Jail ain't fun but it isn't really all that bad either. Y'all are watching too much TV/movies. Rapes don't happen all like that. If you get raped in jail its because you wanted a dick in the ass. Random beat downs don't happen all the time either. Its usually gang related. Don't be a gang member and you won't get shanked. As far as spring break......nope. I have this thing called a job.
If you're a rapist, and people hear you raped a little girl, or someone's wife.
Yeah, you're in for a bad stay, they don't take kindly to people that rape their wives and children.
But if you're in their for something stupid or cool, and if you talk friendly to people, instead of being a scared bitch for people to punk out.
Then you just trade the food you don't want to eat to people that DO want to eat it, for food they don't want. Black people are all about food in jail, that's LIFE in there.
Gamble away some of your commissary food. Then people know they can just get some stuff that way.
And give some commissary away sometimes. If you've got like 12 candies, give a couple away.
I've NEVER had a problem in jail, and I've made friends that I STILL talk to sometimes, and remember shit with

Even the guards called me their favorite stoner in juvy, because I laughed at all their stupid jokes, but I just laugh at anything.