How a person overcame delusional thinking (great read)

Why can't the Greatest Prophet EVER be one of the most humblest of people also? Why?

If someone else was making the claim that you were the greatest prophet ever, it wouldn't be egotistical. The fact that you are making the claim about yourself nullifies any humility you might have had. Throw in the fact you have no track record of doing anything great or substantial and it's quite the contradictory statement.

Its not like I tell people in real life My biggest secrets, or prophecies. What I'm trying to say is that I don't go announcing it to My friends or people I know. But I do put all My secrets on the internet because I'm somewhat anonymous here, even though some of you guys have seen My videos and know My Name- George. I'm kind of incognito in real life, most people in real life don't know My grandiose intentions to reinvent the worlds, the worlds- as in not just one world but many worlds.

Lets talk about Jesus for a second again; to some, he is known as Christ- the Savior of the world, and many people believe that Jesus is one of the most humblest person to ever live because he had humble beginnings. I also have to be humble because I have nothing to be hubris about; I'm not rich and I'm not much of much. But I do have the GREATEST PROPHECIES EVER! I am very proud of My prophecies and I do believe one day they all will be fulfilled, in time; most likely after I die.

What criteria are you using to judge your prophecies? Why do you think they're the greatest prophecies ever?

Many great people were humble, like Me. Just because one is great, it doesn't mean they have to be hubris. And just because one is not great, it doesn't mean they have to be humble. Its a state of mind, in My opinion.

So Beef, why can't the Greatest Prophet EVER be one of the most humblest of people also? Why?


You are making the claim the you are the greatest at something, that is the opposite of humble. Do you not understand that you're also claiming, by default, that no one is as good as you at prophesying? That is the definition of conceit. Claiming that no one can be capable of something you can do is demonstrably not humble. Think about it, duh.
George, are you able to leave the facility in which you currently reside at will? What is this Clubhouse that you speak of?
If someone else was making the claim that you were the greatest prophet ever, it wouldn't be egotistical. The fact that you are making the claim about yourself nullifies any humility you might have had. Throw in the fact you have no track record of doing anything great or substantial and it's quite the contradictory statement.

What criteria are you using to judge your prophecies? Why do you think they're the greatest prophecies ever?

You are making the claim the you are the greatest at something, that is the opposite of humble. Do you not understand that you're also claiming, by default, that no one is as good as you at prophesying? That is the definition of conceit. Claiming that no one can be capable of something you can do is demonstrably not humble. Think about it, duh.

You make a good point, but Im still going to believe that I'm the Greatest Prophet ever, unless I find a greater prophet then Me. Like I was trying to say, I might sound cavalier online, but in real life, I am very humble. Is that a contradiction also? Just because I know Im good at something, it doesn't mean Im hubris. But you manifestly believe Im cocky, egotistical, arrogant, self centered, or what have you; and you are entitled to your opinions about Me. But you know what they say about opinions.

I think I have the greatest prophecies ever because... well, have you read My prophecies yet or do you forget?

All of My prophecies will come to pass because they are the inevitable. I wouldn't prophesy anything thats not inevitable because I wouldn't be a good prophet then, would I?

No use.. no gain... no reason, why reply?

How are you doing Zaehet?

George, are you able to leave the facility in which you currently reside at will? What is this Clubhouse that you speak of?

I drive to and from this clubhouse almost every day. Its basically like a day program where people go to chill. I use the clubhouse for the internet. You can enter and leave as many times as you want, as long as its open. Its not at all like a mental hospital, but I think everyone that goes there has been in a mental hospital at one point or another. I do plan on taking a vacation to a mental hospital after the new year: hopefully I will have a smart phone by then so I can continue to blog, while Im in the mental hospital.

I agree it's essentially pointless if you're looking for actual answers, but it can be pretty entertaining seeing how peoples minds work

Mine works totally different when I'm drunk

Hi Padawanbater. Whats good brother?

You make a good point, but Im still going to believe that I'm the Greatest Prophet ever, unless I find a greater prophet then Me. Like I was trying to say, I might sound cavalier online, but in real life, I am very humble. Is that a contradiction also? Just because I know Im good at something, it doesn't mean Im hubris. But you manifestly believe Im cocky, egotistical, arrogant, self centered, or what have you; and you are entitled to your opinions about Me. But you know what they say about opinions.

I think I have the greatest prophecies ever because... well, have you read My prophecies yet or do you forget?

All of My prophecies will come to pass because they are the inevitable. I wouldn't prophesy anything thats not inevitable because I wouldn't be a good prophet then, would I?

What makes it egotistical is the fact that you believe you're the greatest prophet but you have nothing to base that claim off of. Nothing you've 'prophecised' has seemed even remotely reasonable, let alone a good idea or something that's inevitable.

You're self-centered, and conceited with delusions of grandeur and a messiah complex. Fun stuff, nevaeh.... fun stuff.
What makes it egotistical is the fact that you believe you're the greatest prophet but you have nothing to base that claim off of. Nothing you've 'prophecised' has seemed even remotely reasonable, let alone a good idea or something that's inevitable.

You're self-centered, and conceited with delusions of grandeur and a messiah complex. Fun stuff, nevaeh.... fun stuff.

What are all of My prophecies? You can track every one of them down because I have left a "paper" trail; or should I say: "I left a cyber trail"?

You have read at least... LMAO... I JUST now read your location... It says, as you know, "Location: Hovering 2000 ft above Nevah's house in a UFO"... LMAO! That's real funny Beef, I like it. But I think the UFOs are way above 2,000 feet above My house; they are above the clouds and probably above the airplanes that cruise at 40K-60,000 feet. So you need to change your figures. But that's real funny Beef, I like it. Anyways...

You joined RIU in August of 2011 and I think you mainly blog in the Spirituality, Sexuality and Philosophy section of RIU; and I mainly blog in the S,S & P section also. You have read at least a few hundred of My posts, or close to that anyways. You know My prophecies, so why don't you tell Me what they are? I'll give you a clue where you can find them in a curtailed read; they are in My signature links. So tell Me what My prophecies are any why My prophecies are NOT inevitable. I'm not saying My prophecies will come to pass in My lifetime but regardless, they are inevitable if the world will continue for millions of years or so. All it would take is for the preachers to preach to all the Christians, and bam, it all could happen over night.

What are all the Christians looking for anyways? Could it be the Second Coming of Christ? Well, what am I claiming to be? It just seems like more Atheists blog on RIU then believers. But I guarantee that if all the Christians were to get My Message preached to them, it would expedite and curtail the time it WOULD take for all of My prophecies to be fulfilled. Or am I wrong?- if all the preachers were preaching that I'm Christ and this is My message, would not all of My prophecies happen in My lifetime? But I honestly don't think that's going to happen, I think it will take a lot longer, like after I die or whenever.

But I don't think what you are saying is unreasonable. I believe everyone should be entitled to their opinion of Me, whether it be good or bad. I believe in freedom of speech, whatever that might entail. But just remember, I'm on your side Beef, I'm on the side of the Atheists too. I believe the Atheists have every right to believe that there is no God, personally, I'm skeptical of God Myself. I hope there is a God but where is the proof?- besides creation?

Candidly, you're right Beef, I might sound cavalier on the internet, but that's My intentions. I want to sound "strong" on here. You guys don't need a Savior that's a pussy, do you? And in real life, I'm not a pussy; I'm just not so "bold" in real life. I try to avert away from drama or strife, in real life. On here I love to debate about whatever.

By the way, your "Location" is very funny.
