Spectrum king led

No i have 2 sk and one gavita. They way my room is setup like an L two sk side by side and one gavita running the other way against another wall.its hard to explain. The gavita is too far away to really overlap. Yes some light hits a couple plants slightly. But the pic is from a plant under the sk that is not affected by the gavita. Anyway the plants getting ONLY sk light are bigger and better. U cant convince me that the hps is the reason the sk is working so good. Ive been doin this to long. These lights kick ass period
You misunderstand, there is definitely a lot of overlap from the gavita, which is why your spectrum looks so much like hps. You are also getting overlap/reflection from your other sk. Light in a closed space is different than light in an open space. You have 3 lights in the same closed flowering area with reflective walls, so all of the light from all three lamps is held in that room until is absorbed or transferred to heat. Meaning you have ~1900 watts of light getting to the plants in that space. You say they're not overlapping much but it's obvious from the perceptive spectrum of light in your pics that is not true. And if they really aren't, you're messing up your space because they should be. You would produce more under every light with them overlapping than if they are not.

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Can you post pics of how those lights are actually hanging?

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hey dj,

The room was warm enough..to be fair however, none of my indica's or crosses liked 10hrs on
but it was the only way i could flower the [anons]vietblack without it bolting....
sure the hps did better but it wasn't really fair
for something less than half the wattage to have to flower indicas at 10 hrs[or thats what i am telling myself]

i am on a other forum where the guy is gettong more out of his sk than he didlast time..the colas are looking decent..i plan on removing the reflector so i can get it closer while still having
more coverage

so it does look like it is possible that i may grow decent bud with it..again ..it had crazy resin production

i am getting some 3590's made up for me so i will flower under those..tight now both the sk400+ and the 250 w

bridgelux 70w cobs ran@42vw are being used for veg..and doing so well

i hope to flower with those maybe this summer..but if i have good flower with the 3590's they will be my go to newstyle flower machine
Your opinion
Between 400 watt 8cxb 3590 vs spectrumkingled 400+
I am sepectic on say of spectrumkingled ^^
Of a par on the fact that 8 cxb distributed instead of a single spot in the center for the 400+ :)

Yeah it is pretty strong light, about 50w per sq ft. Whether it's better to have the cobs spread out or bunched together I don't know. Maybe they like one really bright spot, like with the sun.
I know this is annokd thread... but I couldnt leave this mis-information alone. The sun does no act like a "spot light" in the sky! Theres no reflector or lense, for one lol But seriously - Im shaking my head at having to even explain this... but the sun equally spreads its light across the earths surface - it doesnt act as a "spot light" in the sky - thats what a magnifying glass does, & look at the result, eh? If the sun WAS like a spotlight, we'd be burned like ants. It is the curvature of the earth, our distance from the sun, and our atmosphere that determine how much light energy hits a given spot. The sun is the opposite of a spot light - sorry bud. Def not trolling - just cant stand to leave false info hanging there! ;)
No i have 2 sk and one gavita. They way my room is setup like an L two sk side by side and one gavita running the other way against another wall.its hard to explain. The gavita is too far away to really overlap. Yes some light hits a couple plants slightly. But the pic is from a plant under the sk that is not affected by the gavita. Anyway the plants getting ONLY sk light are bigger and better. U cant convince me that the hps is the reason the sk is working so good. Ive been doin this to long. These lights kick ass period
well they are phosphor-based white LED.

if you like those results you'll love the same lights that are 10%+ more efficient
Your opinion
Between 400 watt 8cxb 3590 vs spectrumkingled 400+
I am sepectic on say of spectrumkingled ^^
Of a par on the fact that 8 cxb distributed instead of a single spot in the center for the 400+ :)

both are somewhat dated tech
crees would beat the SK but you could do the same with modern cobs at half the cost as well
I know this is annokd thread... but I couldnt leave this mis-information alone. The sun does no act like a "spot light" in the sky! Theres no reflector or lense, for one lol But seriously - Im shaking my head at having to even explain this... but the sun equally spreads its light across the earths surface - it doesnt act as a "spot light" in the sky - thats what a magnifying glass does, & look at the result, eh? If the sun WAS like a spotlight, we'd be burned like ants. It is the curvature of the earth, our distance from the sun, and our atmosphere that determine how much light energy hits a given spot. The sun is the opposite of a spot light - sorry bud. Def not trolling - just cant stand to leave false info hanging there! ;)
Notice I said "Maybe they like one really bright spot, like with the sun", rather than "Maybe they like one really bright spot LIGHT, like with the sun". Are you actually trying to deny that the sun is a spot in the sky? And by spot I mean spot, not spot light, which obviously the sun is not, being a star and all. However my comment was probably wrong anyway, doubt if plants prefer one bright spot over spread out.
The thing that seemed off to me about SpectrumKingLED is how he creates a tightly packed array of individual LEDs (something that looks like a COB, with a lot of labor) and then claims on his "LED 101" page that COBs are a "myth," a bad design, etc.

If you were going to go to all the trouble of wiring 40-80 individual LEDs together, why not spread them out for better coverage? If you're going to put them into a 3" diameter circle, why not use pre-built COB? (The owner of SKL was on this forum and couldn't address that stuff very well.). All he could say is that COB datasheets are idealized representations of real-world performance (while ignoring why the datasheets for individual XBD diodes wouldn't be equally idealized. I.e., why the datasheets show XBD diodes being less efficient than the better COBs).

To me, the thing I didn't understand about that guy is how he markets (differentiates himself) on the Cree brand, efficiency, etc. If he was going to scam with an inefficient light sold at a premium, he would do what Lush, Kind, HydroGrowLED, Blackdog and Growblu do: import Chinese lights, rebrand them and sell them like they're special..

Seems like an odd strategy to market an expensive diode brand, emphasize efficiency, and then do nutty stuff like a labor-intensive custom-made COB while denigrating COB technology (to the point we could call it intentional lying).

That still doesn't make sense to me.
Yeh i got onto his lying when he did a Par test of the SK light and then a Gavita DE1000 side by side, his SK showing far more Par than the Gavita which he said was 800. This was 2 minutes after seeing someone else reading the Gavita at 1800. Alarm bells rang. He obviously had the Gavita dimmed down. Blatant lying. Glad i saw that and then discovered Growmau5 n Greengene's channels.
Daylight provides ambient dispersed light also. As the day progresses the sun also provides intense light. The sun does not act as a spotlight but radiates light 360* constantly bathing us in light from infinitely changing angles.

Something I noticed long ago with discreet leds was that shade disappeared in my ⛺️. Those dozens of light sources were striking the plants from so many angles that enough went between leaves,stems and buds to illuminate the soil mix in the pots. That, I think, accounts for buds growing firm and nice much further down the stems or branches.

COBs and boards are similar since they are many light sources mounted on boards in various densities.