solitabs and flower tabs with foxfarm

i wanted to know is it ok to use the tabs with ff oceanforest due to nutes already in it or do i need a nuteless soil like maybe ff lightwarrior, and can i use this soild the wholegrow from seeding to harvest just adding flowertab during flowering :wall:
yea it would be less stress and work if i can just pop in a magic pill for seedling and when about to flower pop in another and let it ride on out.i think that foxfarm soil may be too much but i wonder if i can just use foxfarm lightwarrior the entire grow.seedling with soiltab then transplant to bigger pot when about to flower then use flowertab PLAN ON GROWNING AF STRAINS


Active Member
If you are subbed to Subcool on youtube, he just posted a video in where I think you can get your answer. I admire his style over most I've seen yet, if not all. He's got a seemingly great attitude (though I suspect he still thinks we need to petition the thugs calling themselves our government to grow God's creations) and is just about spot on from what little I know thus far. is his channel... one of the last two videos. I'm in the same boat as you and I have soooo much to learn. I wish you all the best in your growing and I hope the answer is either there, or else you (we) get a good answer here. I have a decent soil mix but I am thinking it may not be as good as Subcool's... It grew my test plant (a weaker plant that has had zero nutes except for early on which almost wrecked it) OVER four inches in four days! Still vegging and it's now at over 13 inches.
thnx for the info Free i wish i would have got that supersoil mixture first but i had already bought the ff lightwarrior i plan on growing shortryder and the bluemystic i had planed on the bubblelicous but it grows to tall for my space. i think im going to use the soilitabs with the lightwarrior for my seedlings and right when the flowering starts or i can see the sex i will transplant and pop a flowertab in it and let it go from there but if you hear anything pls tell. i would hate to use all my soiltabs and find out there male also thats a waste. thnx


Active Member
Oh hell I hear ya man! I don't want to waste soiltabs (or anything). I bought from Nirvana too. White Castle and White Widow with the Peat Moss bags and the SoilTabs... Have you ever used the FlowerTabs? If ya did, how did ya like 'em? I'm not sure what I need and I want to be prepared for anything and I don't want to eff with stuff, unless it will affect my yield. When I say "yield" I'm shooting for a super high quality yield (not mutant-mega-big-bud) and I'm not sure about soiltabs yet as I've not heard anything about them... I'm new, but unwaiveringly committed. The shortryder is an autoflower, right? If you want to trade clones (when the time comes) or I may/can just give you some, let me know... I sure want to have more strains growing than two and I'm willing to bet you do too. White Widow is a legend with amazing yields and White Castle but yields are not great, but the high is more than worth it.
yea i want to have plenty strains like you walking down an aisle at a grocery store trying to decide which 1 i want today. White Russian is very powerful its a mix between white widow and ak-47 its like 26% thc potential. Man that shyt right there ill have to watch someone else smoke that shyt b4 i try it. hell yea shortryder is auto and it grows short the shorter they grow the more you can fit in your growroom . so try to find strains that grow short. God Bless Auto Flowering. Yea flowering tabs the shyt you dont have to mix nutes in your water every 2 days or how every your routine is. you just pop it in then water on schedule. Best thing is to find a good soil, and make sure you test the ph. I have grown mj in mg and never checked the ph and was successfull but the plant was male tossed the shyt. ! thing to remember lol if you have allergies well i dont but if you grow a male plant in your home and when you got hundreds of pollen sack bursting open you will have more crust in your eye when you wake up that you can bake a pizza with it. me an my wife was trying to find out what tha hell was going on but found the problem.


Active Member
Well thanks for the advice on FlowerTabs. I think I'm sold. White Russian sounds amazing! That must knock the hell right out of ... anything!
Autoflowers still spook me a bit though. I don't think I will ever look at pizza quite the same anymore.


Well-Known Member
yeah im trying ocean forest w/ both tabs..... white castle and crystal. which tabs are which kind tho? ...mine came un-labled i assume the flower tabs are the bigger ones. can anyone help me out here? thx skunk.