i don't eat a massive amouint of meat, but i like it none the less, and do require it here and there b necessity, like bacon sandwhiches

and as such i can't comprehend not eating meat in my diet.
but that is not to say i can't respect them (vegans more than veggies, how the hell is fish vegie friendly

although this is still generalising a bit

) and what they chose to eat. it is their choice and i don't bash them about it.
yet in the same way, i can't stand the idea of things like faggots, that is a simply minging concept coming whack bang in the center of being a carnivor, yet i won't turn around and tell someone who enjoys faggots that they're some kind of twisted creep. it's their call at the end of the day.
and JO, can't agree more on the copy and paste, i noramlly jsut skip threads like that, as they're genearlly thousands of words long and tedious
but meaties vs not, it's a good debate to be had