Started from a seed older than myself


While I haven't had time to take pictures lately or update (I apologize for that) I have been taking pretty good care of the girls and they are coming along nicely.

All of these pictures are of the same plant and it's the same one that sprouted from the old seeds I have.

Hopefully in a few hours I'll take another study break, take her out of the tent and take some really nice pictures. Until then, this is what's going on behind me as of today :D

- Jesstess


Well-Known Member
While I haven't had time to take pictures lately or update (I apologize for that) I have been taking pretty good care of the girls and they are coming along nicely.

All of these pictures are of the same plant and it's the same one that sprouted from the old seeds I have.

Hopefully in a few hours I'll take another study break, take her out of the tent and take some really nice pictures. Until then, this is what's going on behind me as of today :D

- Jesstess
Looking good my friend. Thanks for the update, keep up the good work.


Active Member
I don't think they even invented marijuana before I was born!
There is something surreal about the fact that a little seed had been waiting in an old Tylenol bottle for longer than I have even been on this planet. Right now, it's been a plant for about 3 weeks, any idea why the leaves on top are thinner than the ones on the bottom?

No nutes yet,
1:1:1 ratio of FF ocean forest, happy frog, and perlite
Temps were really erratic for the first 2 weeks and I don't even know what the RH was, but now that I have a couple digital thermometers and a hydrometer that records max/min
I know I have not gone above 88F or below 68F, RH stays 40-60%
I've been using CO2 but I don't have a sensor, so I wing it in that department.
watering infrequently and only when my finger stays dry 2" in to the soil.

This is my first grow and while I have other plants that came from new seeds, I thought it was cool that this one is at least 25 years old and it's sort of important that I keep it alive (to me anyways).

Thank you,
JesstessView attachment 1787060