Spider mite issue about to try NPK's mighty wash!


Well-Known Member
Went to hydro shop n grabbed a bottle of this shit, the employee told me to jack the light up like a mother fucker, or take each plant out of room to spray down, I'm going to just wait for lights out (they thought if i did it in dark humidity would cause problems) but my humidity is low, so im not worried. Also told me to put a few drops of dawn in it, so it sticks to the botanical's more effectively. Last time I tried treating mites, I used dawn water during lights on and fried to shit large masses of plants, not making the same mistake this time. Can't afford another huge mistake like that. They asked what happened and I said the leaves went yellow, twisty and died. They said I just fried them because they were in the light, like the dip shit I am. lol

Anyone else who uses this stuff, am i being accurate? and if I'm applying this gunk all over, should I rinse off later on with water or will they be ok after its all dried?


Active Member
You don't need to add dawn to it its great to go by itself. I have done it once and it killed my whole plant. It dried the leaves out and made them all wilted. Now I spray weeds outside that i Want to kill with dawn dish soap because it dries them out and kills them.


Well-Known Member
My brother used mighty wash when he saw a problem. Have to say I was pretty impressed with how it works!


Well-Known Member
I only added minor amount of dawn to the mix, Don't think its going to really be an issue, a few drops to a whole spray bottle full of the npk stuff. Although, If it in deed does kill them, I'm going to have words with the hydro shop peeps. Not good words... lol


Well-Known Member
I guess its a gamble since the dawns been added, but Frankenstein was not created in a day... lol I think the key to doing anything well, is trial and error.
It says on the bottle do not dilute, stuff works pretty Great! Downside is that it leaves a residue that needs to treated with 'Powerwash' 24-48 hours after applying 'Mighty Wash'