Spider mites on my mother

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
I just discovered spider mites on my mother. I will not be taking clones for awhile. Maybe I should trash the mother. Suggestions. I have neem and azamax. I will have to treat all my plants and I'm going to harvest my others. they are ready almost ready.
Ooh my you should tell her to take a shower that should get rid of them!! Lol ok seriously though 1/3 rubbing alcohol water mix spray top and bottoms of leaves liberally let sit five minutes then rinse, repeat every three days. Also mist the plant constantly, as much as you can be around to do, this causes the mites to stop reproducing..do not try this methods on buds
i have dealt with spider mites a few times. my advice would be to TRASH her, and CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN... It's just not worth the risk to keep her. work on bug prevention its the best way to stay bug free. Meaning get on a steady regimen of some sorts. i use Azamax every 7 days in the summer every 2 weeks in the winter as a great prevention tool.
Azamax and a spray bottle. Spray every other day for a week and then once a week for a month .
you want to battle um or kill um?? In a 32 oz spray bottle of water add 9 drops Avid and 5 drops Forbid....available on ebay

one spray top to bottom will usually do ya
Or you could not use chemicals beyond simple alcohol and do what I said...they will be dead in a week to two and immediately once you start this the population will start to recede..don't forget no matter what you go with always mist!! Nobody thinks about this right don't just think I want them dead think how do they live!! They will cease reproducing in rain/high humidity!!
Once you have mites it hard to rid them. I been spraying with a homemade habanero/neem/lemon/garlic and I am able to control the mites and kill them . Lady bugs come into play when you feel safe.
Once you have mites it hard to rid them. I been spraying with a homemade habanero/neem/lemon/garlic and I am able to control the mites and kill them . Lady bugs come into play when you feel safe.

Yes. Using your control methods will not eradicate mites.

Go big or go home. Either nuke them with Avid, Floramite, TetraSan or chop, sterilize and restart. Anything else is a constant living nightmare.
I used liquid lady bug to get ready of my mites the only problem is that you can not use it when they are in flowering. The liquid lady comes in a spray bottle and it is all organic. I caught them before them jumped from the veg tent to my flowering and cloning room. So they where on my veg plants i was only able to save two out of four plants with liquid lady bug.
lady bugs like eating mites as much as a football player likes eating nothing but salad... foot ball players want steaks not weeny salads! you need predator mites if you think you can use bugs to work. predator mites are expensive and have to be reapplied alot to build up your predator armie or the bad mites will win the war. i tried using predator mites in a 10x10. spent like 100 bucks to get all three kinds and the only thing i noticed was i had the corn flake shit everywhere that the predators come in.
I noticed some webs on my moms a few weeks ago....couldn't identify the culprit(s) but my basement has an assload of spiders and have even seen spiders (like wolf spiders) on my plants....

I hate spiders but I know they eat other bugs so I leave them be unless they get too bold and decide to check me out.

Anyway, I bought a spray bottle and some neem oil. I filled the bottle with water and poured about a shot glass worth of oil in it, added a small drop of dish soap and shook the hell out of it. It looked like dirty milk.

I saturated the hell out of my moms, over and under, up and down, sideways and back again.

Have not seen a single indication of any life on them since....lost a few leaves but nothing even close to concerning.

Again, I do not know if it was "mites" or just my spider tenants but either way it seemed to kill or scare off whatever it was.
I wouldn't want any plant, clone or weed that has been sprayed with avid or forbid those aren't meant for consumable plants.
I wouldn't fuck with it, not worth it.

The only way would be to chop all the leaves and most of the branches. Spray what's left. Wait until fresh growth comes out and take cuttings from it. Spray the cuttings as well.

Otherwise I'd just toss it and start over, that can of worms isn't worth it.
Get some Avid, TetraSan & Floramite.

Make a dip tank of Avid & Tetrasan.

Cut clones and dip them well. Root them. Destroy mother.

Rooted clones get dipped in floramite / tetrasan when transplanting.

Make a new mom from clones.
Dont ever use this stuff. Even on your mother plants. Forbid 4F is the way to go for systemic usage. In the pant tissue fo no longer than 2 months. Avid is still in the tissue, not providing protection after 120 days, at potentially toxic levels.
Aza max on a weekly schedule after your initial spray. 4 weeks with aza and 4F your mites will be irradiated.

good luck
Dont ever use this stuff. Even on your mother plants. Forbid 4F is the way to go for systemic usage. In the pant tissue fo no longer than 2 months. Avid is still in the tissue, not providing protection after 120 days, at potentially toxic levels.
Aza max on a weekly schedule after your initial spray. 4 weeks with aza and 4F your mites will be irradiated.

good luck
Any sources one may cite in regards to your 120 day assertion?

All my sources beg to differ.

This study claims a half-life of 2.4 days in tomato. iicbe.org/siteadmin/upload/6543C0114578.pdf

Note, abamectin is used on many crops. ;)