Starting from 0 Part 1

But also silicone conformal coatings ,due to their thickness are more prone

to delaminate from thermal cycling .

( “ Think I saw an Irish youtube spiderfarmer SF1000 review where the coating was peeling back and appeared floppy. I made the assumption that it was silicone-based off that. “)


First, determine the expected operational temperature range for the circuit board – the highs and the lows. Should this be greater than 150-160°C, for example, it is almost certainly an application for a silicone, rather than an acrylic or polyurethane conformal coating. Also, consider the temperature excursions; if thermal shock or thermal cycling is not taken into consideration, it could lead to cracking, severely compromising a coating’s protective capabilities.

Second, what degree of chemical resistance is required? Acrylic materials, while easily removable when reworking, are generally highly susceptible to attack by solvents. Polyurethane materials, on the other hand, provide more chemical resistance but are generally not amenable to rework. Assess whether immersion or splash resistance is required and whether the coating may be exposed to heated solutions of potential contaminants, which will increase their ability to act as a solvent.

Third, consider what level of corrosion protection is required. Humidity generally only becomes problematic when condensation occurs, which would require close attention to the thickness and coverage of the coating. But do remember, while a thicker coating might provide superior protection in condensing environments or where salt-spray or corrosive gases are present, anything more than the 50 micron target thickness may be prone to cracking under conditions of thermal shock or thermal cycling.(...)


I’ve not yet come across a specialised

LED silicone based CC in spray can

form ...

Any link(s) ?

I can relate with the “water proofing “ concept ,as those lights could be used in greenhouses or other facilities where water sprinklers are used for irrigation ,foliar feeding and spraying various phytochemicals.

Still these conditions are far different from the usual conditions inside the average

private grow tent or room .

Thus ,-regarding DIY designs -the sacrifice of total water proofing for gaining in other aspects like thin coating ,reworking and ease of application does not seem that important .

But yes ,

the acrylic CC does not fit

in applications with high temperatures involved.

But then,if such high temperatures are achieved ,that the acrylic CC will deteriorate by them -something is not right already .Efficient cooling of the LEDs will never allow an acrylic CC to deteriorate by high temperatures.

Yes,acrylic will not adhere to silicone

LED LES or dome lens .And there is where the issues start to evolve .

Gets worse as the surface of the LES gets larger and as the acrylic coating gets thicker .

I really wonder what is this simple solution that Teknik has found ....

Thank you for the link.

It seems that most CC of any chemistry do have that nasty UV tracer

used for inspection .

Very difficult to find a CC without UV tracer.

That thing gets absorbed by the LES/lens of the LEDs and do cause a permanent CCT shift towards cooler temperatures.

Most of them are quite elastic and do follow the expansion-contraction rates of the components they are protecting.

Furthermore the coatings are so thin that most probably can’t exert forces that will displace soldered components .

There’s also the Urethan 71 from

Kontakt Chemie .A PU cc without

UV tracer.Still it’ s a bit yellowish in appearance as it is stated at the product’s TDS.

EDIT: For my next DIY LED grow light

project I’ve ordered a PU CC

from Electrolube ( UR 5634 ) .

....ya me imaginaba que la cosa iria por estos derroteros....una pena verlo desde mi pov actual ... tomo mi tiempo de infusion... y me voy adaptando a estos nuevos tiempos...

..poco a poco... y a veces mucho a mucho... mi trabajo me cuesta... partiendo de 0... aplico lo del ...dejalo estar...

...vuelvo a repetir...que los videos que subo no son con animo comercial... pretendo que nadie compre nada ni venda nada... solo sacar ideas de esos videos...

The MicaSense Altum captures six bands - red, green, blue, red edge, near-infrared and thermal.
The capture of these bands happens at the same moment, making the data easier to align and use for analytics.
Also, because there are six bands, from Altum can be used to create anything from NDVI to digital surface models to thermal heat maps.

...por lo que entiendo que es una todo en uno... una candidata a predator multivision videocam....

...pero sus precios entran en lo profesional... muy caros para mi old pov....

....ya veo que las camaras multiespectrales comerciales suelen ser bastante caras...

....esta claro el camino... diy... por lo que lo que he subido del tema... a mi me vale...

...ya veo que actualmente todo es carisimo para mi old pov.... hasta las soluciones diy me parecen caras...

...mmm......esto y como va el foro y el baul hace replantearme prioridades...

...pues estare mas tiempo fuera que por aqui...

...vuelta al underground... que aqui estoy molestando y sobrando....

...empiezo un blog privado en casa... que me divertira mas...

...y asi aqui no pondre tanto video.... y me llevara menos tiempo por aqui...

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...fue un placer leer de nuevo a sds...y conocer a RS...
..os intentare seguir aunque sea de lejos...

....activado modo mudito... y a verlo desde casa...

Abrazos para ellos besos para ellas y Saludos a los demas

I can't see how it's a good idea to start messing with spraying stuff on top of your leds when people clearly are just guessing whether it will actually work or not. A lot of googling and pretentious copy pasting is not going to replace actually knowing. People who tried it reported it not working.

Besides we have been using COBs and led strips for years now. Never heard anybody complain that their led coating looked damaged. But then probably not a lot of people put sulfur in their grow tent.

If you are looking to use sulfur then it's probably better to use LM301H leds which are factory coated to be more resistant to this.
....para mi es muy simple...
...te gusta la idea la usas... te gusta la idea no la uses....
...quieres debatir mas el tema coatings.... hazlo en el otro hilo...

wietefras ...esta vez no te enlace queriendo...siento tu confusion por mi forma de postear aqui en el baul....

...este es un baul de recuerdos y entre otras cosas ...recojo ideas de sds ...cuando puedo y cuando las veo que no siempre es o en otro/s hilo/s...


...modo mudito reactivado....

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....upsss... me salto el modo mudito ...un detalle para EOTT por sus likes...

...pues cupo entero... es largo... estaba actualizandome y no se si lo conocias...

...por ...te regalo mi update post...

WebPlotDigitizer Tutorial 3.6+ (Watch at 720p)

Skip to topic:
1. Introduction [0:00]
2. Loading Images [0:30]
3. 2D XY Plot and Axes Calibration [1:09]
4. Manual Extraction Mode [3:08]
5. Automatic Extraction Mode [4:22]
5.1. Mask [4:38]
5.2. Color Selection [5:19]
5.3. Averaging Window Algorithm [6:22]
5.4. X Step with Interpolation Algorithm [7:15]
6. View and Export Digitized Data [9:07]
7. Multiple Datasets [10:28]
8. Distance Measurements with Maps and Microscope Images [12:38]
9. Polar Diagram [15:13]
10. Ternary Diagram [16:34]

For Using Dates in WebPlotDigitizer, watch

...tutorial video WebPlotDigitizer v3.6...
...then we need an actual tutorial for the last WebPlotDigitizer version 4.2...please
...from mi old pov.....

...the manual go on WebPlotDigitizer v3.9....
...then we need an actual manual for the last WebPlotDigitizer version 4.2...please please
...from mi old pov.....

RELEASE NOTES la actual version de WebPlotDigitizer la v4.2...

Version 4.2
April 7, 2019

New Features:
- Save and resume auto-detection algorithm settings along with masks in the project file (per dataset).
- Crop images before digitization.
- Undo/Redo management system (used only for cropping images at the moment)
- Initial ability to run digitization on multiple images via NodeJS command-line

Bug fixes:
- Improve X Step with Interpolation algorithm for log-scale charts
- Improved unit test coverage

- Minor UI tweaks for mask creation

Version 4.1
January 8, 2018

New Feature:
- Ability to measure area and perimeter of polygons

Bug fixes:
- Fix grid removal
- Fix axes labels for 2D XY axes
- Fix loading project files in Chrome on Windows OS
- Fix transformation equations for polar axes
- Fix issue with editing bar chart labels
- Update Simplified Chinese and French translations
- Add keyboard shortcuts (F2 or Mac+R) to rename axes and datasets. Double-click should also work.
- Fix copy/paste in MacOS desktop app
- Fix color selection after reloading projects

Version 4.0
October 30, 2017

New Features:

- Offline Electron apps for Windows/Linux/Mac OS
- Multi-axes support
- PDF support: In addition to traditional images, PDF documents can also be loaded now.
- Combined project files: Users can now download both image and JSON data in combined .tar files. In later versions, the JSON will also contain auto extraction parameters.
- Tree control in the UI: This makes it much easier to work with multiple datasets.
- Support for time along with dates in 2D XY charts
- PHP has been replaced with a Go backend
- Client side downloads: For most new browsers, CSV/JSON/tar files can be generated and downloaded entirely in the browser. Data will not require to be bounced off of the server.
- Added Simplified Chinese translations (work in progress).
- A lot of code refactoring to allow more features in the future.

- WPD will no longer support Internet Explorer browser. Microsoft Edge should work.

Version 3.12
June 3, 2017

- Moved to GNU AGPL v3 from GNU GPL v3

New Features
- Export all datasets to Plotly together using the "Export All Datasets" option.
- Minor improvement of axes calibration point graphics
- Provide user the option to account for axes rotation for bar charts when the charts are not perfectly vertical or horizontal.

Bug Fixes
- Minor bug fixes related to drag-drop of image

Version 3.11
January 17, 2017

New Features:

- X Step w/ Interpolation and X Step algorithms now work with log scale XY axes.
- Add ability to export all datasets to a single combined CSV file from the Data menu.
- Add internationalization support and translate to French and German.

Version 3.10
May 8, 2016

New Features:

- Improved sub-pixel behavior of the default averaging window algorithm, blob detector and bar extraction.
- Added ability to re-edit axes calibration after collecting data.

Bug fixes:
- Re-worked bar extraction algorithm to allow capturing both negative and positive values in the same chart (horizontal or vertical).
- Allow automatic extraction algorithms to work with images with a transparent background.

Version 3.9
October 18, 2015

New Features:
- Initial implementation of grid removal.
- Log scale support for polar diagrams.

Bug fixes and code clean-up:
- Eliminate dependence on numeric.js for a lighter and more predictable code base.
- Improve rendering of data points.
- Refactor measurement code to allow for path length and area measurement tools in the future.

Version 3.8
May 7, 2015

New Features:

- Added initial support for bar charts and histograms.
- Context sensitive algorithm options in the UI.
- Controls for measurement data made consistent with plot data.
- Added button to show extended crosshair next to image zoom options.
- Minor UI tweaks for better appearance across different platforms.
- Use alpha channel in zoom view for smoother appearance.

Bug Fixes and code clean-up:

- Code clean up based on JSHint suggestions.
- Fixed missing data point metadata in JSON files.
- Fix minor issues with graphics related to distance and angle measurements.
- Graphics related code clean-up.
- Fix minor issues related to blob detector algorithm.

Version 3.7
March 9, 2015

Bug fixes:

- Fixed multiple calibration issues with polar diagrams.
- Fixed switching between tools using keyboard during distance and angle measurements.

New Features:

- Exported JSON now contains actual data values in addition to the pixels positions of the data points.
- Added ability to load remote images sent via POST (not to be exposed on the website at the moment).
- Chrome extension that can allow users to send any image on the internet to a locally hosted WebPlotDigitizer (not to be added to the Chrome store at the moment).

...sin manual tutorial actualizados.... gratis es de lo mejor que he visto....

... @SDS-GR ....lo digo por las actualizaciones de software que ha hecho... que preferias o sigues prefiriendo otro soft... pero en la version que te evoluciono versiones en version gratis... y no ha evolucionado lo que esta.... no pretendo que cambies de opinion....solo te expongo mi pov...


....modo mudito reactivado...
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...y un mini update post extra por si EOTT conocia el soft de mi anterior update post....

....con las siguientes ....da igual su color o potencia.... lo nteresante es que creamos una esp32 mesh network... o sea ampliamos la red de cobertura de nuestra wifi....pues las lampara se comunican entre si mismas y el controlador....



... y el meshkit sense.... tiene a bordo unos interesantes senssores.... y es un meshkit...

...casi todo lo nuevo para hacer diy me lleva a china... veo cosas muy interesantes.... y como evolucionan...

...debere interesarme en estar mas al dia de sus juguetes...nuevos para mi....alli es una fiebre... asi pasan de los raspi y familia... juass

....usan mucho microphyton.... con esp32 y similares...


...modo mudito reactivado....juasss
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Just arrived !

@Prawn Connery
I need your help ,please.

I will use this PU potting compound for covering the LED devices of 8x
Photo Boost strips from PLC.
Each strip has 96x LM301 having a height of approx 0.75 mm plus the added thickness of the solder and
4x XP-G3 which have a height of
~ 2.3mm ,plus the solder thickness.
All of them placed in a single straight line.

Since the mixed resin has a bit more viscosity than SAE 40 motor oil
(~1000 mPa s),
some kind of restraining is needed
around the straight line that the LEDs form ,so that the liquid resin will stay put and won’t overflow on the mcpcb ,while at the same time will encapsulate completely the LEDs.

After some brain-squeezing I’ve decided to use a 2 mm thick silicone Nano tape -cut in fine strips- and stick it on the mcpcb ,surrounding the line of LEDs.That will serve as a “mold”-sort of -and hopefully will keep the resin within it’s slim rectangular shape ,until it cures .
Afterwards ,the silicone nano tape strips will be removed ,since PU does not really adhere to silicone .

Of course ,before all that is done ,a thorough degreasing of the Photo Boost LED strips with IPA ,is rather obligatory.

Any advice ,suggestion and/or tips
are more than welcome .

hombreee bueno es .....enterarse???....
...8x strips in a singlle stright line???.... ...curiosa superficie a iluminar......
...driver? meanwell me imagino.... ...arduino controled?... no creo.... mas bien potenciometro.... me atrevo a adelantar...
...curioso por ver que disipador? has usado....
..96x LM301... los samsung blancos...CCT : 3500K (80 CRI) ???....90cri???....por jugar con los spds...
...4x imagino que seran los photo reds (660 nn).???....por jugar con los spds...

y veo que gg y tu sois unos tu tienes en grecia .... lo mismo caen algunas aqui por tenerife... cuanto es el palo por mandarlas a tenerife?.... en euros please... a ver si contacto con el...
que me da que va ser muy dificil.... no tienen tiempo para naaaa....

...led devices sds flavour...

the LED devices of 8x Photo Boost strips from PLC.
Each strip has 96x LM301 having a height of approx 0.75 mm plus the added thickness of the solder and
4x XP-G3 which have a height of ~ 2.3mm ,plus the solder thickness.
All of them placed in a single straight line.

...otro dia subire mas posts del tema coatings... que veo que me deje algun post de sds por hacerme eco por aqui...

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bienvenido a mi hilo... polvo de estrellas aka sds.... viejas costumbres nuestras... tu la usas menos...
...ya diras algo mas por aqui algun dia ...eso pretendo robarte tu poco tiempo .... no hay prisa....

...yo inverti un monton de tempo en entenderos en ingles.... que ahora vosotros invirtais algo de tiempo con el español... tampoco es tanto pedir... ademas tampoco es tanto esfuerzo con losnavegadores actuales y asi le jode mas al trump y sus seguidores... en español...

...quizas vivir un tiempo en canarias ayude a la familia... good air generally...que tambien tenemos epoca de calimas y es polvo en el aire pero por lo general... el aire es de buena calidad.... tienes coche en nada te pones en el monte o en la playa... o subes por encima de las nubes en la falda del teide y te pegas una buena esnifada de aire puro... aqui sabiendo idiomas y lo que sabes seguro te buscas la vida mejor que en grecia... pero he estado desconectado mucho tiempo... y estoy aterrizando en esta nueva realidad de 2020.... la cosa se pone fea por ahi en grecia....por lo que sea....yo podria alquilarte una casa en el sur en el medano ...pero tendria que consultarlo con la familia... y actualmente no tengo ni coche ni moto... ni... añade lo que quieras que seguro tambien me falta... te traes el coche por barco.... y a seguir con otros aires....

...pensaba que tenias tierras con olivos... pero es info vieja y desactualizada...y me imagino que las tierras seran cosa famlliar... y actualmente creo llevas otro camino...en zona industrial...

...cuesta dejar los olivos atras.... segun mi pov... pero hay que adaptarse....quieras o no...

Saludos sir
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Switching power supplies ,like LED drivers are operating in the range from tens of kHz to a few MHz .

Since the operational frequencies of
WI-Fi are 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz,
it’s quite unlikely that a certified and
quality LED psu will interfere with the
Wi-Fi data transmission .
But ...
In the case of a faulty and /or low quality unshielded and filter-less psu,
then there can be harmonics that could possibly may be causing interference .
Still highly unlikely ,but can’t be ruled out completely.

Try switching OFF the light fixture and unplug it from the mains .If your Wi-Fi operates as usual afterwards ,then you will know for sure that something is really going wrong .

Be cautious at such case.
It may be that not only your Wi-Fi
gets messed up ...
Maybe trouble is caused at nearby ,
other wireless connections also.

In some cases such
EMI/RFI issues had a radius of half a kilometer
( 400 Watt HPS digital ballast messed up the reception of the WHOLE AM radio band ,at a radius of about half a kilometer around the grow tent ! Nobody was able to listen to any AM radio broadcast ,at one third of a mile radius ! ) ....

....llevo tiempo siguiendo los esp... ...como algunos viejos del lugar lo saben... acuerdan de un video que subi donde le cambiaban la memoria interna a un esp por una memoria mayor...
...en ese video se ve desoldando esa jaula faraday... para acceder a la memoria al lado del chip wifi... y al acabar cerrando y soldando la jaula faraday nuevo ...lo traigo al caso por ayudar a visualizar la jaula faraday...

...y en su evolucion los nuevos hardwares los veo encapsulados en jaulas de metal (cajas o jaulas faraday) para evitar interferencias.... dieron cuenta que tenian que usar jaulas faraday para tener muchos menos probemas...
...pero cuantos hay sin jaula faraday?....pues hay un montonazo de hardware no protegido contra interferencias entre nosotros... no solo no estan potegidos contra interferencias sino que tambien las generan....

...los esp solo los uso como ejemplo visual.... pues vimos su evolucion hasta los actuales esp32....
...hay un montonazo de hardware wifi viejo de todo tipo operando aun actualmente...

...hay un monton de hardware wifi que no esta enjaulado y por tanto son susceptibles de tener interferencias... amen de los cables para datos usados en las conexiones ... muchos tampoco los veo apantallados como deberian ser... y tambien son causas de interferencias...

....tambien he visto que en las extensiones wifi / satelite / etc por red electrica... los datos viajan por tu red electrica... y puede que generen ruido en la instalacion electrica no solo en tu red sino tambien en las cercanas.... en forma de ruido ...(armonicos)... y por el aire tambien viajan otro tipo de interferencias (por mi lllamados los cabrones armonicos aereos)... suelen ser de vez en cuando... pero no hay dia que no falten....causas un monton...y de estas no nos libramos nadie... varias veces al dia .... y hoy en dia diria que es mas general que puntual.... vamos a mas ruido pues interactuan un monton de hardwares en las frecuencias radioelectricas y muchas veces se interfieren entre si...
...una sirena de ambulancia sonando cerca te puede dejar sin wifi ... y mil cosas mas tambien
..son ruidos pasajeros...y despues de un momento desaparecen... pero cada vez hay mas cantidad de ruidos pasajeros...
pues cada vez somos mas... y cada vez mas conviven diferentes tecnologias y tambien hardwares viejos y nuevos con mal mantenimiento... propia red electrica...puede ya venir a tu casa... con armonicos ruidosos incluidos... sin que tu seas el origen...
... no deberia ser asi ...pero es mas normal de lo que la gente piensa...
...incluso la red telefonica puede venirnos con ruido....

...dificil escapar de la influencia de los armonicos en zonas con instalaciones viejas o nuevas con mal mantenimiento...
...hay algunas soluciones.... ...pero muchos huecos por donde se nos pueden colar....

...hay que ser proactivo y tomar lastipicas medidas para evitar las posibles interferencias creadas por nosotros mismos.... pues si esperas que se arregle solo el problema...lo llevas claro..

Pd... en otro orden de cosas...con respecto a los armonicos... los medidores de energia externos (ya dije que el propio contador con telegestion que tenemos actualente nos puede servir como medidor con datos reales y es gratis) que miro para casa... me gustaron los wago...
...pues es de los pocos que se preocupan por los putos armonicos... ya tocare el tema en otra ocasion. que hable de wago... que me tienen flipando... no se aun sus precios... no creo sean baratos...
la vida segun la veo actualmente.... ha subido todo un monton desde mi desconexion en el 13...
...estoy en un aterriza como puedas y a continuacion atencion a las curvas y badenes...
..hoy mas que nunca este mundo es una puta jungla... ...una puta muyyy cara...

...y yo sin trabajo ...sin un duro... y fisicamente viejo...
...lo dicho tenndre que ser mas proactivo...
...juas ni tiempo para aterrizar como pueda...y con la necesidad de despegar de nuevo...
...que tiempos estos del 20...
...quizas deberia tomar biodramina para el mareo del sube baja emocional actual... juasss por favor ...mas pastillas nooooo... :wall: jejeje

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...esta claro que me encantan las SBC ...las Single Board Computer... gustan mucho las latte panda.... pero son caras....

...miraba de otras posibilidades... las uddo x86.... son mas baratas... pero siguen siendo caras para mi pov...

....veo las odissey x86.... tambien interesante segun mi pov desactualizado...

...busco poder correr no solo wndows y linux sino tambien android....

... y mirando videos veo unos de las uddo x86 que me gustaron....

...recuerden no pretendo vender nada... ni recomendar nada.... es solo por coger ideas y actualizarme /nos

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...en mini pcs.... ...los precios los veo como los del latte panda...

...los minix me encantan pero que precios...
...los beelink me gustan tambien... y tiene mejores precios... pero es solo mi primera opinion desactualizada....

.... a ver que videos veo sobre ellos....

...sigo mirando...

Last edited: veo videos en español sobre las odissey x86...

....sigo mirando cosillas...

...curiosa opinion de biblioman09.... me gusta su pov...

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...sobre esphome... para hacer la vida mucho mas facil a los esp adictos....

....esp cams but on multispectral way..... unas esp cams predator multivision style.... jejejeje
...las comerciales usan hasta cinco en un solo sensor.... yo la veo con 7 camaras ...una central con optica con zoom... y las 6 demas alrededor de la central... y con esp32 normal o con lora... su bateria lipoly... y caña a la maraña.... ya se que algunos videos ya los he subido aqui anteriormente.... pasa naa...

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A quick explanation of the principles behind Near Infrared imaging for detection of photosynthesis and a visual breakdown of the assembly of your own Photosynthesis Lab.

Raspberry Pi Model B
RaspiCam NoIR

...sobre la RaspiCam NoIR vi...

720 nm Longpass filter

...sobre el 720 nm Longpass filter vi...

There is an awesome group over at public labs that is working on similar projects, though they focus more on NDVI processing.
I'm interested in furthering this technique by amplifying the photosynthesis signal and decreasing the noise. Particularly interested in finding ways to incorporate a monochrome CCD with wide wavelength sensitivity
and then using specialized filter sets to tune into specific molecules.

NOTA....creo recordar que las camaras paa las raspberry pi le valen tambien a las esp32.... y viceversa ....pero no estoy seguro... no estoy actualizado ...aun..

...como hacia tiempo no ponia nada de sparkfun....

...a estos tendre que dedicarle un tiempo extra...

...ya lo nivel 2...nivel apto para todos....juassss hay ganas salud y dinero.... no nos para nadie...

...curioso el tema de las TJC.... Curioso tambien el foro para nextion con el que di....
...y lo bueno que es estar bien informado....avisados estais... yo me hice eco...

...Raspi cam with sony sensor.... eso si es un tuneo....jejeje

Checking out the new Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Module with Interchangeable Lenses !!
Testing the 12 mp Sony IMX477 Sensor in both Image and Video Mode.

Raspberry Pi HQ Camera for Raspberry Pi 4:
Raspberry Pi 16 mm Telephoto Lens for HQ Camera:
Raspberry Pi 6 mm Wide Angle Lens for HQ Camera:

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In this video, we take a look at Set up Nad test out the all-new Raspberry Pi HQ Camera along with both available at launch, the 6 MM Wide-angle, and the 16 MM Telephoto lens.
With a Sony IMX477R stacked, back-illuminated sensor, @ 12.3 megapixels this is the best Raspberry Pi camera to date!

Raspberry Pi HQ Camera for Raspberry Pi 4:
Raspberry Pi 16 mm Telephoto Lens for HQ Camera:
Raspberry Pi 6 mm Wide Angle Lens for HQ Camera:
Browse Micro Center’s work and learn from home products:

Equipment I Use:
Screen Capture Device:
Tool Kit:
Soldering Station:
Raspberry Pi 3 B Plus:
Flirc Case:


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