I'm just saying... if someone is in true agony, they should consider just using the opiates... for most people like Winter Woman, who I assume is a victim of some serious injury and has nerve damage as a result, there is rarely anything that can be done other than take pain pills or not. And if they're in agony for some other reason, even if it's treatable with other medications they should be sent home with some opiates right off the bat because they usually have to try a bunch of meds over a few months, so that few months of agony can be awful and very stressful, I lost a ton of weight myself and now I'm clinically underweight... they can just give you enough to make life liveable and then see if any other meds reduce the pain further, if they do then you can start tapering off the opiates.
For me they're the only credible option I have left, like I said I've tried over a dozen medications, some with horrifying side effects (like Imitrex which sent me into hypertensive crisis). Oxycodone has never done anything like that to me. I don't even get constipation and I have no trouble taking them exactly as prescribed even for extended periods. The other opiates sedate me a lot more but oxycodone leaves me clearheaded and functional.
I had a friend who got creamed by a car, she was only 25 at the time... her back was completely wrecked, and the damage was inoperable... I remember when she came to visit she was trying to be tough but it was obvious she was in miserable pain, a few times she got "stuck" after picking something off the ground, couldn't move for a minute... and once I hopped into her car after grabbing some ibuprofen from the store, she didn't notice me coming and I soon found out why... she was just sobbing... she was really embarrassed I got to see that. It took almost 6 months for the doctors to finally give her an Oxycontin prescription. Six months of pure hell for her.
They are definitely addictive but it's overstated with the extended release formulas and a patient without a penchant to abuse the stuff.