexion electrica.... los tornillos se sueltan con vibraciones... la otra conexion electrica es mas segura y duradera... y mas rapida de hacer o deshacer....prefiero usar caja transparente para las junction boxes y asi puedo hacer una inspeccion visual sin necesidad de abrir la caja.... caja similar a las de arriba pero transparentes ...vienen con diferentes combinaciones de conectoreswaterproof ...las hay con conectores waterproof en solo un lado o en dos o en tres o en los cuatro de uno o mas conectores waterproof...

...aparte de la funcion de caja de conexiones (junction box) tambien puede alojar pequeño hardware convirtiendose en una control box tambien.... junction box + control box ....ideal teniendo cerca drivers o controladores o sensores de iluminacion... es mi pov... pero parece que muchos no pillaron bien la idea... no problemo para gustos colores...

...LG usa junction box en el lado dc...mi consejo...yo usaria junction box con conectores w en el lado ac tambien.... mas seguro... ...un dia pillaran bien mi pov.... o mis consejos how to en conexiones electricas....

...otro consejo...como veo que usa conexiones en paralelo... si tuviera que usar la conexion en paralelo usaria cables para conectar los led del mismo largo... gastas un poco mas de cable ...pero todos los ramales al medir lo mismo ayudaran en la reparticion de cargas mas hompogeneas... usando leds iguales (mismo bin) claro....

mis consejos son como las lentejas...las tomas o las dejas... tu mismo....

...segun mi pov.... ellos usan la version mas economica la vieja de tornillo.... yo prefiero gastar quizas un poco mas y tener las conexiones electricas controladas por conectores sin tornillos ...conectores de alta calidad....que me dan mas confianza a la larga... seguridad ya sabeis que me la tomo muy en serio.... y la paz y tranquilidad me la transmite mejor los conectores modernos los de tornillo.... he usado mucho los de tornillo y con el tiempo suelen aflojarse y dar problemas...

y siempre separo circuitos ac de los dc.... siempre que puedo... a veces no queda otra y hay que trabajar con cable apantallado... pero es lo que hay... por lo que hay cajas de conexiones para ac y para dc ... y a veces no queda otra que mixta no es la ideal pero puede resolver situaciones...

Wilsonnnn ...momento infusion... pedazo calufonnn....

...con estos calores siempre me traen a la memoria este video...

...ahora vamonos pal choso wilson...que estamos castigados...


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...hombre acabo de ver que LG usa esp32 mega y raspi... interesante...

...y tambien le gustan los fans noctua... tenemos gustos muy parecidos en algunos temas... tutorial en HA... gracias por compartirlo...

...mi POV ...en raspi 4 preferiria una ice tower con un ventilador noctua silencioso...

..sigo en otro post...

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...quedaban estos 2 ultimos videos de su tutorial en HA...

...y hasta tiene foro... tendre que hecharle un vistazo cuando tenga un rato..
,..muy curioso el diy LG gracias por compartir el tutorial..... :hump::clap::clap::clap::fire: gustan un monton estas actualizaciones con controladores de por medio... ouyeahh...

PD ...interesante webinar sobre dali ...toca un poco KNX... hay mas buses de comunicacion en iluminacion inteligente... pero mejor voy poco a poco en estos temas de-buses industriales...segun vea videos interesantes por el camino... wilson seguimos castigados....


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...nueva actualizacion para mi... esta vez de mano del bro GG.. hablando sobre el controlador trollmaster...

...en este hilo que han apuntado hoy en el foro... he mirado aun en los post de gg... actualizaciones asi me indican que debo mirar en sus post..para mas actualizaciones de GG.... entre la busqueda de imagenes en google o hacer busquedas en el foro lo llevo crudo con este viejo pc... ...cuantos hilos buenos me habre perdido o estare perdiendo...

....pero no hay prisa... y tomo nota ...gracias por la ayuda indirecta de shimbob con el link... acabo de actualizar en los ultimos posts de gg... ahora entiendo un poco mejor otras cosillas...

...como esta el patio eh Wilson... mejor seguimos por casa...

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So many good buried posts. Some other forums have stickied threads for recurring questions and useful stuff.

...lo se eot un viejo problema en riu...

...en controladores no se si me falta algun hilo interesante que ver... usando arduinos o raspis no se de hilos por aqui...

o los meshtek ... algun hilo sobre meshtek o esp32 por aqui?.... se usa dali o dmx por aqui?....

...alguien usa knx y dali 2 ... o usa otro bus para datos en iluminacion.... imagino que no sera lista larga y que casi estoy actualizado por aqui...en tema controladores... falta tocar un controlador que vi para acuarios. con sensor de luz.. por un precio similar a un quantum sensor tienes un controlador con sensor comparable a un quantum sensor o eso dicen....sobre 200 pavos me parecio verlos...

...ya pondre videos que aun tengo que ver unos cuantos y entre ellos estan los del controlador de acuario...
...tampoco he mirado controladores actuales en foros de acuarios como hacia antes... voy al ritmo del viejo pc... lento... pero ahi voy... ya mirare no hay prisa...y sin comprar nada... me / os actualizo...

...seguimos aullando desde el risco... que mis hilos y posts se terminaran hundiendo en el olvido...
...como muchos otros hilos de mucha otra buena gente...
...por eso los llamo actualmente baules de recuerdos...
...son un poco o un mucho ...cajones desastre... como los llamaba antes
...en los que hay un poco de todo de lo que habia en una epoca actual y pasada... Wilson estamos baneados de otro hilo... consecuencias llegan que decia la cancion...
...que le vamos a hacer... nos toca mas castigo... menos visitas externas... y nada de musikita juass...
...pues a casa a ver esos videos pendientes... con infusion ...hoy salvia tila manzanilla.. la trifasica la llamo...

...cuidate y gracias por pasarte por el baul eot...


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...y aqui los videos sobre el controlador de acuario con sensor par...

y un webinar de KNX Y DALI... esre lo vi a cachitos... a veces lo adelantaba... me costo verlo unas cuantas veces pero asi no se me hacia tan largo... y como voy con musikita propia de fondo al final pude con el... advertidos quedais...

y un nuevo odroid H2+... mas maderaaa....

...Si Wilson seguimos castigados... vamonos pal choso...


Last edited: escapada de hoy... nos va a caer mas castigo Wilson...

...mejor lo muevo al baul...

...Cobshop... la korona app es para IOS... esperemos que la saquen para Android y la puedas testear...

...yo no tengo smartphone... ni quantum meter...pero vi esto...

...aqui usan otras...

Light Meter by Elena Polyanskaya

Lux Light Meter by Doggo Apps

aqui otras...

...este lo nombran mucho tambien...

...ya teneis algunas light app para testear contra quantum meters... o calibraciones contra bines confiables etc...

...como era...a si...:fire:

...solo como referencia...

Si Wilson... esta escapada... nos va a doler...anda vamos pal choso que fijo nos van a castigar mas...

... momento infusion... musica bob marley regae mix....
o goin deeper undergrown... y a la mazmorra de la baticueva a cumplir castigo...
a ver cuanto tardan en quitarnos el castigo Wilson...


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sad acabo de enterar... y que palo llevo... estoy roto... dia muy triste para mi... perdi /mos... a O2surplus...

soy muy fan suyo... lo he homenajeado en vida en post mios por aqui... ahora cada vez que vea diseños con drivers ldd que veo vendiendo por ahi... me lo traeran de vuelta... algunos pocos sabemos la verdad sobre los pcbs... un placer ver que aun hoy veo circular pcbs (drivers y controladores) que me lo recuerdan... en coralux ... en steve leds.... en cutter...

...hoy en dia no veo nadie compartiendo gratis gerbers. de pcb interesantes para diy..

...tendria que hacer ingenieria inversa si quisiera seguir sus pasos... y no se de sus ultimos diy...

...esas seran pocas actualizaciones por mi viejo pc... a ver que logro ver...

..veo que me tendre que registrar de nuevo y tener un numero de post para poder descargar su archivo zip... :wall: actualizaciones para este baul de O2 que veo.....

...Here's (her) my latest design. ...el ultimo diseño suyo que veo ,,,no se si tendra mas....


This one uses the WEMOS D1 Mini for WiFi control instead of the BlueFish Mini.
It features 8 PWM channels, Dual SCW's, 3 cooling fan connections, ect..
The PcB measures 100 mm X 150 mm.
I've got a batch of 10 coming in the next week or so.
I'll post the design files if this design proves sound and defect free se si llego a publicar los gerbers de este... si alguien los consigue me faltan para la coleccion de cosas de el....

I've attached a folder that contains a pre-compiled fan controller ".hex" file.
In order to use it, please download the "Xloader" software found here- Use the Xloader .exe file to start the program.
Set the board option to Duemilanove/Nano/Atmega328, set the Com port #, and set the path to the "perfected_fan_speed .hex" file.
Tap the upload button.
If all goes according to plan, the Nano will get re-flashed with new software, and your fans will function properly.
Please let me know if you need any further help. (7.1 KB, 38 views) falta el zip en la coleccion... si alguien me lo pasa se lo agradezco...

...aunque el uso los ldd a mi me gustaba mas su idea con los 6211...


...sus 6211 Bluefish controlled boards... que aun no he visto bien... version gets a SinPadII MCPCB , with either 6 channels and a BlueFish MINI, or 8 channels and a Wemos D1 MINI (ESP8266) Wifi controller. perdi esa version 6211 con sinpad2 y wemos...o las futuras con esp32 ...joder...

...pero convergiamos en ideas.... me alegro no ir muy desencaminado...
...pero a ver donde encuentro hoy en dia gente asi...

...otro reminded mas... y crece la puta lista...

...que esteis en paz donde quieras que esteis... Wilson actualizaciones como estas pueden venirnos mas... asi que agarrate que vienen curvas...

...mis condolencias a familia y amigos...


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