Something is wrong with my plant


New Member
Hello RUI community! There is something wrong with my plant and I'm not sure what to do this plant has been through some rough times it's just a bag seed though so it's my practice plant.

So this leaves are curling down making a canoe shape with clawing as well. It is growing in Mircale Grow Moisture control. I've flushed it twice already but the symptoms aren't clearing up from what I can see it just gets sunlight sitting by the window no special set-up or anything.

Not sure if it's Sativa or Indica and it's been in flower for 3 or 4 weeks now any ideas as to what could be the problem?image.jpgimage_1.jpgimage_2.jpgimage_3.jpgimage_4.jpgimage_5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Flushing Miracle Grow wont help any because it just results in more ferts getting released. I know when the tips curl down like that its either from over watering or too much nitrogen. Maybe just lay off watering for a few days and see if that helps any


New Member
I did let it after the first flush just not sure if the High Nitrogen is gonna effect its flowering dont really have any other soil to put it into @.@


Well-Known Member
For what it is worth, I took 2 clones and placed them in 3 gallon pots with MG and stuck them out in the back yard and have not looked at them in over a I will grab a couple of pics tomorrow, they looked almost identical to your plant. From what I have read, don't expect too much, you can grow in MG, but it will forever end up on the lesser side of things as far as a grow medium.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
mg has a time released fert. that just releases more when you water it. good for tomatoes bad for weed to the best of my knowledge. the way its drooping i believe would suggest over watering as opposed to over feeding though. over feeding in my experience burn the leaves tips first i see no burn. but that moisture control soil keeps a good bit locked in the soil too.


New Member
I also took some clones from one plant that i accidentally topped which ended up giving 4 more main branches but that one seems to be doing fine in the MG just gotta reveg for awhile


Well-Known Member
mg has a time released fert. that just releases more when you water it. good for tomatoes bad for weed to the best of my knowledge. the way its drooping i believe would suggest over watering as opposed to over feeding though. over feeding in my experience burn the leaves tips first i see no burn. but that moisture control soil keeps a good bit locked in the soil too.
right on jason! i agree.

it's not always a good thing to flush rocky. i don't flush at all anymore. and with MG that will just release more ferts and wash out the good stuff.


New Member
yes well this is the first plant I've taken care of my grew it before I came back home and she left me to care for it now that I am back I have an Auto Super Bud growing in MGMC soil as well so i guess i should use the MG bloom ferts my mom has with the soil as well right or would that matter?


Well-Known Member
yes well this is the first plant I've taken care of my grew it before I came back home and she left me to care for it now that I am back I have an Auto Super Bud growing in MGMC soil as well so i guess i should use the MG bloom ferts my mom has with the soil as well right or would that matter?
i get crap about this but maybe you don't need to use any nutes at all. just let her grow and dont over water and see how she looks.


Well-Known Member
Add perlite and vermiculite, like 25/25/50MG %
it will make drainage better and reduce the Nutes in the soil mix by 50%.

I think coco would be the best middle ground substrate for you, It's like soil but inert so you control the Nutes.
Or you can try the Hempy style, I think that's inert to start as well.


Well-Known Member
All things considered you may have a decent smoke in the end - stop flushing, get a stake for support, make sure your plant is getting between 10-12 hours of light per day (At this point), and do one final flush before you harvest - your plant should be ready in 8-10 weeks if you follow a 12/12 (or, what I prefer, 13off/11on) light cycle.


New Member
I try to get it atleast 11-12 hours of light a day and I am about 3-4 weeks into flower right now, Im just gonna let it finish in that soil its been transplanted a lot since I've gotten back home lol but Im curious to see my Auto Super Bud grow in the soil seems to be doing ok lol