Well-Known Member
Floramite is the real game-ender for spidermites if that other stuff doesnt completely eradicate them..just to be used on moms and plants in veg though
Floramite is the real game-ender for spidermites if that other stuff doesnt completely eradicate them..just to be used on moms and plants in veg though
i know this sounds extreme for the plant but...We were having a problem with one of our ladies(under 1 foot tall) and had to seperate her from the rest. We decide to put it ouside for a bit in the sun...and...got drunk....and forget she was out there. The temp that night hit like 25F. I jumped outta bed in the morning at the thought of it and....waalaah she was alive....mites=dead! brought her in for some tlc and she is a bit beat but she is alive. this is about 6 days later.
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A VERY NICE..... A HOW MUCH?dude i had mites... these are some of my basic suggestions and prevention tips from exp.
1. first of all DONT SAVE the infested plants EVER. dont work 9/10 times anyways, and when it does yur infested again. (this does depend on the severity)
2. Clean the heck out of the area. ive noticed that spider mites either make "cobwebs" or can at least live in them. so its important to vacuum and sanitize.
3. make sure your medium isnt infested as well. this goes for any bug. lots of em get into store bought mixes. even premium ones. can happen to any one. i see thrips alot in all kinds of soils.
4. Keeping your soil overly moist attracts bugs big time, of all sorts.
5. ALWAYS, ALWAYS inspect ANY clones you are gifted. Thats how i got infested, and it happend within just a week or so too, crazy fast.
6. Pets can carry spider mites very easily. i think the clones i was given had cats get all over them. i had stop letting my cats around my grow too.
7. Regularly check the BOTTOM of your leaves to see if there is any evidence of bugs. this could save your entire grow, versus being lazy and losing it all.
8. Use common sense... dont ever use dirt from outside. dont let people into your grow area as they could also carry pests.
hope this helps a bit... feel free to add any HELPFUL info i left outim no self-proclaimed expert
and happy bug free growing to all!![]()
dude this is the second time I've seen you suggest using a pain spray for someting in the garden. I'm lauging so hard I have tears at this suggestion. A $600 paint sprayer, really? Why? A fine mist garden sprayer is perfect, and cheap.this and this as regular maintenance.....