Some Interesting Thoughts to Ponder

Whose government?

The US Government apparently. I already bitched about this. There was no government responsible for the invention of the computer. It was a German Engineer that invented the computer. The first computer was the Z-1. (or Z1, something like that.)

As far as the internet, it was a DoD research project (DARPANet) that was originally thought up by university researchers, and the expanded by the federal government under the threat of Atomic attack. Similar to the US Highway System, which was an attempt to provide alternative transportation routes around the United States in the event that a hub got destroyed.
Wow, Chuck, trying to hijack the past
I don't live in the past, I live in the present. Nice try though

I mean, your hero Obama
My hero? I want you to find me ONE SINGLE post where I say ANYTHING good about Obama.

Find it now or forever you will be known as an ASS

Because in fact, I have stated on this forum that he is an idiot too. But he IS the lesser of two evils.

Hero? Get a fucking life!
I don't live in the past, I live in the present. Nice try though

No one accused you of living in the past, I said you were attempting to hijack the past and change what a historical figure said to suit your own needs.

There is a very large difference between living in the past and distorting the past.
lets try to stay focused and stop playing dodgeball TBT

Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
Wow, Chuck, trying to hijack the past
I don't live in the past, I live in the present. Nice try though

Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
I mean, your hero Obama

My hero? I want you to find me ONE SINGLE post where I say ANYTHING good about Obama.

Find it now or forever you will be known as an ASS

Because in fact, I have stated on this forum that he is an idiot too. But he IS the lesser of two evils.

Hero? Get a fucking life!
lets try to stay focused and stop playing dodgeball TBT

Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
Wow, Chuck, trying to hijack the past
I don't live in the past, I live in the present. Nice try though

Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
I mean, your hero Obama

My hero? I want you to find me ONE SINGLE post where I say ANYTHING good about Obama.

Find it now or forever you will be known as an ASS

Because in fact, I have stated on this forum that he is an idiot too. But he IS the lesser of two evils.

Hero? Get a fucking life!

There you go, you just said something about Obama, and admitted that you said he was the lesser of two evils.

And your still trying to make my words mean something other than what I meant. Maybe you do not comprehend that the usage of words can effect their meaning.

Just like in Chinese, Japanese and Korean the inflection of certain syllables can effect the meaning of the word.

I said what I meant.

And because you seem hellbent on making myself repeat myself.

Way to hijack the past by altering the words of some one else to suit your own ends.

Hell, not even something as recent as yesterday or a few hours ago is safe from you. Now you are trying to change my words to suit your arguments.

Fine, want me to stop playing dodgeball... I will.

You are an idiot Chuck, and I want you to stop being a hypocrite and leave this thread, because I think you are hijacking it.
then u'll quit being full of shit

What, like Obama saying that government invented the computer?

I supposed that's an improvement over Al Gore claiming to invent the internet.

Attacking Chuck?

I'm sure Chuck's a big guy and can use a little flak, he seems quite able to dish it out.

Arguing over Socialism?

No, that'd be dishonest. I can't pretend to believe in something that I don't believe in. That'd be dishonest (much like Obama and McCain).
bs ur voting mccain

Actually up until watching the 3rd debate I was undecided.

Hence why I was continuously flopping around (like a fish out of water :) )

But Something that VTX Dave reminded me that I need to stop worrying about the country, and vote my beliefs.

Which means voting for the Constitution Party.
Actually up until watching the 3rd debate I was undecided.

Hence why I was continuously flopping around (like a fish out of water :) )

But Something that VTX Dave reminded me that I need to stop worrying about the country, and vote my beliefs.

Which means voting for the Constitution Party.
i dont care who u vote 4 , i dont care 4 water toters , ur guys dirty so he's disqualifed while my guy is dirtier and dont show me facts , i'm not going to try and not piss off left and right at same time while i'm new and when i got here most of the good ppl acting like jackasses where on the right
it could've been that week
There you go, you just said something about Obama, and admitted that you said he was the lesser of two evils.

Did I say he was my hero cowboy? It doesnt take much to realize that he is the lesser evil even though I do not promote or agree with either.

You puts words in peoples mouths and that shows your true colours.

And your still trying to make my words mean something other than what I meant. Maybe you do not comprehend that the usage of words can effect their meaning.

what did I say? you can accuse me all you want, but I only see YOU changing things around here. I don't care though,, try and manipulate me and my words all you want, i will tear them down,, cut ya right down to size

Just like in Chinese, Japanese and Korean the inflection of certain syllables can effect the meaning of the word.
Now what the fuck are you talking about? This is North America not Asia.

I said what I meant.

And I meant what i said

And because you seem hellbent on making myself repeat myself.

nope, im hellbent on stopping people like you ruin the world and force your shit beliefs on others. thats what im hellbent on.

Way to hijack the past by altering the words of some one else to suit your own ends.

Hijack,,, nice word... goes good with terrorism, slavery, and mob. I should start a list for yous.

Hell, not even something as recent as yesterday or a few hours ago is safe from you. Now you are trying to change my words to suit your arguments.

like i said you can accuse me all you want

Fine, want me to stop playing dodgeball... I will.
I'm way out of your league sonny, we arent playing any games,, im throwing you a ball and you are playing with it like a dog. Fun to watch but boring after a short time.

You are an idiot Chuck, and I want you to stop being a hypocrite and leave this thread, because I think you are hijacking it.

And to finish it off,, personal attacks. Typical.

Hey All !!!:mrgreen:

How could a thread go so wrong?

We start with a discussion of language and end up with name calling and mud slinging.

I think we should appoint a blue ribbon panel, a board made up of the smartest people in the universe to decide this.

OR we could ask Joe the plumber and Bill Ayers their thoughts.

Politics as usual here on the boards.:wall:
One need only truly examine Obama's economic plan to know it won't work. It just doesn't add up. 95% of the people can't get a tax cut when 30% don't even pay into it. Obama's plan will increase that 30% to 44%. We will not be able to support all of these non payers. Obama won't even talk about it, but the BUSH tax cuts are about to expire and everyone will go back to horrific rates. Then Obama plans on piling on more taxes. You can't increase taxes in a financial meltdown. It's counterproductive.

Studies have been done OVER and OVER and the results always come out the same.

High taxes = XXX amount of money for Govt.

Low taxes = SAME XXX amount of money for Govt.

So what's the difference?

With low taxes, the business model gets pumped up with EFFICIENT monies from the private sector. Think IPO'S ( a sign of business innovation and confidence) as just one example. Right now there are hardly ANY IPO'S coming out. It's not hard to figure that high taxes will further dampen the business sector.

After all the business sector can do quite well without Govt., but the Govt. can't do a thing without the business sector.

It's an ez choice .. McCain is the choice. I might be willing to "roll the dice" with Obama if two things were to happen.
1.) He gets actual experience - he has none. None good that is. His stint as a community organizer was a complete flop. He has no Senatorial clout whatsoever.
2.) If the economy was on top of its game when he gets elected. That way we could see if his ideas have merit without risking all of our financial futures and those of our children.

There is an old Spanish saying very applicable right now.

"It is better to keep the DEVIL (McCain) that you know than to get a new DEVIL (Obama) that you don't know."

As usual, the DEVIL is in the details.

Well, it's been shown that over the last 100 years, the economy has done better under Democrats than Republicans. So, I sense a trend there.

There was some study I read recently that showed the difference. If you had invested ten grand and only kept it in the stock market when under Democrats, that amount would now be $310,000. If you did the same thing under Republicans, you'd have $11,000. To be fair, that includes Hoover on the Republicans. If you take him off the table, and just give Republicans a pass on him, then the amount would be around $115,000. So, over the long run, if you'd invested in Democrats, fiscally speaking, you'd have three times as much money now as you would have if you invested in Republicans. That's going by the Dow Jones, so it's a reflection of how business does under the two parties -- not very good under Republicans, not good at all.
The problem with that Bongulator is that economics does not have a direct feedback to policy. It takes time for policies to alter the economies.

Besides, you are failing to address the fact that it was under FDR that we had a recession that became a depression.

Socialists are bad for the economy, and any one with any intelligence, or logic can see that.

Obama's tax plan is stupid. I can think of sixty small businesses that easily net over $250K

Besides, it doesn't matter what Obama or the Socialists think, stealing is immoral regardless of how large the group of people that does it is.
Here are some stats. Make of them what you will. They're all true and verifiable. If you doubt, check em out yourself.

1). FEDERAL SPENDING: since 1960 Republicans increased Federal Spending by 71% more than have Democrats.

2). FEDERAL DEBT: since 1960 Republicans have increased the National debt by 100% more per year than have Democrats.

3). GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: since 1921, adjusted for inflation, Democrats outproduce Republicans by 43% . Starting in 1940 the Democratic advantage is 23% better.

4). REAL PER CAPITA INCOME: since 1960 Democrats have outperformed Republicans by 30%. (This is perhaps the most important economic statistic of all.)

5). INFLATION: since 1960, Democrats outperform Republicans 3.13% to 3.89%.

6). UNEMPLOYMENT: since 1960 it decreases in an average Democratic year by 0.3% to 5.33%, and increases in average Republican year by 1.1% to 6.38%.

7). JOB CREATION: from 1945 to 2003, Democrats produced 174,200 jobs per month, Republicans have only produced 60,600 per month. Every time a Democrat succeeds a Republican, job creation soars. Every time a Republican succeeds a Democrat job creation plummets. There are no exceptions.

8.) DOW JONES AVERAGE: since 1921 the DOW has increased by 52% more under Democratic administrations.

9). THE BOND MARKET: since 1940 the value of 10 year Treasury bonds rose 1.2% under Democrats and fell 0.5% under Republicans.

SOURCES - Primarily from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and also the Economic Policy Institute, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angles Times
Ah, no snappy comeback? Didn't think so. The record is clear. That's why people turn to Democrats when the economy sucks -- we have a long, multi-decade record of being waaay better than Republicans in all those areas. So if any of those things are important to you, then voting Republican is voting against your own interests. Voting against your own best interests seems a little...insane. But hey, there's no law against being crazy.
Ah, no snappy comeback? Didn't think so. The record is clear. That's why people turn to Democrats when the economy sucks -- we have a long, multi-decade record of being waaay better than Republicans in all those areas. So if any of those things are important to you, then voting Republican is voting against your own interests. Voting against your own best interests seems a little...insane. But hey, there's no law against being crazy.

Actually, there is a nice simple come back.

Your statistics resemble a steaming pile of shit.


Because like any set of statistics they are not examining the underlying reasons why these occur.

It's just a, hey this is what happened.

What you are missing is the WHY.

And saying it was because Democrats or Republicans were in office is a very stupid answer to Why?

Macrostatistics don't prove a damn thing.

To actually delve into the real statistics pull out all the information available, model the economy, and predict what would happen would require weeks, months, maybe even years of effort.

What you are missing is the why and the how.

But, don't let that trouble you, keep on believing those Macrostatistics.
Brutal is correct. You cannot whip together anecdotal evidence mix them together and tell me you baked a pie of proof.

Proof is always found in pudding. everyone knows that.

Okay. I will! They haven't done anyone wrong who's voted Democrat in 80 years, so I'll take that record. I don't need to know the why of it. I just need to know the effects that impact my life. If I open my wallet and find five thousand dollars there mysteriously, I'm not gonna spend a ton of energy wondering why or how my fortune is so good. I'll just be happy. If you want to invest energy into figuring out why people and businesses prosper under Democrats, but not under Republicans, more power to ya. I'll just accept the reality that it is so.