Soil VS Hydro/Aero


Active Member
OK here is the question I have....

I have been growing with soil for about a year and a half... I am thinking of switching to Hydro/Aero and not sure of the true advantages and how long it takes to learn.. It took me a long time to get "good" at growing in soil and I'm scared of having to go through the same budless learning process I went through with soil. Any advice is very appreciated. To be honest I am sooooo sick of cleaning up dirt and watering is becoming a pain as I have alot more plants than I started with.

Thanks and GOOD growing all!


Well-Known Member
the main thing is being able to keep water temps below 70 degrees, after that growing in water is so much easier. look into buying a used water chiller off craigslist, i found mine at an aquarium shop and saved a hand full of money.