So if anyone is wondering, I am talking with the girl I posted pics of, pretty sure she is more into black guys, which isn't stopping us, we are doing pretty good. But I haven't fucked her. I'm not sure if I even want to.. But on the other hand I have been sleeping with the cute bartender across the street from my bar. She is more like me and puts forward more effort to affection.
I just want have fun and be happy, the bartender girl understands this. Imo they are both equally as cute.. both different though..
My whole thing is to go out every night and meet and talk to as many woman as possible.
I always meet a girl, fuck her, date her then fall in love.. all in the first probably because I don't want to be lonely
Now I am happy to be single and not trying to rush anything.
I am also not talking to any of my ex's..
The more I go out and socialize with new girls, the better things get.. Every night I am getting better and better looking girls numbers and building my confidence to epic proportions.
Playing the field and loving the game..
Let's turn this into the awesome pussy thread.
So this lady I'm really into stayed overnight Wednesday for the first time after so many pleas. She's only separated and her ex is still really into her(just discovered that tho). I already sensed this because she talks about it so much and asked her point blank the other night how hard he took it when she left after like 28 years of marriage and 2 young kids(2 older too she got preg at 18.

. She told me he had to be put on anxiety medicine. I knew. He's a much better man than I am for her. I'm a little cray. He's really missing her. Maybe I should direct that to happen. I dunno man.
Anyway, I was a little drunk the one night she came over. Probably more than a little, but..... I have an oral fetish. You can figure that out I think. So, I'm all down there and this girl is cumming in my mouth over and over again. I swallowed so much I just couldn't take no more. So, I pulled away and went topside to rest from it all. I was gonna kiss her and as I'm going up she wiped the cum off my face with a blanket. I had cum from just below eyeballs, running down my chin, neck and even my chest. I held her all night when she finally stayed over. She wanted me at her place for the first time last night but, I was drunk yet, had enough sense not to drive.
Anyway, I have a ground up resto. 63 I love to drive. I took her to breakfast yesterday. The first meal I ever took her out too. I'm so broke my Bologna don't have a first name.
So anyway when we get back home yesterday morning from the road trip and breakfast in the 63 she say she needs to go home. I'm like ok, just because that's how I am in. Then she reconsidered and said she wanted to lay down for a minute. Of course I had already been up since like 4, and since I have so much affection to give I say ok, then hold her as she rests. That's just how I am. Then I got a little ornery after a minute and get them britches off. Gosh I love the aroma and taste of some pussy.
@Gary Goodson thats why I don't do the other thing. I just can't seem to get past that bro. Love you tho.
So, I do the thing I couldn't do the night before cause I was high and she so pretty it's intimidating to a shy fella like me. Now I totally reek and can't help but smell the lingering odor on my fingers. I didn't wash my hands or take a shower after she left.
I made that wager on the Carolina game. And I needed beer and smokes. So, I take the 63 and drive to the store. Got my stuff and while I was about to leave I see this dude walking over. I knew it was about the 63 and he was really excited. So I pop the hood and give him a tour all the while thinking I hope this dude don't go to shaking my hand. I touched myself down there and OMG! I reeked bro and was loving it! I didn't want to shower.
Yep. He reached out to shake my hand. I'm all like fuck it. And shake his hand anyway.
@Alienwidow would be proud.
Anyway, at this point I don't know what to do. I'm really into this but.... Her husband would be a much better soul mate and father to her children. Yet. I'm just addicted.
This morning I'm all confused and it crossed my mind to make a move before I get too old. Maybe road trip in the 63 to Cowboy land or Colorado.
@Diabolical666 should get me out of here and put me to work. Flip her the keys and let her take care of the crib and my dog.
I dunno man. Cray life. I don't play no more. I kinda just get attached. Maybe I have some issues.

It's all good tho ain't it.

n luv bru.
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