Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!


Well-Known Member
Yeah the water acts like a magnifying glass when the light hits it. Spray when the lights go out and stop spraying when you start getting buds in flowering.


Well-Known Member
My girl must have really liked her feeding yesterday. Seems like some budsites almost doubled in size overnight!


Well-Known Member
Hey letitgrow, quick question about your LST process and pruning.

Take a look at this picture of yours:

Do you trim this much leaves from your plants throughout the grow, or is this just at the end right before your harvest? I'm asking as this plant seems pretty bare. But looking at your latest crop, there seems to be plenty of leaves on your plants.

Also, do you have any pics of the underside of your plants? Just trying to get a peak under the skirt to see more how you do your LST.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that pic was taken right before she was chopped. I had already started cutting leaves off then took the pic. That plant lost a lot of fan leaves due to lack of nitrogen through the vegetation phase. My current grow I made sure she had plenty of N throughout. I'll post some upskirt pics of my current girl Haha


Well-Known Member
you never want to cut off fanleaves, just tie them back if they are in the way. The idea is the plant is alot happier with all parts at the end, as green as you can keep them throughout the entire grow.
As flowering prgresses your going to lose leaves and they will yellow, which is normal. Just try your best to keep all leaves as long as are som upskirt shots of my girl...kinda hard to see but you get the idea..hope this helps ya bro:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thanks. That definitely helps. So it looks like you don't necessarily try to get your plant to go in that circle around the pot like that tutorial floating around, but that you just try to pull the growth apart and fan it out as it grows?

That was my plan anyway, to just try and fan the growth out by strapping her down as she grows.


Well-Known Member
excatly bro, just keep the new growth pulled apart so light penetrates to all parts of the plant, try to keep a level canopy.


Active Member
LIG77 --picture 4 is beyond unbelievable--looks awesome again--I don't have as many tops as you-plus smaller pots--but my two girls with your one --------we should all be good ---can't wait for either of us--smelled the cure --it is about done --one more day maybe then a smoke report--I can weight -just picked up a half gallon of Grey Goose---Booooooo--need a stand by has been awhile--need too get off this Gov. run pain killer--helps me sleep--sometimes--not as well as the Crush--plus don't like destroying my liver--but sleeping is IIIIMMMMportant---trying--hope prop 19 passes--I drink I smoke Cigs--I smoke other stuff--If I could only smoke other stuff with little repercussians--that would be awesome--don't like the GOV --telling me what is good for me!!???but that is what they do! anyway--so this is your last grow for awhile then?? If I remember??? That girl should last you a while though--lol--she will definitly keep you good!!---Coal


Active Member
Yah lig77-I did not see the 4th pic-close--then I realized-wtf--awesome --again--zoom-zooom--after clicking on picture---zoom--zoom-awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coal


Well-Known Member
What about the 4th pic? And yeah I have to stop for about a month or so, sucks! But I plan on getting my cab built within that time so ill be ready to go when the inlaws leave. And man I feel ya about the GOV ruining our pursuit to happiness


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I clipped a lil bud off tonight cause times are tuff...dude my wife and I are fucking roasted. Sinking into my couch as I type Haha..I know I'm not suppose to touch her but that's the great thing about it..she's mine!! Fingers sticky as Fuck! Fuckity Fuck!



Active Member
Lol...Thats Crazy know whats so funny?...I clipped a piece off like 3 days ago and had it hanging until about a half hour i'm roasted...we were prob. smokin at the same time...lil harsh...but effective!


Active Member
I just took a look at the under the hood pic and now i i see bro...but Bertha is growing fat as fuck! This dark bagseed is amazing! I think its because of the huge light cover...ill take a pic of her how she's outgrowing the pot at an early stage...and as for my lady...she's def. getting chopped on friday because she's starting to dry up at an amazing rate...all of the top fan leaves are dried up and the bottom ones are drying up one by one each day...hold for pics...


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bigL! MAn it did the trick! I love this purple. How were you smoking it? Glass, blunt?? Bummer bout your Yankees dude! STill got them Gmen!


Active Member
Def did the job...i'm still zooted...and i blew it down in a dutch always! You bowled it out? Yea...the yankees disappoint me...but you can't win em all...and hats off to the Giants...they deserved that! I dunno about Linicum's bowtie though...