Staged terror coming?, 10th anniversary 9/11.

Staged terror coming this 10th anniversary?

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Carne is saying calm down while using a technique that could be considered spam depending on interpretation. No big imo but let's all smoke one real quick.
Things to consider as i chief this load, there has been a mass propaganda and commercial campaign like the ones i posted by DHS big sis.
all the radio and news networks are highlighting this the 10th anniversary of 9/11 to be probable for more attacks especially with the supposed assassination of OBL.
Things to consider as i chief this load, there has been a mass propaganda and commercial campaign like the ones i posted by DHS big sis.
all the radio and news networks are highlighting this the 10th anniversary of 9/11 to be probable for more attacks especially with the supposed assassination of OBL.

Hadn't heard about any specific plans toward O. It goes without mention that POTUS is a potential target but haven't heard of specific and credible threats yet.

“The most likely scenario that we have to guard against right now ends up being more of a lone wolf operation than a large, well coordinated terrorist attack,” Obama told CNN during a campaign stop in Iowa.
“The risk that we’re especially concerned over right now is the lone wolf terrorist, somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out wide-scale massacres of the sort we saw in Norway recently,” said Obama.
Perversely, should the United States suffer a similar tragedy to Anders Breivik’s rampage in Norway, Obama’s hopes of securing a second term in the White House will receive a huge boost. Following the Oslo bombing and the Utoya island massacre, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s popularity has soared – in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy his approval rating leapt to 94 per cent.
History shows us that terror attacks present unrivaled opportunities for US Presidents to recapture popular support and rally the country around a strong leader.
In the aftermath of 9/11, President Bush’s approval ratings shot up from around the 50 per cent level to the 90 per cent mark, allowing him to pursue his geopolitical agenda in the middle east with a free hand.
Similarly, Bill Clinton was able to extinguish an anti-incumbent rebellion which was brewing in the mid 1990′s by exploiting the OKC bombing to demonize his political enemies as right-wing extremists. As Jack Cashill points out, Clinton “descended on Oklahoma City with an approval rating in the low 40s and left town with a rating well above 50 and the Republican revolution buried in the rubble.”
Absent a major crisis between now and November next year that Obama can exploit in order to rack up political points, his presidency is a dead duck. Obama’s approval ratings are in free fall, sinking to a new record low of 39 per cent in recent days. Every indication shows that Obama is on his way to a landslide defeat in 2012.
That’s why top political strategists are honest in their assessment that only a catalyzing crisis can turn around Obama’s political destiny.
Appearing on Chris Matthews’ MSNBC Hardball show last year, former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn said Obama needed an OKC bombing-style event to regain his popularity.
“Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar defining moment.”
Former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton Robert Shapiro echoed similar rhetoric when he wrote in the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could provide Obama with the opportunity to demonstrate that he is a strong leader.
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro, adding, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
With a mere 17 per cent of Americans believing that the U.S. government has the consent of the governed, a shocking collapse in confidence that has left Americans “pre-revolutionary,” only a significant outside threat can now re-unite the country behind Obama and leave him any chance of defeating the Republican candidate in next year’s presidential run off.
I really couldn't care either way, it sucks if people die and when people lie but you gotta keep on keepin on ya know what I mean? :)

Id say theres a good chance someobody is going to do something and we probably won't know who did it or why. I voted for Dont really give a flying fuck one way or another.

Live free and without fear my friends and don't let things you can't change eat at you - especially this propaganda.
AP sources: No sign of US entry for terror plot
Associated Press

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AP AUDIOAP correspondent Tim Maguire reports intelligence officials say at least two of the men said involved in the terror plot are U.S. citizens, or carry U.S. travel documents.
AP AUDIOU.S. intelligence officials are trying to verify what they call a credible tip of a terror plot on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. AP correspondent Tim Maguire reports.
AP AUDIOAP correspondent Tim Maguire reports that the intelligence community has been working since midweek to verify a tip that New York or Washington could be hit by a car bomb on or near the September 11th anniversary.
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Documents 9/11 plotter Ramzi Binalshibh and the CIA's 'Black Sites' A look at home-grown extremist attacks on the U.S. government FBI's top post-9/11 domestic terror cases
WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. intelligence agencies have found no evidence that al-Qaida has sneaked any terrorists into the country for a strike coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, senior officials said Saturday.
But authorities kept a high alert as investigators looked for proof of a plot possibly timed to disrupt events planned Sunday in Washington or New York.
Since late Wednesday, counterterrorism officials have chased a tip that al-Qaida may have sent three men to the U.S. on a mission to detonate a car bomb in either city. At least two of those men could be U.S. citizens, according to the tip.
No intelligence supported that tip as of Saturday, and officials continued to question the validity of the initial information.
While such tips are common among intelligence agencies, this one received more attention, and government officials chose to speak publicly about it, because of the connection to the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.
Al-Qaida long has hoped to strike again on the anniversary.
At the FBI field office in Washington, assistant director James McJunkin described the tip and the response as routine. The U.S. already had bolstered security nationwide before the upcoming anniversary and anticipated an increase in tips.
"We expect we're going to get an increase in threats and investigative activity around high-profile dates and events," he said. "This is a routine response for us. It's routine because it's muscle memory."
Intelligence analysts have looked at travel patterns and behaviors of people who recently entered the country. While they have singled out a few people for additional scrutiny, none has shown any involvement in a plot, according to the senior U.S. officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the investigation.
President Barack Obama met with his national security team Saturday, but the White House released no new information about possible threats. A statement said that counterterrorism efforts were working well and would not ease in the weeks and months ahead.
The tip that touched off the most recent investigation came from a CIA informant who has proved reliable in the past, according to U.S. officials. They said the informant approached intelligence officials overseas to say that the men were ordered by new al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri to mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 by doing harm on U.S. soil.
He took over as the group's leader after the U.S. killed Osama bin Laden during a raid in May at his compound in Pakistan.
The informant said the would-be attackers were of Arab descent and might speak Arabic as well as English. Counterterrorism officials were looking for certain names associated with the threat, but it was unclear whether the names were real or fake.
Some intelligence officials have raised doubts about the threat, given the short turnaround time. Someone who recently arrived in the United States would have just days to plan and obtain materials for a car bomb attack, a difficult feat even with a long lead time.
But they did not dismiss the threat. Extra security was put in place to protect the people in the two cities that took the brunt of the jetliner attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Both cities were clearly on edge. Police in New York were investigating two vans stolen from a World Trade Center site contractor and another from a New Jersey storage facility. Their counterparts in Washington were on the lookout for a pair of U-Haul vans reported missing from nearby Prince George's County, Maryland, though U-Haul said one was later found. The company had no details
Police connected none of the threats to a terror plot, but said they were taking extra precautions because of the recent threat.
Law enforcement agencies around the country had increased security at airports, nuclear plants, train stations and elsewhere in the weeks leading to Sept. 11. The latest threat made those measures more urgent.
U.S. embassies and consulates also stepped up safeguards in preparation for the anniversary.
While authorities urged people to keep a watchful eye for suspicious activity as usual, they said there was no reason the latest tip should change anyone's weekend.
"Whatever you have plans for, it's a beautiful day. It's going to be a beautiful weekend," McJunkin said. "It's college football Saturday. Tomorrow is the start of the NFL season. So we expect the public is going to be out enjoying what it means to be an American."
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Before legislators attempt to take out the nation’s crushing debt on the Defense Department, they must understand that spending on the military is low compared with historical averages, said Rumsfeld. He noted that military spending from Eisenhower though LBJ topped 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP), far less than today’s 4.7%.

President Obama has already imposed $400 billion in military cuts, and there could be $800 billion more in slashing to follow in the very near future if congressional leaders do not agree on a debt-reduction deal.

Rumsfeld stressed that the military cuts looming today may be similarly disastrous to those that occurred at the end of the Cold War—a precursor, he claims, to creating the vulnerable environment that bred 9/11. The mindset then was, “we can cut the defense budget, we cut the intelligence budget, and we’ll be okay. The answer was that we weren’t okay. We didn’t have the kind of intelligence capability we needed.”
Ayman al-Zawahiri and al-Qaeda collaborated with another official enemy, the Taliban, to bring three terrorists to America, according to the New York Post:
Al-Zawahiri coordinated with the Taliban in Afghanistan to help get the three men out of that country when they “dropped and swapped” passports after arriving from Pakistan, The Daily reported.
After traveling to Dubai, the men then headed to the United States, where they were instructed “to be flexible in their attack.”
A source told The Post the men were instructed to look for “targets of opportunity” in the event they were unable to bomb high-value targets such as bridges and tunnels.
The Post reports that “a reliable CIA informant in Pakistan” provided the second-hand tip that is “not corroborated, not confirmed,” as White House spokesman Jay Carney put it.
Despite this, both New York City and Washington, D.C., have been converted into militarized camps with cops stomping around in combat boots toting AR-15 and M4 assault rifles with high-capacity clips. New York even rolled out its own army and navy in response to the vague threat.

As we noted in June, after the government and its lapdog media boasted that special forces had taken out Osama bin Laden in Pakistan – minus any evidence – Ayman al-Zawahri supposedly became the new leader of al-Qaeda, the terror group named after a database.
The 60 year old former doctor has an interesting background, one rarely if ever mentioned by the establishment media as it continues its effort to sell us the fantasy that Muslim cave dwellers want to kill us for our freedoms.
Zawahiri was one of a number of groomed assets who visited the country he has vowed to destroy, despite the fact was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, something almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to obtain.
He visited the al-Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn in 1989 and made a trip to raise funds for the NATO-CIA war in the Balkans in 1993. He was known as a leader of Islamic Jihad – responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat – and al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, but was allowed to enter the country despite this.
Prior to his murder, Sadat cooperated fully with the CIA in its effort to eradicate Arab nationalism, especially Nasserite pan-Arab nationalism. Sadat tried to appease the threat of militant Islam by releasing all of the imprisoned members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood was instrumental in the creation of Egypt’s Islamic Jihad. The CIA has worked with the Muslim Brotherhood since at least 1955 in an effort to destroy Arab nationalism.
“Prior to World War II British Intelligence cultivated ties with the Brotherhood through agent Freya Stark, the British adventurer and writer,” writes Peter Goodgame. “The Muslim Brotherhood spread throughout the Muslim world and has evolved into something like a Muslim equivalent of the West’s Masonic brotherhood. It became one of the first Islamic Fundamentalist terror organizations.”
The Muslim Terror Network is a creation of U.S, British and Israeli intelligence. Ayman’s brother, Zaiman al-Zawahiri, fought for the CIA in Kosovo while Ayman fought in Bosnia. The brothers join a long list of other supposed terrorists who collaborated with the CIA, Pakistan’s ISI and British intelligence: USS Cole Bomber Jamal al-Badawi fought for the CIA in Bosnia, Zacarias Moussaoui fought for the CIA in Chechnya, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, and Abdullah Azzam, “one of the ideological founders of Hamas” fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, as did his protege, Osama bin Laden.
Before everything changed ten years ago tomorrow, the corporate media would casually mention that the CIA ran terror groups in America, specifically the al-Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn used by the agency to recruit Afghan fighters who would later become al-Qaeda.
All of that data has since found the memory hole as we move into our second decade of war against a phantom terror group that supposedly pulls off events every decade or so.
The latest terror hype is designed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of September 11. It is yet another stage managed non-event engineered to fully exploit the attacks and take the propaganda war to the next level.
If there is indeed a terror event tomorrow – or another ludicrous Times Square incident with barbeque canisters or one pulled off in the air above America by yet another mental deficient with alleged bomb material in his shoes or underwear – we can be certain it will be a government-orchestrated event.
thanks for proving ron paul supporters are either
-conspiracy freaks

pick 2