Spanky's Monkey
Active Member

The wiring for the fan was super easy and the quickest task by far. This is a 12v unit with the proper 12v adapter. I considered the usb option but USB is 5v and I wanted a stronger fan so it had to 12v or bust.

Tub almost ready for the filters and fan to go in. I'm liking how its starting out but I need to do some revisions for sure.

The actual filter pack is larger then what's pictured. I tested the system as it was in the pic and it worked but not very well. I had to use 8 layers of carbon sheets for a better result. Ultimately I may add more sheets but the wally world near my house ran out of stock. I was lucky they had this set.

First mock up of the entire system. I told ya there would be duct tape. This is by no means pretty but it freakin works as it should that's all I can really ask for.

A work in progess for sure.