Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

I prefer to say I'm agnostic.

It's true...I don't know of any God.

Does that negate the possibility of there being a God?

No. But if one exists and he/she/it created me...they
made me not intelligent enough to comprehend them and their plan.
It's on them. Or maybe he/she/it is just a more advanced form of life than I am.
I'm the amoeba...they are the human. The amoeba does not know what the human will do or why.
The amoeba has no proof that the human exists. In return the human does not concern him/her/itself
with the actions of the amoeba. The human would be utterly unaware that some amoebas worship him/her/it.

So to me it's between me being an amoeba or there being no God.

I'm agnostic. I'm not "wrong." I don't know.
I tot ur muum tot u bedder dan dant! Oyt, u wan sum fish n chips mate, i reckon u du? My muum told me

QUOTE=ThE sAtIvA hIgH;6419211]@ wreck star non of your points mean shit , please try to cum up with some evidence to back up your bullshit or it
remains bullshit like your religion , harsh but true[/QUOTE]
oly your a silly man i gasp that your still posting here , every point you have ever made in this sub forum has been raped and slaughted by higher inteligence than your own, but your still here , i guess religious indoctrination was pretty tuff on you
Because 'pussy" can fight back, tell the police, and give detailed descriptions of what the alleged attacker did to them. Little children, a) might not know it's wrong for a priest to do that to them b) more likely to make mistakes about describing what happened to them, and c) kids are easier to manipulate (especially when they're told god will kill them and their family if they tell anyone).

To someone as gullible as a kid, telling them a supernatural entity will hurt them is a very real thing.... it's like being told Santa won't come if you're not a good boy/girl. Which is usually fine.... People learn that Santa isn't real, the kids problem is they're surrounded by people that reinforce their beliefs that God is real, and can and will punish them for going against the church.

Lol, very true post, poor children.

And yeah I knew the answer already, my point was that priests have something else wrong with them. There's no way to blame their actions on religion.
Like let's say religion didn't exist (all atheists are smiling, lol) well that nasty priest will no longer be a "priest" he will be a daycare worker.
Get what I'm saying? Like he's just fucked up, religion actually forbids his actions, but he alone is to be punished; not religion as a whole.
(not fighting, sorry if i sound like a dick) Now that wouldn't make sense now, would it?
If they would rape a little boy because they wanted to get some pussy, then why not go for the pussy? I mean either way they're are doing something "wrong".

You are absolutely correct. How many of you here, if not allowed to have pussy, would turn to adolescent penis instead? I could be denied sex for my entire life but it is not gonna make me attracted to children. If I were that desperate for pussy and worried about being found out, I would simply get a prostitute. Men molest boys because they are attracted to them sexually or are attracted to power (being sexually dominate), not because these kids offer a "sweet spot" of free ass without consequences. Someone who is sexually deviant finds the church appealing because it offers a life free of sex. It offers a way to renounce their sexuality and live free of sin. Of course once in the clergy they find God does not take away desire or offer any sort of fulfillment. These guys find themselves trusted around the very thing they are attracted to.

I think it is unrealistic to require a man to live without sex, but I don't think it leads to pedophilia. I don't think there is anything in scripture or doctrine that encourages homosexual molestation. I think these men are responsible for their own actions and we can not blame their belief in a deity. The church then becomes a mafia wife, standing by and allowing things to happen although not responsible or participating in any of it. In it's divine ignorance the church sees molestation as Satan's temptations and is satisfied to simply pray for it to get better. In the meantime, since everyone is sorry and seeking forgiveness, it's okay to keep it just between the church and God, no need to involve the authorities when you have the ultimate authority on your side.
oly your a silly man i gasp that your still posting here , every point you have ever made in this sub forum has been raped and slaughted by higher inteligence than your own, but your still here , i guess religious indoctrination was pretty tuff on you

Lol, do you think you're an intelligent individual? I don't think you're intelligent, at least not more than me or oly, ha.
Lol, very true post, poor children.

And yeah I knew the answer already, my point was that priests have something else wrong with them. There's no way to blame their actions on religion.
Like let's say religion didn't exist (all atheists are smiling, lol) well that nasty priest will no longer be a "priest" he will be a daycare worker.
Get what I'm saying? Like he's just fucked up, religion actually forbids his actions, but he alone is to be punished; not religion as a whole.

I think it has something to do with forbidding people from doing an act completely natural (sex) - then putting them in a position with vulnerable people. Religion may not be completely responsible, but they certainly make a very fostering and forgiving environment for offenders, e.g., hiding the wrongful actions and providing easy targets.
I think it has something to do with forbidding people from doing an act completely natural (sex) - then putting them in a position with vulnerable people. Religion may not be completely responsible, but they certainly make a very fostering and forgiving environment for offenders, e.g., hiding the wrongful actions and providing easy targets.

I agree, the church needs to get rid of these sick people. But like heis said, the priest can just get a prostitute.
This "priest" would have to like little boys for him to do that shit.
If you were stuck on a island for life and a little boy was stuck there too, would you have sex with the boy? I hope not, lol. But you wouldn't because you're not attracted to little boys. These priests are in a whole other situation, they have prostitutes, affairs, or even the option of quiting and getting a wife. But nope they like their job because he's a sick sick guy.
Religion itself is to not be blamed for his actions at all. The church can be blamed, but not religion.
You are absolutely correct. How many of you here, if not allowed to have pussy, would turn to adolescent penis instead? I could be denied sex for my entire life but it is not gonna make me attracted to children. If I were that desperate for pussy and worried about being found out, I would simply get a prostitute. Men molest boys because they are attracted to them sexually or are attracted to power (being sexually dominate), not because these kids offer a "sweet spot" of free ass without consequences. Someone who is sexually deviant finds the church appealing because it offers a life free of sex. It offers a way to renounce their sexuality and live free of sin. Of course once in the clergy they find God does not take away desire or offer any sort of fulfillment. These guys find themselves trusted around the very thing they are attracted to.

I think it is unrealistic to require a man to live without sex, but I don't think it leads to pedophilia. I don't think there is anything in scripture or doctrine that encourages homosexual molestation. I think these men are responsible for their own actions and we can not blame their belief in a deity. The church then becomes a mafia wife, standing by and allowing things to happen although not responsible or participating in any of it. In it's divine ignorance the church sees molestation as Satan's temptations and is satisfied to simply pray for it to get better. In the meantime, since everyone is sorry and seeking forgiveness, it's okay to keep it just between the church and God, no need to involve the authorities when you have the ultimate authority on your side.

The idea of seeking a prostitute is sensible, of course. But it introduces an element that the priest in question might consider a worse offense than unnatural sex ... premeditation. When a priest has the youngins around as an unconventional but fairly handy sexual resource, he can still convince himself that any malfeasance was unplanned, an accident of sorts. This element of semivoluntary self-seduction (with the distasteful consequence of statutory rape) is thrown out when a sex worker is added to the mix. cn
The idea of seeking a prostitute is sensible, of course. But it introduces an element that the priest in question might consider a worse offense than unnatural sex ... premeditation. When a priest has the youngins around as an unconventional but fairly handy sexual resource, he can still convince himself that any malfeasance was unplanned, an accident of sorts. This element of semivoluntary self-seduction (with the distasteful consequence of statutory rape) is thrown out when a sex worker is added to the mix. cn

Oohh very good point, :).
But answer the question that follows my scenario, I know I already used it but it still makes sense IMO.
You're trapped on a island for life, and there's a little boy with you. You start remembering your last time having sex, you get aroused. Now here's your options.
A) just ignore your sexual urges.
B) masturbate, in the back of the island, away from the kid.
C) do the little kid.
Keep in mind the kid can't snitch you out.

Alright if you picked choice option A or B you are normal.
If you chose option C, there is something wrong with you.

These priests choose option C, therefore there is something wrong with them.

But still good point, he can and probably does misuse religion to has sex with little kids. But still you can't blame religion, just this freak. Guns (bible) can't hurt people, people (priests) hurt people (little kids).
heppy titus , i know your questioning what mommy told you right now , have strenght have power , you dont need religion to feel the things you are feelin right now
heppy titus , i know your questioning what mommy told you right now , have strenght have power , you dont need religion to feel the things you are feelin right now

Bringing in moms? Ha you argue like a small child. Anyways I already know I don't, pay attention, lol.
Like is said, everyone finds morals through certain people. I find my morals through, friends, family, and Christ.
Oohh very good point, :).
But answer the question that follows my scenario, I know I already used it but it still makes sense IMO.
You're trapped on a island for life, and there's a little boy with you. You start remembering your last time having sex, you get aroused. Now here's your options.
A) just ignore your sexual urges.
B) masturbate, in the back of the island, away from the kid.
C) do the little kid.
Keep in mind the kid can't snitch you out.

Alright if you picked choice option A or B you are normal.
If you chose option C, there is something wrong with you.

These priests choose option C, therefore there is something wrong with them.

But still good point, he can and probably does misuse religion to has sex with little kids. But still you can't blame religion, just this freak. Guns (bible) can't hurt people, people (priests) hurt people (little kids).
No argument with any of it.
I would choose option b, but that is a personal choice
... the same one 99.99+% of priests would make as well. Imo.
I am not blaming religion! I'm answering, or contributing to, Heis' scenario. cn
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God

poverty and pain exist because of fuck tards who want to rule the earth. why are you trying to conveert you a jahova witness? fag.