Solo Cup Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I am going to be doing a Solo Cup Grow Off, and need help deciding what nutrients to use. I have access to coco and soil, so the question is liquid nutrients or dry amendments. Or a mix of both? I have Dr Earth dry amendments and the fox farms trio liquid nutes, along with some Recharge. Thanks ahead of time.
Hey guys. I am going to be doing a Solo Cup Grow Off, and need help deciding what nutrients to use. I have access to coco and soil, so the question is liquid nutrients or dry amendments. Or a mix of both? I have Dr Earth dry amendments and the fox farms trio liquid nutes, along with some Recharge. Thanks ahead of time.
Do one or the other not both.
Honestly I'd lean more towards the Dr. Earth. The top dressing schedules and strength is what has me questioning it. Typically id do 2 tbsp per gallon but I'm not good enough at conversions or math to figure that out.
Hey guys. I am going to be doing a Solo Cup Grow Off, and need help deciding what nutrients to use. I have access to coco and soil, so the question is liquid nutrients or dry amendments. Or a mix of both? I have Dr Earth dry amendments and the fox farms trio liquid nutes, along with some Recharge. Thanks ahead of time.
I have a clone of an auto in a 16oz cup. I use advanced nutes 2 part connoisseur.
I give it recommended dosage because the strain I'm growing is a fat beech & eats a lot.
I give it .5L every 36hrs. That gives me plenty of run off. I'm in Ocean forest tho. IMG_6712.JPG

Here's the mother. She used to be really yellow til I figured out she ate more than I was feeding.
Glad I figured that out before it started to flower.
in such a small container, I'd go with liquid nutes. The benefit of coco in a small container is that you can fertigate often, which pushes the size of the plant. You just need to dial in your dosage, don't go by the label-FoxFarm nutes are hot. I'd see what other people here are using for a nutrient schedule.

Okay that sounds good. I'm going to have to do some digging unless I get a FF solo cup expert in this thread :blsmoke:
i am currently running a solo cup challenge myself running 7 different strains and one thing I've realized is if you want good yield and growth your going to have to probably go coco based. my soil is a mixture of base promix coco and living soil i made up. Helps reduce my watering times from once a day to once every 3 days (stretching it) but I'm feed every other feeding! id honestly go dry amendments and that recharge! That would be a pretty standard and basic organic grow there! once I got organics and dry amendments down its nice to know most of it can be used in water, as top dress and even to condition the soil beforehand (if you need to "precharge" coco I've been told this is a good way to do so). I'm currently running the whole roots organic line (exc. guano)(dry amendments) and I'm loving the versatility and the ease of use, I'm able to still feed synthetics if I get a hungrier than usual plant or a finicky plant that needs a specific deficiency fixed