Some new strange..

So I started back at my old job, lol everyone is buying pot from me which is awesome.. Already flipped about a qp in 3 days in just 8ths and quarters alone..

Anyways, there is a 27 year old latino hottie.. She looks identical to Michelle Rodriguez from Fast and the furious... I sat down with her the other night and bullshitted for a bit.. Asked her if she had kids and if she was married.. No to both.. I thought she was young like under 21, but she told me she was 27.. I was like damn... I told her I kept smelling dank ass weed in the restaurant and she said "sorry that was her".. I was like damn again..

I brought her a little sample of my stuff, to try out. Like a gram.. She worked this morning and I worked tonight, but she said "to bad you have to work tonight" and I asked why is that, she said "if you were off we could be hanging out".. I think that is code for I want your dick???

I tried to pull a pic off facebook but I guess she doesn't have one.. But I am sure I can have some pics in a couple days ;)

So we close together tomorrow night, I am going to invite her out.. I am buying a case of Corona and bringing a fat blunt laced with shatter.. That should do the job..
Bro! Shes a cop! I know who u talking about..
She did that shit to me:o

By the way i boned herbongsmilie
And I met a super cute bartender at Applebees tonight that asked if I wanted to go drinking tomorrow night. Shes said she was off. I said I was too, she said well lets go have some drinks tomorrow.. I got her number in the process, and didn't even try...