Something to agree on


New Member
Posted on 06/08/2007 1:26:38 AM PDT by goldstategop

My dear mom, who is a card-carrying member of the left-wing "America is to blame for all evil" school of kooky thought, isn't the first person I would turn to for sage political analysis.
I love my mother to death, but when it comes to politics we don't agree on much … well, just about anything fothat matter.
Case in point: One of my mother's favorite shows is "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC – a program where Mr. Olbermann regularly labels me one of the "Worst People in the World."
My mother loves her liberal politics so much she's willing to overlook Olbermann's repeated slurs against her own daughter on a regular basis.
So I find it rather striking that the other night my mother would rise from her sofa while watching Mr. Olbermann's program, with the voraciousness of a cougar at feeding time, consumed with anger over the current efforts by Congress to pass an amnesty-for-illegal-aliens plan.
My mother, one of those liberals who makes excuses for tin-pot dictators and lashes out at our "evil" foreign policy, rang me up to tell me of her fury and rage over this "Shamnesty Bill." She sees the efforts by Congress and the Bush administration as leading us down a path toward eternal eradication of our borders and our way of life as we know it today.
I couldn't agree with her more. Whew! Thanksgiving dinner is a definite "go" this year.
There's something interesting going on in America when the ideological divides that separate Americans on the issues of war, taxes, abortion and gay marriage melt away on the issues of immigration, security and sovereignty.
Our political leaders have heard the will of the people on the immigration issue for over a decade. Poll after poll has shown that the majority of Americans want the borders secured, and they don't understand why our leaders in elected office keep defying the public will.
Here in California, we passed historic ballot measure Proposition 187, which would have stopped taxpayer-funded benefits from being given to those whose first act in this country was to break the law.
The response by the now-recalled Democrat governor, Gray Davis, and the liberal judiciary was to circumvent the will of the people and to kill the measure through a tag-team effort between the executive and judicial branches of government.
Now, President Bush, who does not seem fazed by historically low poll numbers, is apparently determined to flout the will of the people on an issue that undercuts his principled stand in the war on terrorism.
Those of you who read this column on a regular basis, or who are familiar with my work with Move America Forward, know that I am an unwavering supporter of the war on terrorism. I have gone to bat for our commander in chief countless times, because it is crucial the president have the backing of the American people in the war against Islamic jihadism.
However, President Bush has become so blinded by his fierce commitment to befriending Mexico that he is alienating America.
My patience has grown thin in trying to rally Americans to support the fight to keep terrorists from crossing the borders into a "new Iraq" when President Bush seems so unwilling to secure our borders here at home.
After the Sept. 11 attacks – perpetrated by Islamic terrorists, some of whom were here in this country illegally – it would have been an obvious no-brainer to make the securing of America's borders the paramount issue.
How many national security experts have to warn us about the dangers of terrorists sneaking across our borders or transporting suitcase nukes and weapons into this nation before Bush and his advisers will start taking this hole in America's defenses seriously?
But President Bush has failed us in this regard.
To add insult to injury, Bush and his Republican allies in the open-borders camp have joined with liberal amnesty proponents in attacking those of us who support the securing of our borders as being "racists" and "Nazis."
Bush has furthermore insulted the American people, and our intelligence, by claiming that illegal aliens are needed "to do the jobs Americans won't do."
Mr. President, what are we as American citizens to do about politicians who won't do the jobs that they were elected to do? My mother has some ideas about this, and for once, she and I see eye-to-eye on the issue.


Well-Known Member
Hey med I agree emphatically with this thread’s lead article.
The very fact that you and I can easily agree on this amnesty issue does not bode well for the inept chimpanzees that hold elected office in DC!
They all need to wake up and take note of the rising tsunami of the public’s disgust!


New Member
Hey med I agree emphatically with this thread’s lead article.
The very fact that you and I can easily agree on this amnesty issue does not bode well for the inept chimpanzees that hold elected office in DC!
They all need to wake up and take note of the rising tsunami of the public’s disgust!
I could not agree more, Wavels. With the Internet and Conservative Talk Radio, all the supporters of the Amnesty Bill, from both sides of the asile, will be called out prior to the '08 elections ... and they will be slaughtered at the polls. Some are back-flipping now because they realize that their political Doom's Day is on the horizon.



Active Member
Guess who is the largest single employer of illegal immigrants?

If you guessed the US Government you'd be right.

Strange and wierd, yes? :confused: