Somethings wrong with my plants could you please take a look and give any info


Active Member
at the top where new leaves are forming they seem really thin and compact... they are taking longer then at first also... not as big as the first few sets,... and as you can see in the pics they don't look right.. the new leaves just forming at the top please any advice would be great


Well-Known Member
Yh I Can see Some Preflower's :)The Ends of The Leaves Is a Ph Problem But Nothing To Worry About..:)


Active Member
hmmm... seem really thin to me... the leaves on all the other nodes started out in a nice wide spread bushy and healthy looking... theses last few nodes have been like this... they take more time to develop and are smaller once fully formed then the first lot of leaves..

thanks for all the reply's ppl :D


Well-Known Member
looks like pre flowers to me too... they are taking longer to form because its going from veg to flowering... what kind of light cycle is it on?? how old is it?? where did you get the seeds and what kind are they??

grow space

Well-Known Member
wtf dude-are a complete idiot-your plants look fucking nice, but you man.....
keep up the good work..


Active Member
the strain is PPP, and yeah i put them on 12/12 a few weeks ago... its hard to see what i mean in the picture.. ive grown plants before... the leaves do look a little odd the ones right at the top smaller more compact more heavy looking and some of them have little breaks in the leaf.. defo something is a little off... i thought it might be back from where they got overwaterd but ive had them on hydrogen peroxide for 2 weeks in the nute water... its not over fert and its not PH i think i've had that happen in the past.... i still think its some kind of oxygen deficiency...

the pre flowers only just started to show last few days the white pistils.. but the top new leaves have not looked right.. i had some free seeds with my order planted them too but their much younger... they are showing the same symptoms the leaves just looked small compact and heavy and THIN like the top of the plant has a Medusa type thing going on...


Well-Known Member
the strain is PPP, and yeah i put them on 12/12 a few weeks ago... its hard to see what i mean in the picture.. ive grown plants before... the leaves do look a little odd the ones right at the top smaller more compact more heavy looking and some of them have little breaks in the leaf.. defo something is a little off... i thought it might be back from where they got overwaterd but ive had them on hydrogen peroxide for 2 weeks in the nute water... its not over fert and its not PH i think i've had that happen in the past.... i still think its some kind of oxygen deficiency...

the pre flowers only just started to show last few days the white pistils.. but the top new leaves have not looked right.. i had some free seeds with my order planted them too but their much younger... they are showing the same symptoms the leaves just looked small compact and heavy and THIN like the top of the plant has a Medusa type thing going on...

Look fine to me. If we can't see any issue we can't help you. I suggest you take better pics as well as pics of those other plants.

If there was a issue I would think it would show up in more than new growth. So give us a full plant shot so we can see how the whole plant looks. I think she looks mad healthy and has been treated well.


Active Member
lol... i have treated them really well.. water aint that great in my new flat.. started using bottled water from seed and just carried on 1.99 for 6 1.5 L bottles from tesco lol last ages.. gonna see what the bud tastes like if there is any change.. been using nitrozime on the leaves as well.. only ever added it to the nute mix before this time i used it as a spray too.. seems ok..

i have always ever done the same grow method.. 3 weeks or so under 20/4 then on to 12/12 then they shoot up to just to above my waste, hight-wise and i get a huge cola.. the top leaves just look off to me and i would normally see a big boost in plant hight about now.



Well-Known Member
Have you grown PPP before? That may be why your concerned cause of past expectations. She looks mad healthy my friend.

Good Luck


Active Member
maybe, no i haven't grown PPP before, all strains used to do more or less the same thing for me going on to 12/12 3 weeks in for a fast crop.. thanks for the response.. and i will just carry on see what happens. maybe move the light up high see if that kicks them into growing


Well-Known Member
maybe, no i haven't grown PPP before, all strains used to do more or less the same thing for me going on to 12/12 3 weeks in for a fast crop.. thanks for the response.. and i will just carry on see what happens. maybe move the light up high see if that kicks them into growing
Yeah i was reading it says its a sativa dom hyrbid. Who knows what one hybrid will do compared to others. My perpetual is all from bag seed and I have seen some variation like you would not believe just among a few seeds from the same sack. So you never know what one bacth of seeds will do till you grow them out.

Nothing wrong with moving the light and keeping a close eye on them.

Good luck and hope they turn out dank as shit.


Active Member
i have the same problem with 3 different strains, so it's not genetics i guess. did you do anything? how are they doing now?