Starting from 0 Part 1


Well-Known Member
....llenado el primer baul de recuerdos... me hacia muy lento...

...abro el segundo... para testear otras cosillas...

...parece ir mejor... pero esta en fase de pruebas...

nota de bitacora... ...debo probar por otro lado la fase 2...

...perfiles para chasis de lamparas...

ups ... me toca infusion.... infusion time....

...bueno tenia pensado poner imagenes pero es un rollo con chrome por lo que buscare videos...

....luego me da que llenare unos cuantos baules mas... que se le va a hacer...

...bueno siempre me gusto la idea de los canopi rail de rapidled....

...en realidad seria como solo un lado del tipico rail de alumino t-slot (son los perfiles llamados T-Track)

...los perfiles son para buscar cerca de ti para evitar comprar de lejos y se encarezca el tema...
...los modelos que puedas encontrar y comprar cerca...
...y algunos pueden ser usados como disipadores para las tiras....hay que testearlos...
...pues una cosa es la pinta que tiene... y otra si hace la funcion disipadora correctamente...

...este video es solo de ejemplo.... a ver si veo uno mejor y lo cambio...

puedo usar el video parado inicial como foto.... juasss ... nueva tecnica... TECNICA SALM-ONE-TIN...:fire:

...como vereis hay varios modelos de t-slot...
....el mas basico es el de la derecha del todo y no tiene 'agujeros' en las esquinas... ...los demas si... gustan mas con agujeros en las esquinas...
...despues vendrian los que ademas llevan 'agujero' central... por el tema de poder levar varios cables...
...y por ultimo los multiples.... como varios t-slots pegados...

a ver si veo videos de modelos con un plano liso... como el perfil de gg pero en t-slot...
...pero ya en otro post que este se lleno...

...este de un diy t slot (T-Track) similar al canopi rail...

...acabo de descubrir que los similares a los canopi rail son los llamados T-Tracks...
...mirare tambien videos de los t-track.... que seran mas baratos tambien...:hump: lo dejare para cuando vea unos cuantos....

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It was recommended by Randomblame, a very good contributer. Yo no pregunto a google, pregunto a Random, lol. Barato y conectable con un smartphone o tablet con un app. Creo que deja programar, pero no se seria apartir del telefono o el chip. Baratito tambien ;)
It was recommended by Randomblame, a very good contributer. Yo no pregunto a google, pregunto a Random, lol. Barato y conectable con un smartphone o tablet con un app. Creo que deja programar, pero no se seria apartir del telefono o el chip. Baratito tambien ;)

pues gracias a Randomblame tambien... :clap::hug::hump:
...los cafes en la cocina...
...y a fumar a la azotea...:D:D:D

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...el perfil del modelo de gg...

1530-ls_dimensional.png catalogo interactivo...

...sigo buscando video. con un lado plano..

...nota de bitacora... ...acordarme de usar medidas europeas... que en imagenes como la de arriba te quedas o_O

...pero no siempre encuentro imagenes con medidas europeas en paginas guiris...

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...por hoy vale... :fire:

yo buscando el video esta tarde...y el video del t-slot con lado plano lo saco hoy gg... gracias master....

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...lo vi hoy...

...creo le falta el ndvi pov.... pero se acerca mucho a mi dreamed pov....predator multivision style video cam/s ....

...ahora unos videos con la idea theremino...

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...sorry for my offtopic posts here and this extension,,,

...el espectroscopio de Public lab es barato y no le puedes exigir exactitud pero hace su ayuda...ole por ellos...
...tambien pienso que en la interpretacion de la imagen obtenida con el de public lab se puede haber avanzado y tener mas precision en los calibrajes... es software...y he estado fuera mucho... por lo que no dudo hayan habido avances...

este debo mirarlo nuevo para mi... gusta la idea sin software del theremino como un raton usb....
....debo seguir mirando cosillas sobre lo del tratamiento de imagenes digitales que esto vuela...joer...
....y software como sospechaba antes...

Pd,... is theremino her name... and thanks to RIU por permitirme hacer some things.... my bad english...


...estos los vi hoy... perdon es que estoy actualizandome mi vieja info

...faltaria añadirle la thermal cam a este ultimo.... mi dreamed cam multi-vision predator style....:fire:

y seguimientos de cultivo dia y noche de principio a fin con la predator multivision.... y si es un video acelerado lo flipo....

...ahi teneis un diy por hacer cojonudo ....una predator multivision cam estilo theremino.... sin software... como un raton....

...tranquilos ya no salgo de casa mas.... y perdon si molestaron los videos en el hilo del far red... os soy sincero ...pense que estaba en otro hilo sobre fr de un bro español..... esta edaaaa.... Saludos

...mis disculpas de nuevo por si moleste...

....bienvenidos ...Puntal Gomero, ...Pinzon Azul y ...el 99...

...bienvenisdostres ...cuatro??? ...a casa.....

It is not possible to calibrate for intensity with either spectralworkbench or theremino. That was why I was surprised when you mentioned it was so possible, and asked you for details. Again calibrating for wavelength is trivial. Units of intensity with those two software tools. No.

Possible with better software such as Spectragryph. But then we need a calibrated source and that is not cheap. And trashes the whole point of diy and affordability. Long and short of it, diy spec is good for confirming presence of specific wavelengths. Thats it.

Again, the maths behind thread tool, from Alesh, is a more fruitful option.

to all people in the house......take all Canna tools (las que estan en cannabis cafe estan mal)... ...the Alesh tool (solo tengo una de el ya me gustaria tener mas tools de el)... ...all Supra tools.(mas bien como base las nombraria yo).. ....all Sds tools (con las que mas aprendi y las que mas me gustaron)... (todas las tools juntas son las responsables de mi actual pov en temas sobre iluminacion led en cultivo).... gracias de nuevo... masters...

...the Original and invaluable ones.... to my pov....

...y las maths las vereis mas como yo... my special fussion povs a more fruitful option from my pov..... gracias por las tools a los maestros....semper phidelis...del ultimo discipulo jedai que veo por aqui...

....por eso pienso que los de cannabis cafe ademas del canarion y el palmero salieron perdiendo...
...nosotros nos entendemos...:fire:

...porque yo lo se... ...ya lo sabia y os lo dije...

...subid el volumen y ponedla en bucle...

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Like I explained, it is possible. You need to manually apply the Tungsten calibration. So yes it's not in the tool, but it's used with data from the tool

That spreadsheet is 100% manual. And it does exactly the same by applying a correction curve.

Even then you only get some vague estimate based on the given SPD. Which seem to not be 100% accurate either. Then you still don't know the specific efficacy of the led you are using. It might be a different bin from the tested one.

...tal vez calibrando contra un bin de confianza.....calibrar contra tungsteno... puede que no sea una buena referencia en iluminacion led... pero es solo mi old pov...
...tal vez calibrando contra un bin de confianza.....calibrar contra tungsteno... puede que no sea una buena referencia en iluminacion led... pero es solo mi old pov...
How does that make sense? They sell these Tungsten lights specifically for calibrating spectrometers.

It's ridiculously expensive and completely insane to do something like this with a cheap and hardly functioning webcam spectrometer, but still. It can be done if you must. hablaba de callibrar el espectrometro...
....hablaba de calibrar contra bin conocido de confianza por otras razones.... quieres exactitud..y monton de datos respecto a diferentes ratios con potencia real...solo conozco los espectroradiometros profesionales para hacerlo.... en torno a 3000 pavos.... segun mi vieja informacion...ahora actualmente me imagino que el soft para usarlo va a subir el precio final algo mas tambien...

...como el spectroradiometro profesional usado en videos de monster garden que subi....hace tiempo...

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Yes sorry, just noticed that there are two threads talking about calibrating spectralbench data. and then you somehow replied here to my post in that other thread. So yeah, tickle me confused :)

I found it actually quite difficult to get a consistent spd from those cheap DIY webcam spectometers. For instance, it's very easy to blow out one of the channels. Maybe the angle has an effect. Dunno, it's fun to sort of check things but I wouldn't rely on it for any level of accuracy.
...tal vez con una video camara mejor... mejoren los resultados del espectrometro diy tambien.... las web cams son la version economica ....pero interviene tambien la calidad de la/s video camara/s... opticas y filtros usados...segun mi old pov.... aparte del software usado posteriormente---tengo que actualizar mi vieja info... he estado desconectado muchos años y seguro hay avances nuevos en el tema que me he perdido... y actualizando/me/os estoy.... a m ritmo...

PD ...aclaro ....lo buscado por mi son los espectroradiometros diy y su calibracion (viejos sueños...sera dificil tarea hoy en dia no se comparten softwares how to's ...sobre ciertos temas como antes....ahora se compra mas bien...)...... los espectrometros son una solucion economica... son parecidos pero no iguales menos para mi old pov...;) ...sigo buscando cosas mas economicas...otras soluciones ...como las video cams predator multivision style (otro sueño mas realizable y barato) para ayudar a ver las plantas de diferentes formas que nos ayuden en su mejor entendimiento..
...quizas otra forma de comunicacion bidireccional con ellas las plantas...interpretar sus reacciones con la ayuda de video camaras multiespectrales.....:fire: puedes ver y grabar su evolucion dia y noche... y comparar en vivo y en potencia y el espacio las sabe el que usa esa luz con un buen medidor de consumo true rms....offline... mayoria de contadores electricos instalados en las casas actuales son telegestionados y podemos acceder a datos interesantes y reales con aplicaciones para el smartphone....y asi no invertir en medidores de consumo externos de dudosa calibracion...depende de las compañias contratadas tambien...pero es una solucion gratis y con datos de consumo reales...
...medidores de consumo externos encantan los wago.... con especificaciones UL....

... a los señores de wago pido un favor que me dejen probar un monton de sus productos estoy viejo y sin trabajo me gustaria un teletrabajo con ellos o hacer videos en español de un monton de productos de ellos que me gustaria probar y trastear y decir mi punto de vista sobre ellos... otro sueño....

...por hoy ya va bien... continuo con mas otro dia...

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...sds sigue hablando sobre coatings...

It’s actually called conformal coating.

There are few different types of it,depending on the coating material used,like Parylene,acrylic,polyurethane,silicone and more .

Many of them can be found in spray can format .

Electrolube AFA is one of them ,

very well suited for LED applications.

If the coating is applied properly and forms a thin layer of about 30um thickness , then the output loss is negligible.

The chart shows that a 50 micron thickness of acrylic conformal coating,as also a 2mm thick silicone resin coating ,will not be as protective as a 2 mm thick PU resin coating .In contact with corrosive gases the LED device will lose about 20% of output ,not because of the light absorption by the coating ,but by the tarnishing that

the corrosive environment will cause to the internal reflector of the LED device.

Light absorption is greater in the case of silicone and PU coatings ,as both have a thickness of 2 mm,whereas the

acrylic coating is 40 times thinner.

Acrylic conformal coating is the best DIY option available ,in many aspects

( price,ease of application,curing,protection,light output losses and CCT shift,etc).

At least for our purpose ,of protecting the LEDs operating in the average environment of the artificial horticulture.

Was he using the Plastik 70 or the

Plastik 70 Super ?

Plastik 70 has a max operational temp of 60C ,while Plastik 70 Super has a

max operational temp of 125 C.

Exceeding the max oper. temp. can

cause the deterioration of the conformal coating ,which most probably will start to peel off .

Especially on the spots where it has

covered the silicone phosphor encapsulation of the LED devices.

It will do !

More info :

Not exactly (if I’ve understood you correctly ) ...

The phosphor conversion LEDs have a silicone phosphor encapsulant ,but

it is gas permeable .Silicone is chosen

because of it’s high thermal stability ,as it is in direct contact with the LED chip .

Monochromatic LEDs have a crystal

clear “dome” acting as lens.

Also made from gas permeable silicone.

So,actually the silicone phosphor encapsulants and the silicone domes of

most high quality LEDs offer no real protection against moisture and gasses like oxygen ,H2S or SOx

that oxidise the internal reflector of

the LEDs.

Either the LEDs have to be enclosed

in an air tight case (which actually is not such a good idea )


a conformal coating has to be applied.

Then the only factor that can affect directly the operating efficiency and service life of LEDs is their

junction temperature.

I’m not aware of this silicone coating over LEDs.Can you elaborate a bit more?

Any links for further info on this ?

QUOTE="SDS_GR, post: 15571521, member: 1044449"]

Any proof that indeed Fluence and/or others use silicone conformal coatings ?

I had the impression that professionals opt always for the parylene conformal

coating (applied by chemical vapour deposition).

Furthermore ,in order for the silicone resin

to be an effective conformal coating ,

it has to form a film which is at least 40-50 times thicker than the effective

thickness of the acrylic conformal coating .As it becomes quite obvious ,

silicone conformal coatings absorb much more light from the source,thus

the output power losses are far larger than other coatings like acrylic or parylene.

That fact alone would rule out silicone as a conformal coating for

LED horticultural lighting ,where high efficiency is an attribute so much sought after in the art and trade ...




here’s a nice read ....

Method and device for producing a parylene coating

Current Assignee Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH

Corrosive gases such as, for example, sulphur compounds lead to corrosion of sensitive surfaces of electrical components, for example, in the case of optoelectronic components. Thus, silver surfaces, for example, of optoelectronic components can corrode as a result of such gases and thus lead to the failure of the components.
There are furthermore applications that necessitate the use of silicone as an encapsulant for surrounding an electrical component such as, for example, an optoelectronic component. Silicones, however, typically have a more or less high permeability to corrosive gases. A modification of silicones, for example, an increased incorporation of phenyl groups, can indeed lower permeability. However, even such modified silicones offer no adequate long-term stability against corrosion.
Although use of other materials such as, for example, gold instead of easily corroding materials such as, for example, silver, increases stability to corrosion, it is often not possible for reasons of cost.
A material that has a high barrier property and thus a low permeability to corrosive gases is, for example, parylene, which, however, is customarily only applied by vacuum or low-pressure methods. For mass production of electronic components such as, for example, optoelectronic components, known parylene coating methods are therefore unsuitable as the components must be coated in a closed volume and a controlled vacuum or low pressure. This either leads to very long production times or alternatively, in the case of ribbon coating methods, to an economically high technical and financial outlay with regard to the coating plants.
It could therefore be helpful to a method for producing a parylene coating on at least one surface of at least one component. It could further be helpful to provide a device for carrying out such a method.

Osram makes LED devices which

have their internal silver reflector coated with Parylene.


Cheers !

More about Parylene

I ‘ve used many times isopropyl alcohol to clean the LES of my Vero 29 & Citizen COBs,as also to clean the tiny domes of Osram Oslons,from dust and debris,without the slightest issue.

I’ve used also isopropyl alcohol to

remove acrylic conformal coatings from the DIY electronic pcbs of mine.

I think you got the picture .

Easy to remove the old coating and re-apply a fresh one ...

More than a few reasons why the acrylic conformal coating is a true friend with the bold DIYer ...

And BTW,

it’s quite difficult to notice the damage on LEDs from moisture .

Unless you regularly inspect every each one of the LEDs with a welder’s mask /glasses ,when the lights are switched ON.

Actually is as special as it can get ...

Not the same materials & not the same effect .

I think you have misunderstood quite a few things.

Conformal means that it conforms to every contour of a 3D shape.

Dispensing is an application method,

like dipping,brushing,spraying ,etc.

And the LES or dome lens of any LED is NOT a protective coating.

They do not protect the internal parts of a LED , like the die itself or the reflector of the die ,from environmental hazards.

Everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions .

Maybe that Teknik gentleman discovered( and by now he is already aware of ) something that Cree,Bridgelux,Nichia,Citizen,Osram,

Samsung and others haven’t discovered yet and are completely unaware of ..

Well no,I’ve been always keen to DIY

and so never had the chance to see a light fixture from Fluence.

Still,personally I would not have chosen silicone as a material for the purpose. Acrylic is far superior material ,for the same price range .

I’m aware of the machinery needed for CVD coatings.Still all these companies -and they are more than a few-that apply Parylene coatings to LEDs ,

must have some customers ...

Otherwise the business would have been unsustainable.

I’ve applied more than a few times conformal coatings to various pcbs,but not on LEDs.

Yet,at least.

Thank you for your suggestion.

But I’m pretty much aware of the constant need for a bit more reading .

Nice to be reminded ,though ...

Nope I do not think that things got wild.This debate about which conformal coating is best for various LED applications goes on even between professionals.

But we should indeed take a step back ,relax our minds and think clearly about what we are talking here...

Are we discussing which is the best option of various conformal coating chemistries applied by professionals with special equipment and procedures or are we discussing which option is readily available for the DIYer who wants to protect the possibly unprotected LED modules or COBs,with relative ease ,low risk and low cost?
