Started from a seed older than myself



Can anyone tell me what I'm seeing right there? This is not the only place they occur on the plant, they are on at least one lower node that I've seen. The light is on 24/7 since around 4 days ago, it's gotten chilly here and I can cool the tent effectively. If needed, I can attempt to get a better picture.

Also, I saw that someone asked me about feeding... I haven't fed this plant anything. I transplanted it once and topped it once but that is all except occasional watering with pH corrected tap water and compulsive humidity and temp monitoring.

Speaking of that, does anyone have any ideas for getting my RH up? it was holding around 50-60% for awhile but it's recently dropped to 30-35% and I'm not sure why. :/

Advise, like always, is very appreciated.

Thank you guys again!


Ursus marijanus
lovely plants amigo ... I'm inclined to say that the leaf curl is genetic, not a sign of stress.
To raise rh real cheap ... hang some washed laundry in the room!
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
cool, mystery seed from a passed away stepfather. narly dude, to think to reviving something from so long ago. In a way keeping his spirit alive with the plant, knowing everytime you look at that plant or smoke some of its herb that it came from your f-i-l's stash. try and get more of his seeds to sprout and perhaps start a breeding program using seeds that have been secluded from the current gene pool by generations! crazy! think of the possibities demsey!


Maybe itll turn out like the movie How High. Get the ghost of him to help you on your lifes endeavors whenever you smoke it ;)


Sector 5 Moderator
I nominate Jesstress for RIU ganja god of the week. I have never heard of anyone sprouting 25 year old seeds but it is very encouraging to know it can be done. Welcome to RIU Jesstress!


Well-Known Member
nice looking, highlight of the evening
lot of indica going on in there, what old school indica's date from then?
a question for the old strain experts on the thread


Well-Known Member
Loving the grow mate if not the story behind it more , do u think ud be able to find what the strain is ?
just get this feeling ur onto a winner with those seeds some lost super strain lol :)


Loving the grow mate if not the story behind it more , do u think ud be able to find what the strain is ?
just get this feeling ur onto a winner with those seeds some lost super strain lol :)
Unfortunately, that secret died with my future father-in-law.. :/ I've been doing some more reading though due to the comments about possible indica influence and it seems to be dead on.

Thanks again everyone for the words of encouragement and helpful tips! I really appreciate it :)


Well-Known Member
hey Jesstess , you have a nice plants that genetic is 25 years old !! not bad for seedling to start have a five fingers on your leaves...its show that plant will have good healthy in long way....maybe when your plant become mature and it will have more than five fingers :) I like the story and +rep for ya


Trouble in paradise my friends... I woke up to this discoloration on mostly just this branch/new leaf but upon closer inspection I can see where it might be developing on other leaves as well.

I think it's probably time to feed this lady however, your comments and suggestions for a plan of action are very appreciated. It's been in this pot with this soil for around 4-5 weeks.

Thank you again and happy growing :)
