Starting 5th week of flowering leafs turning yellow with rust spots


Active Member
I am growing acid by paradise seed it's flowering good but leafs are turning yellow with rust spots at the top but bottom of plant and leafs are green is this because off flowering ?


Well-Known Member
Kind of sounds like a PH issue but without pics that is just me assuming, for me when I have problems I go back and check all my basic stuff first. Make sure of your PPM's and your PH because that info is vital to diagnosis, also your climate can tell you a lot as well such as temp minimums and maximums along with humidity. You also want to know what the temp of your res is running at as well which plays an important role in PH.
Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Your girl looks to be starving IMO amongst other things, check your PH and tell us what nutes/PPM's your running. This is the information that is needed to help you. Also it looks like you have a bit of stretch going on there which could be because you need more light or it's just too far from the plant.