Most of these "organic" lines aren't even 100% organic, so why not add a few other inorganic ingredients to the mix (K20 which truely comes from KCl) to enhance things such as resin and trichome production. Inorganic nutrients get a bad name because eveyone refers to them as "synthetic", which is untrue and misleading, they are just ions in solution and some eventually precipitate out as a solid salt that coats your drippers, table, res, you get my point. Use good products and don't over due the nutrients and you won't have a problem with inorganic salt build-up. There's nothing synthetic about them really, salts are natural too. Whether it's inorganic nutrients or pure organics, it all comes down to learning how the plant can use those nutrients. Organics in soil works very well, the soil provides a natural place for a healthy rhizosphere. Hydro organics can be a bit more tricky especially if your medium is too airy (i.e. clay pellets). If you can get your hydro setup dailed in for organics then rock on, otherwise join the inorganic dark side. When grown right and in moderation, inorganically grown can have the same smooth tasty appeal as organic soil grown. Happy Growing!