• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

South Texas gets Busted


Well-Known Member
Had the initial Court date, simply to assign a Court Appt. Atty. I want this process, not from lack of money.... Let's not freak. A Cruise on a big ship, or a tour is really cool. But a lot of the fun can be on the planning. I want/insist that this cause of action be done from the poorest aspect as possible. I've never met anyone facing 10 years with pocket aces. With that hand, I can play... My interest is seeing the Chess pieces moved. For instance, I told the Court Appt. Atty. (CAA, hereafter) that no pleas was on the table. First thing the Bitch done was run to the DA, gave me a good deal, "Plead to doing 8 out of ten". The DA moves the Queen out, using the CAA as cover. As a Chess Player, sometime we do that, only to intimidate. To distract, a farce, if you will. I don't blame them. Good Move. This move bores me.
The birth of Pleas IS interesting. First of all, it's an oxymoron. No Plea of guilt can be utilized under cohersion, threats, physical abuse, tomfoolery at it's finest. NOR, the promise of the 8 out of ten. If one chooses, ask the DA to put in writting, and they will not/never, because it is not legal. Just a Queen to intimidate. Many years back, the dicuss came about that, altho each person indicted of a Felony Offense has a right to a Jury Trial, if that person confessed up front of guilt, why should the Court's docket, the tax payers, go through the motions? Good Move. That application evolved into a monster, a whipping post. Simply because out of every person charged with a felony offense, the Court's time schedule only has time for 20% of the Person's charged with the full scope of a the Jury Trial Right. But who, which one of the scum of the Earth, guilty bastards will hold out for His or Her Rights? They don't know. Enter, stage left, the Plea Bargain shit.
In each County, District, a docket sheet is published monthly, as to which Attys. will provide Defense for the poor, down-trodden. At 200 "Clients" per month, at State payment of $250 per Plea (1988 stats), the BMW & Golf Fees is paid. It's an easy life, "The DA is REALLY pissed at this, take a Plea!!" To maintain the car & golf payments, a Servant of the State, of the DA's Office. If He/She was to demand a Jury Trial, the Bitch is taken off the Docket.... no more BMW, Golf Fees, gravvy work. This is what I wanted You People to know. Cool?

I hope people gleened off the message there^^^^

Finally some one that understands the legal system!

You have garnered much of my faith in this statement that you know what you are doing.....

Also.... those previous statements about people not understanding what your talking about etc.

Sometimes your precision in writing is lacking, that is all

not everyone is an elite intellectual ;)


Well-Known Member
Sonofabitch....perfectly coherent and made perfect sense. I dunno what to say anymore. Maybe it is just drinking and smoking and time of day. And yes, the plea bargain system is completely obnoxious. How does it any way stand to serve justice?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. It's the Beer. The Application to the "Up-Date" will be in the Part 2. I just wanted to set up the Stage. So We all know what's really going on. Next, how to deal with it.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
No big deal here, just a FUBAR ( fucked up beyond all reconition) situation. Before I explain, I am "In the grovve, excited" All is very cool. A moderen day true adventure that is wonderful to me. I get bored if I'm not taking care of my Babies, which contens me. But this, like playing Poker, is very exciting to me. In this "Game", it's 10 years of my life. For the regular shit, a Football game is not near as interesting as if some personal adversities is involved, like $50, $1,000 or so bet,is at risk. THAT will catch your attention. Several steps beyond that, lay out 10 years of being caged on the table. Now we got my undivided attention, my full sense of competition. Without competition in our social world, I'm bored. 10 years is probably the biggest bet that I'll ever lay out on the table,.... so it's important to savor & enjoy the ... what? The GAME! You may see it as crazy, ignorant, (my favorite) deranged, but, it all depends upon the additude. In this, I want to put you in my shoes, without the risk. Fucking Stephen King will hold your hand, & throw you into the hunted house. Anyway, the 10 year play book starts with the odds. Start a grow, get a job, get married, it all based upon what are the odds of this or that working mental risk. Once the deal is sealed, "I Do", or I'll take this job, etc, that's playing the odds. Once that is set, then the stratagy, Chess is the weapon of choise. First, what are the odds, then "Let's Dance", or mental Chess Game. I'm comfortable with this situation. "Taking an Oath" is my problem. See 3

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I think the major problem that I have is that WE, never took a sworn Oath to uphold the Laws of the Land, which includes the US Constitution, Fed. Cont., State Const., Civil Rights, Bill of Rights, etc. A Crack Head, Speed Freak, Bank Robber never made an oath, never pretended to be other than what He or She is, at face value. However, taking an oath to "protect, defend & agree to become OUR protector from adverse adversities when they, in their own blotted ego, attack the Subjects that they swore to defend... that runs me hot. "This will not stand". Draping a colored cloth over a person's shoulder or body, while attaching shinny pieces of metal on the cloth does not set that person above anyone of us. Stage props is all it is.
Any way, I FINALLY got the Police Report, and there is stupid lies, no big deal. But trying to cover facts, the stupid Bitches incrimminated themselves, they fucked up. 5 Law people done the bust. Math. The 2 signs, one way in, one way out, 5 Officers entered, 2, left & came back. ????? That's 14 times that our Peace Officers passed the No Treaspassing Signs, and never mentioned such. Only one statement was the Gate mentioned. "I unlatched the gate". Dudes, I went to Court, ... Bitch Atty. came back with an offer from (originally 10) 8 to 3.??? Think on this one. 4 or more lbs of pot, max is 10, Prosecutor does the 3 offer??? Something is fishy, people. They know it's a fuck-up. I got 4 Queens, they have 1 sick-ass Pawn. Motion to Supress is coming up. My Pringles potato chip container was about 1/4th full of my seeds. They said "A full can". I claim they cost me $200 per 10 seeds. That's a lot of fucking seeds that I want replaced. Approx 100 per 1/8th inch X 10 inches X 8 = 8,000. $160,000.
I'll get into SS1983/1984 Civial Action vehichle, Criminal Charges, etc, Later.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I would take a break from trimming, curing, etc., and concentrate on the soil area for next years grow. The "rush" in my opinion is the soils temp isn't too cool now (where I live), and since the microbes pretty much goes dormant during the winter, it would be a good time to .... two truck loads of Rabbit manure, put out 40 Lbs. of Greensand, two bags (4Lbs) of Epson Salt, 10 Lbs. of whole Ground Cornmeal, microbial fungi, 12 ozs. molasses per 5 gals. of water, 1 Lb. of Red wiggler worms (Order on-line), beneficial nematodes, and whatever other meals, (fish, bone, blood, etc.). Seeds are cheaper this time of year. I will begin my 2010 grow on the first of Dec., indoors of course, moving them into the sun as MUCH as possible, 400 watt for nights (24/7 light & sun mix.) Square containers takes less space. Garden & Bloome, like Puffster uses is awesome, stay away from peat if possible. Microbes will soften your soil, peat is not needed. Good info on what stuff does what, see if you can download "The Marijuana Growers Handbook". The Library at the Dirt Doctors web site is cool, also. There is wonderful info on Synthetic Fertilizer in that Library, also. Happy Growing.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i read somewhere about people using rid-x to add to soil it has beneficial bacterias ,have you heard anything on this subject,yes the same thing that goes into the septic system

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Oh, HELL Yes!!! Dam, I didn't know about it. Use it, but also, feed them. They LOVE molasess< like a buffet. I pour molasess in my toilet, no chems. To do what Rid=X does, the Old Timmers put a dead chicken in the septic, to grow the good bacteria, etc. I say Yes. For the plants soil. I forgot to mention fish emusion, coffee grounds, & collection Praying Mantis, & moving them to the outdoor grow area, for lot's of Babies in the Spring.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Molasses speeds up the process tremendously. Also, any green vegatative material, 60% to 40% dead leaf shit. I do the worm farm in Kiddie pools, but I have been reading upon "Solder Flies/Leathermeal Worms (Same thing) which..... breaks down the veg. matter a LOT faster than worms. Also see the "Bio Pod" for sale, or make your own. Also, just recently learned that different types of good bacteria varyies btween the different types of animals, IE; Cow/Rabbit, Horse, Goat, etc. So now, I want to use a variety of manures to expand the microbial/bactiera/fungi. Is that cool or what? Beware of where the cow manure comes from. Most hay fields is sprayed with a certain 'broad leaf pesticide, ( It's pronounced 'Pick-la-ram') which will kill your Ladies. To test, add 2 cups to a gal. of water, soak/stir 24 hours, the pour around a broad leaf plant. If that plant dies withing 24 hrs.,.... "Black Kow" is a good sterile cow manure, add all the bottled up microbes, etc, for some really good shit. I'll be doing research on the Rid X, for dammed sure. Also, in a few years 3 things for Your Ladies will be the talk of the town, I hope. Zealite, Aleo vera & Alfalpha. That fucking pick-la-ram is in the Hay cells, the cows eat, lays down under the trees, & shits. The tree's root system absorb the shit, takes 5 to 10 years to kill the tree. Same as the 'weed & feed' shit. Also, liquid seaweed has 90 components in it, is that awesome or what?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
these are things that have been heavy on my mind.... I have a lot of prep work to be doing.....
Other than doing one Mamma - regen for 4 or more years, or cloning, cross, 10 Lb Ladies, I could care less, other than having a live Zoo beneath the soil, training plants, roots, , now Plant Tissue is my interest. To get a hard on, seaweed is a natural root stimulator. Aleo heals & regenerates damaged plant tisse, like lifting weights, tears the muscle cells, allow then to heal stronger cells , because Mother Nature is fucking amazing. The wind bends, tears the cells, which grows back stonger than prior. Anyway, imagine, a rooting system, which is the ONLY limitation to a plants growth, in a healthy local. (Good Sun,water, nutes, etc.) where seaweed stimulates the natural rooting system, which in my theory, stresses, maximumizing the growing process, causing a weak cell stuructre, like a big bony 16 year old Boy, where He's all bones. Then add the Aleo. ..... The Aleo should heal back this rapid over extended cell growth system. The final nutrient cook to plate the dish to feed the little teeth is Myconizial fungi. My theory is the plant knows what it needs, and will absorb EXACTLY what it wants, when it needs it if we allow Mother Nature do what She does best, breaks down the nutes to be easily absorbs, without a lot of chewing, causing imbalance & stress. This is the fun part. Cool?


Well-Known Member
been up since 4am.bibble was crying.made a mistake w/ plants lite shedule.switched to 12/12,there supposed to stay on 20/4 thru finish.only 1 nite so no worries.any progress on comm. puffs?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
been up since 4am.bibble was crying.made a mistake w/ plants lite shedule.switched to 12/12,there supposed to stay on 20/4 thru finish.only 1 nite so no worries.any progress on comm. puffs?
Yeah, had a weekend full of such, & also this morning via phone. Results will start comming in this afternoon. Have you got any new seeds popping?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Facing 10,, 5 to 50 lb bust, enhanced due to prior Bad Boy's Night Out. Anyway, the shit was thrown out of Court. 3 of the 5 Officers was Supenenoed refused to show up.