• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

South Texas gets Busted


Well-Known Member
good shit south texas....its nice to have someone with some balls and the knowledge and ability to fight the law. fuck-em

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
Dude they could not have taken your seeds, they are legal to have. They are only considered a plant if they have a root system, ask for em back :)


Well-Known Member
When the Law Dogs cut my Ladies, they knocked seeds off the plants, which fell into the containers.... a week later, I've got several babies growing. I didn't "plant" the fuckers.... They did. Should I charge for baby sitting? Ethically speaking, do I have to give them 1/2 the harvest?, or call the Law & report the crime? Lazy fuckers don't even feed or water them.
lmao thats awsome. take pics and report that they had planted marijuana plants on your property which they technically did. that might help you get it dropped


Active Member
just a idea but padlock ur gate as well. I live on 25 acres out here in north cali. I have 3 fence systems. all lined up with barbed & razer wire except the outter fencing. We have alot of shrubs planted in between the fences so each set isnt to noticable, except from the sky. Its just me my dog and 2 other ex marines. we've done our studying on the laws of california etc. anyhow, 3rd fence has a lil bit extra protection, called electricity. lol anyhow it would be very bloody for someone to try and get to our weed. Cops wouldn't beable to view the master minded op from the road. only from the sky but thats what tree canopies are for....

back to the main idea though, keep your gates and shitm ore secure :)

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Fuck Dude, YOUR RIGHT !!!! Damn I slow headed. 2,000 seeds the 'hoes took. But don't matter, once they trow the shit out, I'll get my 1,000 watt HPS w/ Track Lighting, heating pad w/themastat, they even took my seal-a-meal. If they can't enter anything into evidence, I'll tell them I want my 5 lbs. back. I seriously miss my lite & seeds. I use a spring loaded clip to secure the gate. I'm not going to use the locks. A Man's wife don't need a locked chastity belt to keep the law from raping her, I just need the gate secured, posted, etc. Cutting the fence is the same as minpulating a "locking device". If you dance with the fuckers, just make sure your leading. That's the trick. Thanks Guys.

Dude they could not have taken your seeds, they are legal to have. They are only considered a plant if they have a root system, ask for em back :)


Well-Known Member
where i come from the cops would just lie and say something like , "oh i chased a kid with a gun into the yard, he got away, but look what i found, or theyd just say you were smoking pot by the gate and ran when they came.....cops are big time scumbags sometimes..theres a few good ones out there, like the one who came to my work when i 1st grew 12 years ago and said get the shit out now while no ones outside your house, i only had 2 plants at the time so i just dried em and smoked em. i was dumb, i was living in a 2 family house and i knew the cunt upstairs would rat me, she ripped a girl out of my garden in the front and brought it to the cops. a cop friend of mine heard about it and warned me. so they arent all bad,


Well-Known Member
cops hate being beaten and they will take it very personal,so they will be keeping an eye on your property.good luck and screw them fuckers good

South Texas

Well-Known Member
OK, everybodies on the same page here. Yes, I'm hot, and the retaliation is "Simply Irrestiable". But, once civil action is filed, any wrong step spells retaliation for excerising redress. Serious shit. Took 3 months to find a grow spot. If I was a sorry fuck Law Dog, I would bring a dope dog to the fence line & say the dog winked twice, meaning a grow, but getting a warrant for that is questionable- over 100 acres. The Game Warden was a trick, but they got busted for that shit. Choppers, not the funds, plus grow took that into consideration. But it's all really a non-issue, because either I go straight to jail, or I get all that shit back w/ civil suit. With civil suit, it would be stupid on my part to not clean up, get my RIU Texas Friends to come & take all plants, seeds, etc. Hear that Robert & Masterofgenetics. Never allow the waters to get muddy in the law shit. Once you've lost total control, your ass is in a bind. Just look for a home for 70 or so plants. I delivery.


New Member
you got em :clap:

the crawfish was goooooooooood :hump: any help you need So T. I've mostly been laying low but i thought I'd say good luck and let you know the spring crop/frost blanket worked great. My poppy field was a wash though...I'll nab a few that popped in Zilker park :fire:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
3 Lashes for You.... Where the hell you been??? I would like to know why the pop-project didn't work. Due to my hot ass, well, actually, I took a year off to drink beer & think about fishing, so I didn't have the funds to do the Pops, It would be cool for the bitches to wade through poppies to look for a grow. Anyway, serious about the clean house shit, but I'm not called up before the Transveste yet- a man in a robe. Where's Strey? Maybe within 30 days, the shit will start, but then again, it could be 3 or months past that. Either way, house cleaning. What you want? I got 70 growing, want me to do more, got 100 more seeds waiting for some warm cow shit & worms. I hope you like Afghan, Master Kush, Cali Orange (My favorite) and other shit. The weather is going to drop, watch your outdoor babies. Find a 100 or more acre area, do the Monster shit. If I can have a decent grow, I'm going to buy Arkansas, low humidity, nice grow weather. Keep in touch, working on us meeting in Austin this Summer.

you got em :clap:

the crawfish was goooooooooood :hump: any help you need So T. I've mostly been laying low but i thought I'd say good luck and let you know the spring crop/frost blanket worked great. My poppy field was a wash though...I'll nab a few that popped in Zilker park :fire:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I have to call my Bail Bondsman once per week. I talk to the Wife, they are sooo coool. Country Folks, like Me. Legally speaking, this is very imporant, so take mental notes. The FIRST most import thing was the "broad" Brush that they just flat out, blantantly said, that "That is Pot". There is 40 strains of Okra, I grow Egypian Okra. It may very well be Afghan and all the good shit, but I am not an expert on the shit, never had any "Documented" training as to what is what. Never been qualified as an expert as to what is "actually" an illegal plant", or the 8 million other plants that MAY cause legal recourse.
In Fed Court, State, Appeals, several times the Judge would state that " You are aboutely right, but Appeal is denied because you claimed the 7th Amendment, when if you would had claimed the fourth, ( or whatever), you would be released from death row, etc.
What I am saying is that the proper defense has never been presented before the Court. There is 700 diffierant Tomato strains alone, not mention 8 billion variitues. We are not experts, they have to prove that we knew waht it was, and we can't unless we had lab test/documented training, IE: An expert witness.


Well-Known Member
South Texas, if i'm ever in the area I will let you know. I would love to sit back and smoke with some Country Folks ;)

good luck be safe.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Oh Yeah. That would be Cool for me. I don't smoke, beer for me, but a passion is law,Chess, growing things,....Serious Chess players should have all moves, at least 3 moves ahead, & adapt. Growing outdoors, for me, includes Chess & Poker. Poker, sit back for months to notate the risk, mentally & on paper/notes, what are the Risk, then delete the basic threats, one by one. Choppers, 80% of all Bust is due to "Friends" running the head. Growing a lot of kick-ass shit is only half the "Master Plan". Take Notes. The Legal world goes through vast steps to create a world of smoke & mirrors, we are too stupid to understand. Want to file a Motion.. Child Support, Police Report, all that shit. Your high dollar Atty. simply uses the "Book Of Motions" which cost 15 bucks to file, he charges 400. They make money off our ignorance, and trust, like a Dr.
Here is what I need to work on. As a joke, I called my shit, "Egypian Okra". I'm a big fan of The Attitude". If they can ship seeds as Okra, I want any son of a bitch law fuck to tell me I done something wrong. This is SOLELY legal speak... The law man said I had Pot......so why did they have to ship it out to a Lab, ???? Because they are not experts. If we grow shit, being not experts, how can we be imprisioned? Here's the fucking legal deal. If they need an expert, under equal protection, when did we have the ability to do some lab test. ??? My Friend gave me 200 seeds of whatever. In good faith... that carries a lot of weight in the legal world, Put me in Prison?
Tell you what Bitch, gIve ME THE SAME OPPORTUNTY to a Lab Test, & fuck the one sided BS,... now we got a Defense. Next Food for thought question. Why does a Law Fuck have to take the oath in Court.??? The answer is Sooo Sad.

South Texas, if i'm ever in the area I will let you know. I would love to sit back and smoke with some Country Folks ;)

good luck be safe.


Well-Known Member
Just a hunch, but I bet there's some new homeland security 911 anti terrorism new legal shit that will pull the rug right out from under your feet.

I hope not, but I don't think we have any rights left really at this point. You probably won't be sent to cuba but I'm sure there's some fine print that can be loosely interpreted however the judge likes just to screw you.


Well-Known Member
Subscribed. I feel for you fellow Texan. Freakin wonder sometimes if we are in a free country. You have balls my friend. Good luck! I am new and researching strains. Saw you liked Cali Orange. Mind mentioning the seed house so I can try it out? So many strains to try hard to know where to start? Thanks


New Member
Just a hunch, but I bet there's some new homeland security 911 anti terrorism new legal shit that will pull the rug right out from under your feet.

I hope not, but I don't think we have any rights left really at this point. You probably won't be sent to cuba but I'm sure there's some fine print that can be loosely interpreted however the judge likes just to screw you.
Always the optimist OM. BTW the "new" anti-terrorism is now dated and no longer a catch-all for the current admin (i hope). IMO Seems with the good news from Cali, the feds are pulling their heads from their asses and opening their eyes.

You COULD be right OM, but So TEx seems to know the ropes, the ring and the ref. If he's not panicking by now, worrying about the worst, "secret law" post 911 is only gonna make his life waiting worse. I say FUCK THAT!!!!

So Tex, I've been at the bottom of a river with a reed for a snorkel 8-)
Some shit hit the fan within walking distance from my place; some younger, not so "paranoid" gardeners got hauled off in bracelets a few months back. I love texas, but my county's mounties can be fucking NAZIs! Basically, I've been lurking instead of posting because I realize how easy it is to get into a thread, meet cool folks, let down your guard, and without knowing it tell to much about who you are to the wrong person.

short story from my past. Moved to Austin long ago from the north with dreams of outdoor sativa crops. Enter first Bush administration and asset forfeture became a REAL fear. stopped growing for + or- 20 years. MY last bag I sold back then was to an exDEA, ex-cop fucking subhuman piece of shit. He even tried to stiff me for the bag! really the point is this: sometimes it is just the WRONG person to tell.

luckily, I had enough on the scumbag to get paid :) He eventually had to leave town in disgrace. I love a happy ending!

good luck again so t.

oh yeah, think the Poppies dried out...I should have disturbed the soil more and made sure they stayed moist.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I've got a whole lot of displine rules that I INSIST upon. My Personal Bible. But out of hundreds, the foudation, when dealing Socially, is to sit back & watch. "Hide & Watch" What I look for is one of 2 things in a person. There is only 2 things these people bring to the table, No gray area. Either they are busy about living or busy about diying. I learned a lot of lessons in prison. But a damned Parole Office told me something, one time. The Dude was cool. He said that "Any Social person you meet will only do one of two things; They will build you up or drag you down, no inbetween. Marriage, friend, Boss, whatever. In Prison, my lesson, watch out for the defeatist attitude people. Human Nature is a Bitch. Study that for 20 years, then shoot things. Birds of the feather, flock. Failures is an excuse for fucking losers. "There is no problems, only solutions."
I call in once per week.... shit went down in Nov. The very cool bailbonds man ask if I had been offered a plea deal. This is SO Cool. Nobody answered my question about why a Law Man has to take an oath in Court. The next question is If everybody is legally afforded the right to a Jury Trial, the Courts can only handle 20% of the cases. Houston, We have a problem with the plea shit. Walk on, defeatist people..

South Texas

Well-Known Member
In Texas, the Game Warden has the "legal Authority to walk straight up into your fucking house. He can cut locks, do whatever He wants, under the subject of Poaching, illegal hunting. But the Law Dogs has not been given that right, they need a search warrant signed by a Judge. And to ask for this intrusion, the Law Dogs has got to have something believable to tell the Judge. What info they have that may be believable is the info you hand to them on the silver platter. It's impossible any Judge will stand behind a warrant, risking His Career, with some BS excuse, such as, we think he is a Jew, or red headed. They HAVE to have something to confront the Judge, and any valid info, to get that warrant signed, will be from info YOU offered, via telling some friend/family etc. believable, I didn't answer your question properly. When any privately owned property is fences & posted, with closed entry, a warrant covers all of the property. But..... outside the household "immediate" area, the burden of falls off of you & into the lap of the DA/Police. It's fucking common sense, and our Laws are based upon such. If you have 10 plants in your kitchen, any defense about you didn't know is BS. But if that grow is outside a daily visited area, NOW, the law has to prove you done this bad deed. Because anybody could have done whatever on your property, immediate control, in a car is the same legal shit. When others had access to the same area, it fucks the "Reasonable Doubt" charge. So, a warrant is cool, now, connect me to the grow. If you can't, suck me a lot. I'm sick of the Law Dogs running rough-shod over good people.