Starting a compassion club?


Well-Known Member
Well it has took a little while but I know what I want and this is what I will work towards. I want to begin a compassion club or join one that has nothing to do with selling weed or smoking it. I am looking to find like 5 great growers that have the ability to put their cash where their heart and mouth are. Objective is the 5 are organizers. 5 pay $200 a month dues. Within the 5 there must exist certain social skills.

$1000 a month. $800 on keeping the place running. 200 extra for something... Membership fees from the others that follow will be required. Things can and will be done to earn extra money. The compassion club does volenteer work as well. All funds go to helping those who need help.

The members are all allowed as many seeds as they need. Members are able to call one of us for help with growing. Members meet. Members get informed of various issues at meeting. A few diffrent things can be done but it all starts with the foundation. I for one do not fuck around usually and am looking forward to meeting people that care enough about anything to do something real. Problem is not many people are efficiant enough to give $200 a month away to help the homeless.

I am with you all that want a compassion club but it will not be like the others... I'll be damned if I get in on that. Compassion Clubs??? I guess we all see the world diffrently. I know one thing is the poor can only eat so many beans.... So we use my land and grow some melons.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
interesting words Hic... this type of volunteer work could build community, and make a difference for many.
an adventure. consider sound resonance therapy added to the equation and you are guaranteed happy patients, plants and gardeners..


Well-Known Member
Well I am at fault because I have done nothing. I have looked at individuals that I thought might be able to help yet I is the begining to most of their sentences. All I seek is 4 others like and unlike me. It is hard to find those who stand above the rest when you read through these threads. To much Way too much greed and hate. For to spend money on cars and coke and houses and casinos and to try to reach a top of a food chain that is an illusion is all they know. For to spend money to help create their own souls would be crazy because there is no material physical substance in it... I do ramble sometimes but I am sorry sad and angry at the ones that are used to classify me... They do not and have no authority to.

I want a compassion club that puts a dent in this state, a hell of a dent and until I find the others that have what it takes to show the otherside of this spectrum. By far more then a one mans job it is. But I get sick of waiting sometimes. Probley my own damn fault anyways for not looking like I should and blah blah blah.

Whatever, I am ready are they? I will rip this world I know apart with love and compassion someday.


Well-Known Member
You will not get 5 people to agree on anything. lol. If you get a business or club going then give it all away, they you are back at square one. Start small be generous and that grows rapidly. Grow what you can and help all who you can. The laws shouldn't make people scale back their grows, maybe their profits but not their grows. Can a legal card holder be arrested or charged for giving away meds to legal card holder? That would be pretty insane. Timmahh would have a fucking heart attack for sure on that one. Donations and overages get goofy. How come prostitutes can't take donations for pussy. Or why can't male prostitutes sell overages? Laws are weird.


Well-Known Member
None of that concerns me gladstoned. It is all about sacrifice not gain. I know I know but it takes someone like me to see what I say. I see we are not alike gladstoned so you can not see what I say.

I know that there are more like me that live off of what they know...not what they don't.


Well-Known Member
5 good people on the board and it wont take long to have 50 members paying for membership.

Free clones is another thing members may have.


Well-Known Member
None of that concerns me gladstoned. It is all about sacrifice not gain. I know I know but it takes someone like me to see what I say. I see we are not alike gladstoned so you can not see what I say.

I know that there are more like me that live off of what they know...not what they don't.
Just trying to help you, and no we are not alike. For not wanting bragging rights you sure suck your own dick every post.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
a growers guild or union. as long as no personalities shit on the crowd. it's about sustainability on a grand scale. everyone gets saved (or a few lucky ones) everyone gets paid. not much philanthropy without capital. prosperity consciousness, in addition to a compassionate think tank..


Well-Known Member
I take it neither of ya want to start a good one eh? $200 bucks a month and you have to have the right heart and you can have your own compassion club.
I take it neither of ya want to start a good one eh? $200 bucks a month and you have to have the right heart and you can have your own compassion club.
Donating to a compassion club isn't the issue first want to get the right people together first, Then work out what we do for our community.
If u really wanna help if ur near mount pleasant there is a lady going threw cancer who needs a caregiver. she was on
Starting chemo
We have no caregivers that way to help her out. Check it out if u can Thnx


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks I am looking for the people just it is hard to find stars when the fucking clouds are always in the way.

Why are there no caregivers that way? Lots of dope is grown that way or is that shit just shit that is grown to sell at top of the market price?