Haha, what do you puff up and turn green like a piece of broccoli?
Once again JohnnyO, you bring absolutely nothing to the table. Nothing but a fabricated list of supposed vegetarians. Would you like to see my list of meat eaters who lived very healthy, long and happy lives? It will make your list look a fart in the wind.
Somebody is getting a little
frustrated. I'm looking
straight at you Davey.
I'm bringing
plenty to the table. You just don't like it.
Also, you should maybe look up those big words before you use them. Obtuse means lacking intelligence, JohnnyO... stupid. We're not talking about the earth being round or flat, and we're not talking screaming tomatoes. We're talking about meat, JohnnyO, stick to the subject and show me some proof.
I also stated that in this case 'obtuse' was
not an insult because I believe you are
feigning stupidity (your word for obtuse) in order to
avoid addressing my salient points.
The source I provided you
already dismissed. I can show you sources all day long, but I know what your reaction will be: Flat out
denial. And I am certain you will take issue with the source
itself rather than the information provided.
But as you
finally asked for some sourcing; let's dance.
First an overview. It's a
cartoon so as to not tax your intellect
too much.
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/05zhL1YUd8Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/05zhL1YUd8Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
And here's what the
American Dietetic Association has to say about a vegetarian diet. You can go see for yourself.
And here is what an M.D. has to say on the subject.
And another.
Were early humans vegetarian?
An archaeologist's take.
Fact is JohnnyO, man has consumed meat and meat products since the dawn of time... and not only survived, but thrived. What do you think Nomads followed salad bars around Europe and the Americas? For you to think anything different would make you... well... obtuse... When you buy into a concept, you should study it more thoroughly. Don't just marvel at the glitter on the outside, dig in and learn the cons as well.
I considered being vegetarian for over a decade before actually taking the plunge. I have been a vegetarian well over a decade since taking the plunge. I have heard the arguments for quite a while now; from the hilarious 'I eat meat because Jesus gave me incisors.' to the bellicose ravings of meat-eaters who perceive my diet as an
affront to them.
Bad example, JohnnyO, Mad Cow Disease. A direct result from factory farming, and meat just happens to be the product. Why did you not mention E-Coli, JohnnyO? Maybe it was part of your argument once, until they started finding it in vegetables. Which is my point exactly, mass production is the problem, not meat or vegetables. It's funny how bacteria and disease can find a host in just about ANY living matter. This is perfectly logical. Don't be so credulous, JohnnyO.
So if you contract
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease from diseased meat it won't
count because of the
source of the meat? You are
really reaching now.
E Coli in produce is a
by-product of
factory farming, genius. Just because some field hand applied un-composted manure onto the lettuce crop is
not an indictment against lettuce. If pig shit run-off from the local factory farm floods the cantaloupe fields, the
source of the E Coli is not the cantaloupe. It's the factory farm.
If one were to tally up E Coli deaths attributed to vegetables versus those attributed to meat, I
wonder which column would be
Forgive me for continuing on, I just could not help myself. Your blind arrogance usurps your ability to think clearly and rationally. You even have a cheerleader now to help you hold your ego up. It can't get any better than this. I actually asked myself at one point, who is the obtuse one here, the guy running the make believe coffee shop or the guy arguing with him? Then I said, ah, it's only the internet.
Aw, you hurt my feelings.
Not really.
You'll forgive me if I am incapable being insulted by someone who
chooses a barbarian diet. There's some
hubris for you.
Lash out all you want, you simply prove my point
for me. Just like when you when to
another thread and intentionally tried to antagonize me by showing your ass.
And yes, it's
just the internet. Yet, for some reason you insist on posting sad little rebuttals.
Now let the
Denial-Fest begin!