Spray feed cal-mag when using AN PHperfect


Well-Known Member

Thank you for dropping in bongsmilie

Im using the old advanced nutrients ph perfect (not coco specific) in coco and from what i have read you can not mix cal-mag with ph perfect because it ruins the ph levels become sunstable.

I was worried about the coco sucking the cal and mag from my nute mix so was wondering if spray feeding cal-mag would be a good alternative than trying to suppliment the feed with it.

If i see any deficiencies do you think this would be a solution? And if so then how could i change it at flowering so i dont risk getting any on the buds?

Thank you for taking a look and all help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
When you see buds, stop spraying

Next round go with general hydroponics three part.

Advanced nutrients are a joke . You dont need anything except the basics buddy .

You can foliar feed calmag using room temp reverse osmosis water .

Make the calmag diluted by 1/2 their reccomended dose.

Spray, dont drench ..

Pics would help

Coco need s more cacium in the soil tho to balance it .. Otherwise it will suck your plant dry of calcium even if you spray.

Looks like you need to change nutrients buddy


Well-Known Member
I ran AN for 2 year and in the end gave up due to this very reason.. would always get deficiencies late flower.. when i added calmag it would destroy the ph perfect and cause more problems..

i gave up on AN and went back to canna which is much more stable..

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
A Sub Forum should be set up for growers to place their complaints about some of these companies touting their so called snake oils and magic pills. At least a newcomer could read through it and see which manufacturers are causing growers the most issues, and in turn if the manufacturers are watching and I think they are, they'd take notice and either correct the issue or go out of business. I can't tell you how many threads I've read where growers are complaining about the same things made by the same companies. We have a voice; it should be heard.