Spice - "Space" - K2 - Synthetic Cannabinoid - JWH-018 Experience...

Going to be writing a review on this stuff, Had the worst / most enlightening experience of my life off of this shit last night. Will try to describe in full detail. Please post any experiences with this drug, I am curious to see others' effects..


I personally will never smoke this stuff again. I cant stand the way it makes me feel, its almost like I lose control of my muscles. I smoked a couple bowls once and couldnt move at all unless I focused my whole mind on it. I think that stuff is just unsafe and I plan on sticking to all natural herbs.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy your strokes and heart attacks, panic attacks...

24 year old female friend of mine (in great health) had a minor heart attack after smoking some, her fiance used to work for one of the local suppliers of it here in my town, he quit immediately after.

The shit ain't made for human consumption, say's it right on the package.


Well-Known Member
Any of those mish-mash packets of herbs could be potentially harmful. There's no regulation for most of those and there is never a guarantee of effects and side-effects.


Yeah.. I'd wait to see if it becomes illegal before I do it again. I wish that there'd be some real testing done. Regardless, it's a pretty incredible high. I hallucinated the first time I tried it. My friend told me to go upstairs and find a needle so we could convert our gatorade bong into a bowl. I said okay and my vision like died and a needle appeared in my hand. I didn't know what was going on.


Active Member
someone told me yesterday that smoking these for a prolonged period of time ruined their friends ability to get high period? like, it has been over a year since using jwh but they still cannot get high off weed. is this story bullshit?

edit: their reasoning was that jwh essentially overloaded their cannabinoid receptors


Well-Known Member
someone told me yesterday that smoking these for a prolonged period of time ruined their friends ability to get high period? like, it has been over a year since using jwh but they still cannot get high off weed. is this story bullshit?

edit: their reasoning was that jwh essentially overloaded their cannabinoid receptors
Certainly plausible.
someone told me yesterday that smoking these for a prolonged period of time ruined their friends ability to get high period? like, it has been over a year since using jwh but they still cannot get high off weed. is this story bullshit?

edit: their reasoning was that jwh essentially overloaded their cannabinoid receptors
I've had the same thought myself. I relocated a few months ago, don't have a hookup and haven't spoken to a kind MD yet, so started buying the stuff as a substitute. After going through a few grams (I tried Pep Spice, Voodoo, and K4 Diamond. The Pep and K4 were respectable, Voodoo gave me a headache, but none lasted more than 20 or 30 minutes), a kind soul hooked me up with a gram of Blue Dream with the promise that it would "knock me flat on my ass". I went through the whole gram a la bong and barely got high. JWH is a cannabinoid receptor agonist, so should lead to tolerance. I'm a biochemist so know of plenty of compounds that are irreversible agonists, essentially the receptor involved is shot until you make new ones, hopefully that isn't the case with this stuff. I don't know about the year figure quoted above, but I don't know that much about the cannabinoid receptor (or any other neuroreceptors for that matter) - does anyone know the turnover rate for the cannabinoid receptor? Hopefully it doesn't bind with high affinity or irreversibly, I'd like to enjoy the good herb to the best of it's potential again. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else with knowledge or experience - what can I expect from the tolerance JHW products cause?


I've had the same thought myself. I relocated a few months ago, don't have a hookup and haven't spoken to a kind MD yet, so started buying the stuff as a substitute. After going through a few grams (I tried Pep Spice, Voodoo, and K4 Diamond. The Pep and K4 were respectable, Voodoo gave me a headache, but none lasted more than 20 or 30 minutes), a kind soul hooked me up with a gram of Blue Dream with the promise that it would "knock me flat on my ass". I went through the whole gram a la bong and barely got high. JWH is a cannabinoid receptor agonist, so should lead to tolerance. I'm a biochemist so know of plenty of compounds that are irreversible agonists, essentially the receptor involved is shot until you make new ones, hopefully that isn't the case with this stuff. I don't know about the year figure quoted above, but I don't know that much about the cannabinoid receptor (or any other neuroreceptors for that matter) - does anyone know the turnover rate for the cannabinoid receptor? Hopefully it doesn't bind with high affinity or irreversibly, I'd like to enjoy the good herb to the best of it's potential again. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else with knowledge or experience - what can I expect from the tolerance JHW products cause?
I think that this is true even though I've never really thought about it. Weed never really got me high until I smoked spice. Ever since, my shit gets blazed.