Starting a compassion club?

The members at Michigan Collective have agreed to donate space for compassion meetings.
Just need to get enough people together. A small group of like minded people.

PM me and we will start getting names and emails together. (Novi,Wixom,Walled Lake area)
with the AG arresting anyone remotely having anything to do with MMJ I would be very leery of any gathering, no matter where it was especially one advertised on the internet. Kind of a police round up, except you go to them. Good Luck though!!
with the AG arresting anyone remotely having anything to do with MMJ I would be very leery of any gathering, no matter where it was especially one advertised on the internet. Kind of a police round up, except you go to them. Good Luck though!!
What?!?! I am so sick of law enforcement and prosecutors enforcing their own laws instead of the state law. It makes me sick to my stomach!!!!


Well-Known Member
If I lived around ya I'd give a call to see whats up. Don't live nowhere near those areas though.
This has nothing to do with leos. Find it hard to believe that the government would even try to violate the right to gather.(lol) But for real just trying to gather like minded people, share tips ideas, thats all.


Well-Known Member
Compassion club = lose plant count at most places.

Most people that like compassion clubs are in them. It restricts you to same place and same group long term. For most that sucks ass. I have tried talking to several and have came to conclusion that it isn't for me, or anyone else that I know.


Well-Known Member
Compassion club = lose plant count at most places.

Most people that like compassion clubs are in them. It restricts you to same place and same group long term. For most that sucks ass. I have tried talking to several and have came to conclusion that it isn't for me, or anyone else that I know.
What is the benefit to joining one? I don't understand what their purpose is. Is it just people getting together and bullshitting a couple times a month?


Well-Known Member
No its a way of a patient kinda having 2,3,4 caregivers cuz a patient has access to a few growers meds. the fuck what. It a dispensary that takes your plant count AND cash!!!!
Good for some. ....sure the fuck not me! It is like me, you and a few others paying big fucking cash for a store-front and getting as many patients as possible to sign over plants. More plants = more dollaz. I about pissed myself laughing listening to these fuckers talk about how they hook up patients in Marquette. Really? What's the overhead on this commercial real estate on the highway cost monthly? lmao. Fucking clowns.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
The members at Michigan Collective have agreed to donate space for compassion meetings.
Just need to get enough people together. A small group of like minded people.

PM me and we will start getting names and emails together. (Novi,Wixom,Walled Lake area)
MichiganC/MichiganGreen, why do I get the impression that you are a stakeholder in this Michigan Collective that you have brought up in a few threads? you can't disguise spam as a friendly gesture to visit with "like-minded" folks. Perhaps you would like to Enroll in my Guerilla Marketing Class that I deliver the first Friday night of each month. My institution offers services like free-weed, so check it out. If I'm off base here, no offense. 


Well-Known Member
I am led to believe that many compassion clubs are nothing. I would like one that is something.
Nope dont want to take plants. Don't want you to sign over anything.
Take it like this, we all talk about many different things on forums right?
So if that can happen in a meeting place why not.
I am learning new things everyday from alot of you on rollitup, and want to learn more and make connections.

And to respond to abe, yes I work there but only cause I believe it can be done right.
Changes only happen when a small group of passionate people deside to do something.


Active Member
I am led to believe that many compassion clubs are nothing. I would like one that is something.
the club that i have frequented is quite awesome.

they raise and donate money to all kinds of causes, to our own club members for all kinds of things, all democratically decided upon.

a community is a group of people who come to ogether to educate each other and help each other.

this is what a club should do.

most places in this state are not clubs of this nature.
the club that i have frequented is quite awesome.

they raise and donate money to all kinds of causes, to our own club members for all kinds of things, all democratically decided upon.

a community is a group of people who come to ogether to educate each other and help each other.

this is what a club should do.

most places in this state are not clubs of this nature.

That is awesome where you at if you dont mind me asking?


Active Member
If not to far I would enjoy comming and checking it out
Will PM you..

first time i went there was a lady who needed rides to her medical treatments - some offered to drive, many who couldn't chipped in 150 or more in cash for gas.

it was very heartwarming to see such graciousness.

and of course meds have been donated to those in need, a twenty something girl with cancer (battling for 13 years) recently started comi9ng and they helped her out, hooked her up with some RSO and hopefully cgs who can keep her going with it.


Well-Known Member
See I have heard of grow goddess doing that, but besides you two I haven't ever heard anything about them. I have gone to a few to ask questions, but they ask if I am a caregiver and when I say ya, that is when the conversation ends. I think I know enough people to start one, - the way you are talking about. I can't help but think markets are the way to go though. Having all the growers and patients together eliminates the salesmen. That is where I would want to buy meds and offer meds.


Active Member
See I have heard of grow goddess doing that, but besides you two I haven't ever heard anything about them. I have gone to a few to ask questions, but they ask if I am a caregiver and when I say ya, that is when the conversation ends. I think I know enough people to start one, - the way you are talking about. I can't help but think markets are the way to go though. Having all the growers and patients together eliminates the salesmen. That is where I would want to buy meds and offer meds.
i'm with you.

so much to speak for when it comes to variety in learning, talking, breeding, well... everything.

and sampling lol

i loved going to the Crema markets and passing around the vape bags non stop. ...
i'm with you.

so much to speak for when it comes to variety in learning, talking, breeding, well... everything.

and sampling lol

i loved going to the Crema markets and passing around the vape bags non stop. ...
If only we were closer to you guys. Sounds like my kind of place