i just readthis thread from start to finish-
Big Texas, you are the Man for having the balls and the brains to take on the pork factory, and I wish you the best of luck...
...some thoughts on TN
The weather is unpredictable at best
The water quality is... fucking terrible. the only time I use tap water is to wash my dishes.. I wont even cook with the shit
Here in mid-tn (the cumberland valley) the humidity is unbearable, comparable to southern fl in the summertime.
helicopters... helicopters helicopters.. the fuckers are EVERYWHERE, I see at least one a day during grow season.. more realistically 3... and they fly at night too.. scary
planting up a holler on copperhead rdsounds cool in the song, but the reality is unless the hollow is big enough to be a real valley... you get either morning sun or afternoon sun.. rarely both, without removing some of the overhead growth... then theres the choppers... pricks
and the critters.. theres lots of em that like to munch on your shit... pisses me off every time.
soil quality is GREAT... but the soil depth is terrible.. bedrock all over the place, most of it exposed, lots of glacial boulders too
some of the best people ive ever met have been native born tennesseans... but sadly some of the shadiest, punk ass loud mouth ignorant fucking bitches that would snitch out there best friend to avoid a speeding ticket are here too... in bigger numbers than the good people
then theres the meth problem..
and last but not least, and my personal biggest thing i cant stand about tn.. TN DRIVERS
but land is cheap... very cheap if you know where to look... but usually means it wont percolate
theres no state income tax in tn!!!!
the cost of living is low
we make the best shine. hands down
good fishing and hunting
biker friendly
beutiful place to liv ein, especially east tn and the chattanooga areas
they line up to pay 4-500 for a zip of some dank.. at least in the city anyways
and theres still a ton of agriculture that goes on... which means co-ops and tsc and other supply houses are everywhere!
it has its pros and cons like everywhere else.. just thought id lay out some of them for you. i moved indoors... and have been happy ever since.
again good luck with the pork rinds... sounds like there gonna need all the help they can get dealing with you...
..and coming from someone that has beaten them before, your right about requesting a trial then post poning it forever that shit drives them nuts, tying up the coutroom with hearing after hearing

just becareful ambushing ole gomer when hes on the stand.. the d.a. might be waiting for it, have a good second point to bring up if he shoots you down.
fight on man, its admirable