Well-Known Member
It seems as though we are mostly on the same wave length, I mean, isn't god totally relative? Also, god being almighty and the "creator" where do other gods, and other religions fit in? If there is only one god. How can there be dozens of religions each with it's own story and history of events?? That in itself is ample evidence that it is all a crock of shit!
Another one of my favorite quotes; "We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. When you understand the reasons you dismiss all other possible gods, you will understand the reasons why I dismiss yours."
Also, the bible........I really do appreciate it moralistic values, but it is nothing more than a book full of realistic teachings, guidlines. And is maybe one of the few good things to come out of religion. But people (usually religious ones) misenterpret the readings, which confuses things even further.
The bible is actually a pretty poor source of moral guidelines. The bible says many things such as; It's ok to sell your youngest daughter into slavery; people who work on Sunday should be stoned to death; people who wear clothes made of more than one fiber type should be killed, I could go on and on and on. Overall the bible is an intolerant, prejudice, downright violent work of fiction. Overall the history of religon is a history of fraud, deceit, violence and sadness.
To me, science is the heart and soul of our existence, everything is or will be explained I believe, people say that they feel positive and negative energy coming from people or objects, but this is totally natural, how do you think a horse can tell that a human fears it or not? I myself can feel the energy of my wife when she lays next to me at night, whether she is stressed or happy, sad or angry, humans are so full of energy that we don't actually know what we have within ourselves. I don't really know where I'm going with this but, to me there is so much unknown information out there that we are only now starting to discover what we are capable of.
You are mis-using the word energy here. Energy is a purely scientific word and it means only one thing; the ability to do work. A measurable work potential. If you can not replace the word energy with the phrase "ability to do work" then it becomes meaningless. If someone (not you but pseudoscience pushers) is trying to explain something in a scientific context, and misuses such a basic scientific word as energy, they don't know what they are talking about. This is a good way to spot bunk science.
We can harvest energy from the sun - We can harvest ability to do work from the sun
We can store energy in batteries - we can store ability to do work in batteries
This old house has a lot of negative energy - This old house has a lot of negative ability to do work
Nice one man!
But that is one thing that totally pisses me off with religious fanatics, because god created everything, in his way, all that we see, hear and do is in the way he wants. I think this way because HE created me to be like this, wars are a result of HIS doing, it all has a reaosn and is all to do with HIS master plan. It really gets on my nerves, when some fuck wit preacher comes along and starts rattling on about this crap, because reallythere is nothing you can say to it. "science is why we are here" - "that is gods plan, he created science" fuck!!!!!
What you are pointing out here is a logical fallacy known as special pleading. It is something all people who make paranormal claims (of which god is one) do when backed into a corner. A good example of this is the ad-hoc dismissal of negative test results. For example, one might point out that ESP has never been demonstrated under adequate test conditions, therefore ESP is not a genuine phenomenon. Defenders of ESP have attempted to counter this argument by introducing the arbitrary premise that ESP does not work in the presence of skeptics.
In other words, there's always an exscuse. They constantly move the goalpost.
Hope that didn't come across as pompous. Science is a subject that is dear to my heart, and I enjoy seeing stoners apply critical thought.Science constantly changes its theories, totally because the world is constantly changing, the world is a petty turbulent place, I find it amazing that just through the power of thought and research that scientists have descovered the things that they have. It's incredible! But as I have said before, we have soooooooo much more to discover, we hardly know what goes on inour own oceans, we hardly know exactly how the human brain works, we have and entire half of our brain that we have no idea about, it's astounding, but it must be used for something......right?!
Very true. Your statement reminds me of the way Carl Sagan used to romanticize science. It's silly to focus on unexplained phenomena that are not based in reality, when we have so many astonishing things left to discover that are real.

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Skeptoid - critical thought on a wide range of paranormal claims